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Write Star Fox quotes like Shakespeare


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Basically, the aim of this thread is to rewrite whatever Star Fox quotes you pick into Early Modern English, like how William Shakespeare wrote his plays. I'll start off:

Falco: "Katt, canst not thou vex another?!"

Katt: "Is that any fit manner of salutation towards a maid?"

Slippy: "Verily, this thing beginneth to vex me!"

Fox: "Not so, my lord, for we have our own manner of doing such things."

Peppy: "Thy father delivered me in such manner as thou hast."

Gen. Pepper: "Shalt thou indeed besiege the fortress of the enemy? Verily, thou hast chosen well Fox!"

Andross: "Thou shalt die as thy father died."

Bill: "Yea, verily, thou hast done it!"

ROB: "The enemy approacheth your left side."

James: "Thou hast indeed become strong, Fox."

Wolf: "Soon shalt thou be seeing thy father in Hell, Fox."

Leon: "Thou knavish pheasant, how thou vexest me! I am Leon Powalski the Mighty!"

Pigma: "Thou canst not defeat me, for my craft is superior to thine!"

Andrew: "The enemy of mine uncle Andross is mine enemy."

What can you come up with?

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Edit: found a better one

Edit:Edit: Found a spelling error in the edited one, so I edited the edit to prevent my edited post from taking up half a page... edit

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To barrel or not to barrel roll. That is the question.

The whole silence is a trap!

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Andross: If I am to be mortally smote thou shalt accompany me!

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