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Spare Time?


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I'm sure there was a thread like this at one point in time, but I haven't been on in a long time to know what became of it.

The title speaks for itself; what do you do in your spare time?


Either writing or playing music, making new instrument designs, or ride down to the local music store in Marietta for an hour or two.

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:o nice to see my fellow Georgian.


i like to read alot also, so much so i have trouble finding new books at the library 0_o

I like out doors stuff, hicking/ camping

Sports :P i wrestle competetivly, but i play just about every other sport for fun

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Gaming, reading and wrighting. Oh yeah, and anything that blows up (Fireworks, hand gernades. Ya know the normal stuff.)

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Haven't seen you in ages, EazyIN! :P


In my spare time I normally browse the web; I do fancy some online window-shopping. Steam also provides some fun as well.

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Uhh, well gaming mostly, but other times I'm either reading, writing, or drawing. Get me really bored and I may come up with concepts for my original story, or even simulate future events in my head if none of my other activities seem appealing.

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Gaming and internet browsing. That's about it.

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Frankly I spend lots of time here, and that has to be during free time - but other than that if I am not tied down with school work I can get to playing guitar for a couple hours a day, reading some fanfiction, cleaning up (ch-yeah!), and if I have a good game I am working on i'll play that too. If I feel especially productive I might be playing around with some programming project I come up with.

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Although I don't post my art on here anymore, I traditionally either do artwork, gaming, or homework. Occasionally hang out with friends, if they have the time nowadays >____>

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I spend a lot of my time here, but besides that I like to game, read and write in my spare time.

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During my spare time I tend to either play some games, watch some films, or yell at my co-workers(who probably couldn't care less about the subject) about the Star Wars prequels.

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When I have spare time I either play video games, try to decide what game to play, categorize my games, try to figure out WHY I just wasted my time categorizing my games, read, or sometimes write

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Most of my free time is spent with R3d, but I also like to draw, read, cook, work out, blog, do yoga and (more recently) I've gotten involved in modelling. The last one there I'm unsure about because I haven't done anything like that for a few years, but it's amazing what happens in this town. XD

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Off the top of my head...

I read, write/type stories (current record stands right at 713 pages TYPED), play games, try to figure out what game to play (seems how I have so damn MANY of them), bounce on the trampoline outside from time to time (assuming the weather permits it), draw on my mural (see my poll of complete boredom for an accurate picture of what the mural is), watch movies, and pace around the house while I think over new story ideas (Yes, I do that - I can never sit still in deep thought.).

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:o nice to see my fellow Georgian.

Haven't seen you in ages, EazyIN! :-P

It's been a while, hasn't it? :b

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just internet browsing, playing PS3, read, and sleep.

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I make a good effort to visit the forums at least twice a day.

As many of you know, I play frisbee golf. A lot.

When I'm not doing that, I play my drums.

When I'm not doing either of those, I just wander around outside/ride my bike.

I save gaming for nighttime, when there's nothing better to do or my brothers are home, which is from about 10:30 to 12-1:00. My bro and I are really good at Firefight in Halo Reach. :)

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