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Is Shadow of Lylat really dead ?


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How would you feel if you were in the process of enhancing the look and design of a "mountain/valley" area, only to find that the finished product did not include your contributions, or rather, was done over from scratch because someone else thought their design looked better? Same thing for the storyboard. I'm certain the original team would not be happy to find very noticeable changes to the story they envisioned.

This is exactly why I also suggested that one or more from the original team can work with the potential new team as consultant(s). Additionally, you speak about trust, which itself is a valuable asset. If the project should ever see the light of day, the members of the old team should risk to have faith that the potential new members could stick to the project's original vision. I mean, this project was a group effort anyway, and as a group they all must be united mentally to keep that goal true.

Besides, if you're so worried, you can always hand-pick new members yourself rather than wait around and allow some random people to take over and take it different directions due to a lack of proper guidance.

Seriously, if you guys already have so much material prepared in your hands and at your disposal, it would be such a waste indeed to see it all for naught.

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I am not on the team developing the project HopeN. Sorry if I caused confusion in my post there. I'm sure everyone who has seen the game develop over the years would love to see it eventually released. And while it would be a good idea for the group as a whole to decide who continues the incomplete work, they still need to have the time to overlook the project to see how things are progressing. Remember that many of the original developers have said that commitment was a major issue because they were dealing with real life. They all had real jobs that they needed to pay attention to to bring in money to support families and whatnot. Im sure if working on this game was their job, they would be much more likely to make progress quicker.

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