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Does an SF Orchestral Score, Exist?


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This is what I want to perform my senior year:


But from what i gather, getting a hold of a score is next to impossible. And while i, individually, can play by ear...an entire orchestra cannot. Looks i'm gonna have to contact The University of Maryland. Unless someone else can tell me where to order a SF ensemble :?

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This could work... but if not, try to make music sheets using for example Guitar Pro. Since you can play it by ear it shouldn't be a problem to write it down as a tab.

You can also make it easy by opening the midi file with an MIDI editing program and save the particular instruments on different music sheets.

I hope it helped :D

Don't give up and do your best.

"As long as you fight you are victorious!" :)

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I wish the ensemble sounded better than a low-tier high school band. Tuning, balance, and phasing everywhere. Oh, well.

Anyway, I am not aware of any scores commercially available.

I do have a piece I did a few years ago that was pretty much a modernization of the SFNES theme: http://www.corneriasound.com/?q=node/9

Depending on what your plan is, I might be able to cut a score for it.

EDIT: I looked at my project file for it, and it seems I was enhancing it at one point. It sounds even better now.

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I wish the ensemble sounded better than a low-tier high school band. Tuning, balance, and phasing everywhere. Oh, well.

Agreed. I attribute the better part of the flaws to what was being used to record it.

Anyway, I am not aware of any scores commercially available.

Too bad Nintendo isn't like Disney. If it was in a movie endorsed by Disney you can bet your kidneys its commercially available. There's just way to much possibility of profit in it.

I do have a piece I did a few years ago that was pretty much a modernization of the SFNES theme: http://www.corneriasound.com/?q=node/9

Depending on what your plan is, I might be able to cut a score for it.

Hmm..i dont really know what i'd like to do. I'm up for any thing at this point.

I could preform within a school function but...

We're sectioned off like an oversized stringed quartet. 1st violins. 2nd violins, Violas, and Cellos. Now becuase of budgeting issues...we have not, till this day, formed a full orchestra. Boosters would rather have all the horns and drums go to football games. But that doesnt mean we can't call in volunteers.

In all, anything do to with Starfox on it is welcome. No matter how simlple or complex. I can get it played, even if not by me. But i'm to lazy and poor to make my own stuff. So, if your not too busy name your price and lemme see what you've got. :yes:

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Well, Strings-only is an even harder instrumentation to find commercially.

You may be better off trying to get a quartet (or quintet if you want a bass) together. It shouldn't be that hard to reduce it down. I don't think there's a place in the original with more than 5 notes playing at a time (although the SPC700 chip could support 8 notes, many parts were doubled with delay to give a faux reverb effect).

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Yeah...i have to get alot of things professionally transposed for strings-only. If anything i'd like to get sheet music to maybe, as a guide, help me record myself. I play in quartets at weddings and house parties all the time though...so getting one together would be easy.

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You can find various MIDIs on the internet I think there's one sight that includes basic scores along with their MIDI files. I tried simply searching on Google "Star Fox MIDIs" and I came up with a few decent sites with files (I don't have the names though, sorry). You could import the MIDI into a music scoring program (I would recommend MuseScore since it's free) and arrange it from there. I've tried that with a couple old MIDIs from RuneScape and I did a solo violin arrangement for one.

MuseScore is open-source and can be found here: www.musescore.org

It'll do MIDI imports, but not very well, so you have to rely a lot on your ear and theory skills!

Hope this helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, thanks. Hidi for offering your support in the PM you sent me. Its always nice to meet another violinist..we should totally hang out more..But like i said. I lack the Software to do the music editing right now. For Now, i'm going to have to play SF by ear.

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This thread inspired me. Here's a quick mockup of something I am working on:


I still need to fix some things. For instance, I am not happy with the chord structure during the main theme statement and there are some balance issues and potential part changes.

EDIT: I decided I will go ahead and hash out some sheets when I am done with it. Instrumentation is standard quartet, 2 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello.

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This thread inspired me. Here's a quick mockup of something I am working on:

I still need to fix some things. For instance, I am not happy with the chord structure during the main theme statement and there are some balance issues and potential part changes.

EDIT: I decided I will go ahead and hash out some sheets when I am done with it. Instrumentation is standard quartet, 2 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello.

This looks really awesome! Are you doing the scores for Shen? *Peaks over* I wants to see! That's pretty cool. I guess I should work on something as well. I did a solo arrangement on an old RuneScape piece for violin, although it needs fingering/bowing tweaking done to be fully playable. What software did you use DZ? I'm assuming you used something I probably won't have access to.

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I think I'm done with it. Here's the score. I'll make a zip with this and individual parts tomorrow. I had a new mockup, but something went wrong and the WAV sounded all distorted and shit. I'm too lazy to re-record it right now.


Note that I am not a string player, so I can't really give any advice on bowings or other such string things. There are some double-stops in there for the violins and viola, though the parts will have instructions on what to play if the double-stops don't work.

I made the audio with Cubase 6 as the DAW, sounds generated by Kontakt 4 with instruments from EWQLSO Gold Pro XP and the Kontakt 4 Library.

Sheets made with Overture 4.

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I'll play through it to see how it works if you like! Also, if I need to make changes, do you think you could send me a MIDI or an XML that I could import into the notation program I use (MuseScore)? From there, I can add bow markings, fingerings, etc. Also, I sense that the double stops won't exactly work, and may not sound great in terms of performance, but you never know til you try!

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I tried to avoid 4ths and 5ths on the double stops, as one of my orchestration texts said those were bad, though a couple may have slipped in there.

Anyway, one of my favorite things about this piece is the key progression: F Major -> Bb Minor -> Db Minor (notated as C# minor due to a double-flat in the key sig) -> Db Major.

EDIT: Some quick researching reveals that bowings seem to be very subjective to players. Because of this, I think I'll leave it as-is so people can make their own decisions.

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I tried to avoid 4ths and 5ths on the double stops, as one of my orchestration texts said those were bad, though a couple may have slipped in there.

Anyway, one of my favorite things about this piece is the key progression: F Major -> Bb Minor -> Db Minor (notated as C# minor due to a double-flat in the key sig) -> Db Major.

EDIT: Some quick researching reveals that bowings seem to be very subjective to players. Because of this, I think I'll leave it as-is so people can make their own decisions.

Playing through it as we speak (You're online, it shows).

EDIT: Well seeing that you just did an edit, you are half right on that, however people still like suggestions. It's mainly to more well-known pieces that get scored so much with different stuff that people change a lot.

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Okay, here's the zip:



Score - This score is new, there were a bunch of key signature and engraving errors that I fixed in this one.

Violin 1 part

Violin 2 part

Viola part

Cello part

beta mockup MP3 - This MP3 differs from the sheets a bit. It's the same one I posted earlier.

If anyone performs this, please credit the music in your performance program as appears on the sheets. Also, if you can, please send me a recording (or post a video of it on YouTube and send me the link).

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Okay, here's the zip:



Score - This score is new, there were a bunch of key signature and engraving errors that I fixed in this one.

Violin 1 part

Violin 2 part

Viola part

Cello part

beta mockup MP3 - This MP3 differs from the sheets a bit. It's the same one I posted earlier.

If anyone performs this, please credit the music in your performance program as appears on the sheets. Also, if you can, please send me a recording (or post a video of it on YouTube and send me the link).

Err is this just a redux of the score you put up yesterday? I spent some of last night going over it and uhh yeah as I said in a PM to you, there were some issues. I'm not quite done going through it though....I dunno.....How would I get the sheets I went over to you....Maybe scan them and send them to you....Not sure.

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You were very vague. What kinds of issues? (I don't need to see sheets if you can explain, the measures are numbered.)

Anyway, this score is a little different, though the notes and rhythms are all the same. It was key signature changes and cosmetic fixes.

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How much longer you gonna be on? Should we chat/PM about this? I gotta do something right now, but I can get my printed score out....

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PM me at any time. At the very least I want to know what kind of issues. Fingering problems, Range issues, etc. an a measure number of an example. I don't need a note-by-note analysis.

Based on things I have heard in other pieces I have heard performed, I feel that this piece is playable.

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I working on this now....While being nagged to do other stoof D: (I needs my highlighters...)

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Okay, here's the zip:



Score - This score is new, there were a bunch of key signature and engraving errors that I fixed in this one.

Violin 1 part

Violin 2 part

Viola part

Cello part

beta mockup MP3 - This MP3 differs from the sheets a bit. It's the same one I posted earlier.

If anyone performs this, please credit the music in your performance program as appears on the sheets. Also, if you can, please send me a recording (or post a video of it on YouTube and send me the link).

Okay DZ, that mp3 in and of it self is a work of art. For the sake of violin fingering some composers might have wrote parts of that score in a different key and add in accidentals where needed. But from the violin angle i didn't notice anything that would make the piece unplayable. I just had to take a few extra looks before giving it a clean run through.

However, i'd like to take it to the school conducter, or at least someone more intelligible, to have them look it over and see about recording. But that might take awhile weeks or even months. Even if i fail to get a recording. The mp3 was a great treat to come out of this thread. ^_^

Next thing you no you'll be whippin' out "Winter Wrap Up" and "This Day Aria" scores :troll: preferably the latter :-P:lol::friends:

How much longer you gonna be on? Should we chat/PM about this? I gotta do something right now, but I can get my printed score out....

Best to go ahead and hash things like this out in the public of this thread. I may have missed out something important. Who knows, there might be other musicians on this site who can offer their input. But, if you must do it in private...please add me to the PM...i might be of help.

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I'll forward you some of the messages...And adds you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a new recording that actually matches the score!


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I guess that's why you're called DZComposer, haha. Very nice indeed ;)

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