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How to be Productive


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This thread is all about how not to do jack squat and sit on your ass all day. How do you schedule your time (calendars, lists, etc.), and how do you get motivation to create and be productive?

Personally, I put stuff off until the last minute, and work right up against deadlines. Scheduling's for chumps. Which I should probably work on. Hence this thread is born.


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Work out after breakfast, it gets you ready for the day.

Do your chores before noon, make it a challenge and reward yourself if you make it.

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A hot shower and a jog around my neighborhood and I'm good for a focused day... at times when I have school, otherwise its sleeping in until 3pm and pure laziness all around.

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Personally, I put stuff off until the last minute, and work right up against deadlines. Scheduling's for chumps. Which I should probably work on. Hence this thread is born.

A lot of the time I like doing this as well if I know how much work needs to be done and approximately how long it will take. However occasionally I'll think that a task won't take me that much time when in fact I'll underestimate how long it takes to do (ex. my first blueprints assignments which I spent 7 straight hours Sunday night in addition to time spent on it in past days) and not do a good job on it. :/ Trying to do something different with this second project (which is the biggest project out of my entire trade school course) so I'm working on it bit by bit over a period of a couple of weeks.

But yeah, for non-school related work I have a tendency to procrastinate. :)

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Just remember this:


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I feel like a good diet and plenty of sleep is a great way to stay productive for me. But seeing as neither of those happen I have to resort to prayers and wishful thinking.

Doing some form of mild exercise and just keeping my mind engaged academically in some way keeps me on my feet I think

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If I'm not determined enough by just telling myself that I'm going to get it done no matter what the cost, I imagine the worst possible outcome in the event i don't finish what I have to do. That gets me on track pretty fast, since I'm pretty proud of my streak I've for going (I've never gotten in trouble for anything at home or at school since last summer.)

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For my typical routine before going to work is I like writing on paper 'what to do tasks' on a list of things to do. That usually helps me staying productive. If I try to remember the important things to do mentally I end up becoming lazy sometimes. When i'm non-productive I usually spend most of the time online socializing on FB or watching Youtube. I try to avoid the computer because I know it will take up my time easily.

Once again I like to write things out on paper. Now for long term goals I use notebooks that involves: finances, careers, personal workout, and personal beliefs.

There are certain hobbies that are productive, depending on you like doing. For instance in my free time I enjoy working on computers for both hardware and software maintenance.

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Well lets see I wake up at 5 a.m. get a shower,brush my teeth, shave, put in deodorent, get dressed, grab my lunch and breakfest that my Aunt made and head to work with my uncle, it's a hour drive so I eat on the way and listen to Kidd Kradict in the morning and arive at Shermco at 7:00 a.m. I work until 11:00a.m. and then got on lunch. At lunch in the break room I; of corse, eat lunch... I take my pills(advance mucule proformence for workout later in the day) we watch Jepaordy! until 11:30 and then I watch CSI until 12:00p.m. then I go back to work until 4:00p.m. go back home practice driving for my drivers test in two weeks, work out with my uncle, have a whey protein shake and play MW3 with my uncle and then internet time and then go to bed.

and then do it all over again that's my summer

then school will start and thing will be slightly different. =3

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