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Calvin and Hobbes?


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Say gang, I was wondering what you think of the Tiger Hobbes from this delightful (but pointlessly terminated) comic. Is he a Tiger that comes to life whenever Calvin is around, or is he a product of Calvin's imagination?

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Say gang, I was wondering what you think of the Tiger Hobbes from this delightful (but pointlessly terminated) comic. Is he a Tiger that comes to life whenever Calvin is around, or is he a product of Calvin's imagination?

He's a product of Calvin's imagination, that's canon.

Furthermore, it wasn't pointlessly terminated, Bill Watterson stated that he didn't want the comic to become another Garfield where it's been around for so long it begins to lose it's value and get stale.

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I love that comic! And as "User" all ready said, Hobbes is just a product of Calvin's imagination.

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I sure hope that wasnt the case, cause Calvin would be a really lonely kid otherwise!

I get not wanting Calvin and Hobbes to be a stale old Garfield ( 34 years old and counting!) but its just that Watterson has done absoutley nothing comic related since 1995. Like the Far Side guy at least came out with a funny picture book and stuff.

Like, C+ H offered stuff that few other comics do, like really intelligent thoughtprovoking dialogue and very imaginitive story lines. Idk, I get it, but it would be great if there like at least ya know.... something...

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I like the comic, especially the arc which both have a terrible time making a model plane.

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I've read Calvin and Hobbes despite the fact that it long predates me. I think it's an enjoyable read and always cheers you up. If you want to learn more about Calvin and Hobbes, there's lots of information in some of the collectors-type books such The Tenth Anniversary Calvin and Hobbes have quite a lot of information about the comic, and there was another one (I think it was Sunday Pages collectors book I can't remember the title) that was published after he stopped doing the comic. That mainly includes him commenting and looking back on Calvin and Hobbes in terms of the Sunday page strips.

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He's a product of Calvin's imagination, that's canon.

Furthermore, it wasn't pointlessly terminated, Bill Watterson stated that he didn't want the comic to become another Garfield where it's been around for so long it begins to lose it's value and get stale.

I second this. As for Calvin and Hobbes, I love that comic.

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I still have a book with different strips in it, some of them go on for several pages to tell one story

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