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The Banned Game!


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Banned because hounds and not wall.

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Banned because it's an Attention Hound

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Banned 'cuz 48 hours. 'Nuff said.

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Banned because too Markiplier is an unhealthy thing.

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Banned 'cuz HYPE!!!


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Banned for hype. Your derailment is my enjoyment.

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Banned for being filthy and now the witch shall burn! *throws lit match, user immolates*

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Banned for witches. Witches are bad. The left Nintendo in shambles. They killed the hopes and dreams of vulpine couples. They make us rant and cringe.

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Banned for not using a crucible in the trying of witches.

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Banned. May the Salem Gaming Witch Trials... begin.

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Banned for hinting at League of Legend Twitch players :troll: 

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Banned because I think I am the only one who initially thought Keiichi Suzuki is a girl (look it up).

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Banned because I don't care that much.

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Banned. How dare you hate VGM.

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Banned for being a VGM nazi

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Banned since your seat is where you can sit. So go back to your seat!

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Banned cos I'm already seated

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Banned for being seated.

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Banned for questioning my body's position...my body is ready

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Banned for following Reggie way too much (well, we all do, but still. Banned.).

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Banned because you are right. In which case we are all banned.

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We are all also banned for excessive hopes and dreams (Come at me, Undertale fanatics!!). C'mon, we know that Starfox: The McCloud's Epithalamium will never happen. But it could. But it won't. But it could. But it won't. But it could...

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Banned for trying to be philosophical

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