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Opinion of Nintendo


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I think everyone on this forum can agree that Nintendo is a great gaming company. It has brought us all kinds of memorable games and characters: Mario, Link, Captain Falcon, and of course, Fox Mccloud and co.

But sadly, it appears to have stagnated, especially compared to other game systems/ companies. Most of the new Wii games I have looked seem to be based on new movies, cartoon characters, or reboots of old games/ and rehashes of old characters. Why do you think no new nintendo characters?

Does anyone here agree with my assesment of Nintendo? Why or why not?

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Nintendo heavily disappointed me with their E3 performance this year. I do think they've changed, but not exactly for the worse. I think this "Nintendoland" or whatever it's called it a bit stupid, but who knows, it may surprise us. I'm tired of reboots and such but I mean, whatever works for them - more money means more games, and chances of another epic release are pretty high considering their track record. I have faith in them, just not exactly for this year. XD

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to be honest, ninetendo doesn't have a spot in my heart. I never owned a 64, and only had 3 games for the cube: assault, adventures, and melee. And when the wii came out i had no intrest in it what so ever. I really don't care for mario or any other games by neintendo. But even for some one like my self i can tell that their game are seeming to become less then what they use to be.

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Nintendo spends too much time milking old franchises. Granted the familiarity of a Mario game is nice, but I'm getting tired of smaller things being overshadowed by the giant colossus that is the Mario franchise.

Honestly, I think they've done enough Legend of Zelda, theres only so many times you can do the same thing again and again, and if skyward sword taught me anything, its that they're running out of ideas.

Can we please see more NEW first party titles? Or continuations of less-remade ones? Like say... MOTHA FUCKING STARFOX? Or Pikmin... more Pikmin is always good. I mean, c'mon how can you say "No more sequels" to THIS face?:


And as far as 3rd party titles, ya know what'd be REALLY nice? ANOTHER ONE OF THESE:


Nintendo also makes up a huge chunk of the gaming market, while this is fine and dandy when they're riding high on games, what happens when they REALLY start stagnating? Call of Mario 7 Mushroom Ops? (you get the idea)

Honestly, I'd like to see what happens when Nintendo loses Miyamoto. If they start reselling different skins of the same game, then we can all stand back and laugh as it crumbles into dust.

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I have always been a nintendo loyalist, and I will keep being one, even after their ridiculous attempt at E3 to capture the "hardcore mass". I believe they need a better marketing strategy. Seriously, they had ammo to make this E3 all about Nintendo, and they simply decided not to use it. Post E3 for nintendo was better than their puny attempt on stage.

We all know big stuff is coming, we all know it.

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I love a lot of games Nintendo has made. I'm looking forward to play Paper Mario Sticker Star.

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I really hope the Wii U has some new ideas and things with it: remakes aren't going to cut it.

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They need to make new titles and stop making remakes of old games. Sure, we like our Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda, but they've been milked so far to the point that the games are just stupid. A perfect example would be the fact that they just created an ice cream Pokemon LAST YEAR. It makes me cringe when I think of the next batch of 150.

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Half the time, remakes aren't even better than the originals. Also notice how some of Nintendo's recent consoles had release titles that were remakes. DS: Super Mario 64 DS, 3DS: Ocarina of TIme 3D. If Nintendo is going to compete against Sony and Microsoft, they have to make original games that will compete against them. I think franchises like Metroid and Star Fox compete well, but those are two undervalued franchises.

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Don't get ahead of yourself, Hidi. Nintendo thinks much higher about Metroid and Star Fox than the vast majority of their franchises.

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Would like to see them actually competing against other franchises on the market though.

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The remakes were something fans had been asking for, and part of the issue with certain first-party franchise is Nintendo is having third-party developers make them. Other M, anyone?

As for Mario and Zelda, they sell better and have the biggest fanbase of their franchises.

I think another flaw Nintendo is dealing with is their lack of support for third party developers. Having their best games be their own creations just doesn't work anymore. It does feel like they've figured that out.

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Other M wasn't a bad game IMO. The only thing people complained about really was Samus's complaining about her past, which was really the scope of the story so it would be a prequil of sorts....

All I have to say, WHERE IS MY F-ZERO?? I don't care if other people say the games are too hard. You know what I say? They give up too easily. I think insane difficulty makes the replayability value go way up.

Back to mario stuff, I must say i am not pleased with PM: Sticker Star. Why can't we just use the elements from the older games in the series? I love how it's going back to the RPG element of the game, but I don't think the concept will work well, and feel OVER restrictive. Seriously, I have to earn attacks by finding them on the map? So I can run out of attacks is what they are getting at? Yes, i'm jumping the boat too quickly i acknowledge that, but some ideas they come up with rub me the wrong way? I would like to know why I can't just pick up a game and enjoy it for a bit without being bombarded with tutorials as if I'm a newborn baby? Though I was always the one who actually read the manual as a kid, there are certain things people know from the get go. How do I jump? PRESS THE A BUTTON!!!

I have always loved nintendo, and with them losing their focus, I really have nowhere else to turn. Xbox is alright...and PS3 is a disaster....

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Other M wasn't a bad game IMO. The only thing people complained about really was Samus's complaining about her past, which was really the scope of the story so it would be a prequil of sorts....

It wasn't bad, it just wasn't as good as the other metroids we have around. Most of Nintendo games have a black sheep. Zelda got Zelda II and Mario got Super Mario Bros 2, so I guess metroid's black sheep is Other M. All of them are good, but most people don't appreciate them.

At any rate, I'm a tad worried about Nintendo's future with the wii u, after all, it has mostly been proved to be on par with the current generation. The wii at least went 1.5 times the power of the last generation. Sure thing, developers love to work on it, but once the "next" generation of consoles pop out, I believe the third party support will stop being so "supportive" as new engines pop out. I for once would be willing to spend an extra 50 bucks on a console that would last me a couple more years. Then again, none of this information is clear and it's a matter of seeing how well Nintendo unveils the final product. A powerful hardware is not required to make your experience great, but sticking to the same philosophy they had with the Wii...not so sure it will work again.

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