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Anascape sues Microsoft and Sony over controller patent

Guest CoachLombardi

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Guest CoachLombardi

Yes, kids, it's happened again. Somebody has sued a video game company (in this case, two) over a controller patent. I swear, it seems like these things happen every time the seasons change.

Sparing a lengthy explanation, I'll direct you here (which already has multiple links to different articles about this): http://theaudioroom.proboards74.com/index.cgi?board=vgdiscussion&action=display&thread=1155105243

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Nintendo is being sued too by the way. This is stupid, nobody has even heard of 'anascape' and Nintendo has made everything on their controllers themselves, how can they be infringing patents? I hope anascape loses the lawsuit and has to pay them liabilities.

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Neither Microsoft nor Nintendo returned requests for comment at the time of this writing.

Got to give them time to explain their case. Microsoft and Nintendo though? :wink:

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