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So I went to ConnectiCon on Saturday


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ConnectiCon is a large anime/movie/internet/artist convention held at the convention center in Hartford CT. I attended with my good friend Fedora, and it was awesome.

Allow me to share my story with pictures!


Can you guess who I went as? Lol


And I got a picture of Solid Snake! However, my hand wasn't quite so steady, sorry folks.


The writer and artist for Cyanide and Happiness was there.




AND Vitaly Alexius!


Mike Mozart from Jeepers Media was there, the guy who does FailToys, and he has these authentic movie props which he brought to the con. Here's me with Marty McFly's jacket, hat and hoverboard!

The Con was amazing, there was a cosplay deathmatch, lots of RPGs, board games, and lots and lots of showcases with voice actors, and other actors, writers, and online personalities.

Will I be going again next year? HELL YEAH!

It's held in July at the Connecticut Convention Center for a whole weekend up in Hartford.

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Quite a bit of movie props, Mike Mozart, and Doug Walker?; sir, I am extremely jelly. :lol:

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I kinda wish I could've gone. :(

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Wow that's so cool! Glad you had an awesome time Kage!

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That looks fun over there! Glad you had fun!

I've got the chance to go to a Convention where I live. It's the anime convention with plenty of other panels going on. People also dressed in costumes. Martial arts show, video game tournaments, a brony panel, board games, card games, gift shops, and much more!

http://rapidcityjour...l<br /><br />http://www.sdcon.org/index.html

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