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Republican Vice Presidential Candidate?


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VoIce your opinion on who you think is going to be Mitt Romney's running mate!

I say Rubio. Condoleeza Rice isn't going to secure him the black vote, since many are just going to vote for Obama anyways, as well as the fact that he already has the women's vote. So, picking her would be useless. He needs Rubio, since he's a well respected guy with a lot of energy. Plus, Romney needs the Hispanic vote. Polls have shown that the Mexicans are leaning towards Obama. If Romney can steal a large base of Hispanic support from Obama, he'll have an easier time getting votes in the Southwest and parts of California. (only PARTS of it- there's a reason they call it the "Left Coast"!)

Voice your opinion, my friends!

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VoIce your opinion on who you think is going to be Mitt Romney's running mate!

I say Rubio. Condoleeza Rice isn't going to secure him the black vote, since many are just going to vote for Obama anyways, as well as the fact that he already has the women's vote. So, picking her would be useless. He needs Rubio, since he's a well respected guy with a lot of energy. Plus, Romney needs the Hispanic vote. Polls have shown that the Mexicans are leaning towards Obama. If Romney can steal a large base of Hispanic support from Obama, he'll have an easier time getting votes in the Southwest and parts of California. (only PARTS of it- there's a reason they call it the "Left Coast"!)

Voice your opinion, my friends!

Everyone is saying Rice would be an excellent choice and I don't disagree. All he has to do is secure a few more % points of the black vote and will likely be enough to give him most of the swing states. Even if Obama took 90% of the black vote (compared to 95% last year), he'd be in a heap of trouble. The same deal goes with the women's vote, btw.

It's all or nothing in the electoral college system voting so yeah, no way Romney can win California or other blue states, it's in his best interest to try and pry female and black votes in swing states and thus Rice is a perfect fit. Thing is though she has repeatedly stated she has no interest in running.

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Sorry not Rand Paul either. Ron Paul's own son endorsed Mitt Romney after flirting with him for some time. I see no difference that will overcome Obama in this 2012 election. It's pretty much Obamney 2012. Obama was bought and paid for by the mega banks during the 2008 election. Goldman Sachs $1,013,091 JPMorgan Chase $808,799 & Citigroup Inc $736,771 Source: http://www.opensecrets.org/pres08/contrib.php?cycle=2008&cid=N00009638

Then it looks like the establishment system wants Mitt Romney in for the 2012 election. Bought and paid by the same mega banks that got bailed out on Wall St. Goldman Sachs $593,080 JPMorgan Chase & Co $467,089 & Bank of America $425,100. Source: http://www.opensecrets.org/pres12/contrib.php?cycle=2012&id=N00000286

Surprisingly the Republican GOP nomination is not over yet! Still have Romney and Paul left. Delegates are still being processed at most states. The sources from mainstream news are falsely propping up Romney as the winner. Their sources are all approximations. I found at least one website that goes over the actual delegate counts. It's a long story how the RNC rules work. Source: http://thereal2012delegatecount.com/

Before thinking Romney has won the GOP and to pick whose his VP is, it's the Tampa Bay convention in August. That main convention will determine whose the republican GOP.

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Surprisingly the Republican GOP nomination is not over yet! Still have Romney and Paul left. Delegates are still being processed at most states. The sources from mainstream news are falsely propping up Romney as the winner. Their sources are all approximations. I found at least one website that goes over the actual delegate counts. It's a long story how the RNC rules work. Source: http://thereal2012delegatecount.com/

I honestly don't recall reading one news article where they've outright declared Romney the nominee. They've all used words like "presumptive" or "probable".

In any case, it will be interesting to see the 2012 contributions at the end. With the amount of money Romney is raising right now since the Obamacare ruling Obama is on pace to be the first sitting president to be outspent by his opponent in a general election.

Can't wait for November.

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Also another personal input of Romney and Paul for the Republican GOP is the supporters. I believe that the majority of the supporters is leaning towards Ron Paul and Romney needs the Ron Paul supporters for him to stay alive. It looks like Romney has the delegates to secure his nomination (still unknown for the actual delegates) but does he has plenty of supporters to back him up? Do some of you remember earlier that Romney had nearly an empty stage? News source: http://www.washingto...FmYR_story.html

Then everywhere Ron Paul went had crowds of 3,000 or more people show up to hear his speeches. Heres a sample where he was in California

This video would explain the rest of my post, from Matlarson10:


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Also another personal input of Romney and Paul for the Republican GOP is the supporters. I believe that the majority of the supporters is leaning towards Ron Paul and Romney needs the Ron Paul supporters for him to stay alive.

Sometimes the more outspoken individuals (i.e. 16-25 year old's on the Internet) can make it appear that Ron Paul has more supporters but that simply hasn't been the case poll after poll. The guy can be considered "wacky" and he isn't going to win with a lot of his radical ideas that go up against conventional GOP values.

I believe what I'm trying to make reference to is the silent majority that Romney has going for him. Yes, he has had trouble trying to convince social conservatives to vote for him, but at the same time to assume that Paul has a greater quantity of supporters is just silly considering where all Paul's support is coming from (kids who can't vote or young adults interested in this one election and will disappear entirely after November).

I'll concur that Romney needs more outspoken vocal supporters like the one's Paul has, I'm wondering if Romney is going to announce his running mate this week or do the more traditional thing and put it off until a few days before the convention. He might have to announce it early though due to all the Bain stuff going on.

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Sometimes the more outspoken individuals (i.e. 16-25 year old's on the Internet) can make it appear that Ron Paul has more supporters but that simply hasn't been the case poll after poll. The guy can be considered "wacky" and he isn't going to win with a lot of his radical ideas that go up against conventional GOP values.

I believe what I'm trying to make reference to is the silent majority that Romney has going for him. Yes, he has had trouble trying to convince social conservatives to vote for him, but at the same time to assume that Paul has a greater quantity of supporters is just silly considering where all Paul's support is coming from (kids who can't vote or young adults interested in this one election and will disappear entirely after November).

I'll concur that Romney needs more outspoken vocal supporters like the one's Paul has, I'm wondering if Romney is going to announce his running mate this week or do the more traditional thing and put it off until a few days before the convention. He might have to announce it early though due to all the Bain stuff going on.

i agree completely with this post. :/

I havn't put much of my intrest in this election, but i think ron paul might bring in all the loud mouths rommeny lacks.

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