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Zero's Journal - The Fun Stops Here

The Shaper

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Old topic was lame, now I feel confident enough that I will be able to discuss things here like a normal person.

No more name changes on SF-O? Meh, I can live with that. Most of the important people on SF-O know me as Zero, anyone who doesn't will hopefully know that soon enough, or is unimportant and thus I wouldn't be speaking to them anyway.

Finally got somfin' new to drink out of. This time it has more pizazz than just some glass or mug. It's a crystal (glass) skull, it WAS being used to hold vodka, but now that there is no more of that, I can use it to hold other liquids :D

P.S. To All Readers: My life is exceedingly boring so don't expect any interesting things to happen in this here topic.

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Uhm...lright, sounds like an interesting drinnking object ;)

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Uhm...lright, sounds like an interesting drinnking object ;)

Drinking out of a replica of a mans head? The only thing that could beat that is the real thing. Unfortunately I don't have one. Yet.
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Drinking out of a replica of a mans head? The only thing that could beat that is the real thing. Unfortunately I don't have one. Yet.

Heh alright Hannibal Lecter :lol:

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Drinking out of a replica of a mans head? The only thing that could beat that is the real thing. Unfortunately I don't have one. Yet.

Well if we are talking about alcohol and a man's skull then might I suggest filling it Captain Morgan's Special Blend.

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Well if we are talking about alcohol and a man's skull then might I suggest filling it Captain Morgan's Special Blend.

You may, and I'll definitely consider doing that.
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I was about to offer you a topic title change to match your name but then I realised this topic is new and therefore the title would have been deliberate. XD

A glass skull? That sounds cool, but personally I find skull-shaped things, patterns and such rather unattractive. They're cool in the right setting but mostly I don't get them at all. XD

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I was about to offer you a topic title change to match your name but then I realised this topic is new and therefore the title would have been deliberate. XD

I figured since most people know me by my Steam name (in my signature) I would use that as compared to my SF-O name.

A glass skull? That sounds cool, but personally I find skull-shaped things, patterns and such rather unattractive. They're cool in the right setting but mostly I don't get them at all. XD

S'cool Redeemer, I enjoy it :D

Awh Snap. He's got a journal. Never took you for the journal type.

I was also going to make a Tumblr, but I failed twice. I forgot why, but I am sure it was important otherwise I would have one by now.
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Crystal skull huh? Personally I'd put dark blue LED's in it and display it menacingly on my game alter (also known as the shelf below my TV)

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Crystal skull huh? Personally I'd put dark blue LED's in it and display it menacingly on my game alter (also known as the shelf below my TV)

I'll have to do that when I am done drinking out of it.
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I'll have to do that when I am done drinking out of it.

Yes you will, then post pictures so I can be appropriately jealous.

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Sassy drew a Fluttershy, and since she didn't make me promise to not show anyone, I am showing everyone.

Not bad for her first pony drawing is it?

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fluttershy_approved_by_ambris-d4ivleb.pn But no seriously, I love that.
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Epic much? I can no longer draw do to emo reasons. I would brohoof dat..but the like button will have to do.

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Showed a friend of mine a little game called "SCP Containment Breach". Some of you may have heard of it, for those of you that haven't, here you go: http://scpcb.wordpress.com/ (Not sure if NSFW)

He quit playing after 5 minutes, then I showed him how it was done, he stopped watching as soon as he saw the Old Man walk through a door to chase after me.

And now I am hearing about how he had nightmares about the statue, funny stuff my friends. Funny stuff.

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Super cute pony, she must have been inspired by this: http://browse.devian...tershy#/d3jslnu :D

Maybe. She said she wanted to draw something pretty and Fluttershy came to mind.
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Sassy drew a Fluttershy, and since she didn't make me promise to not show anyone, I am showing everyone.


Not bad for her first pony drawing is it?

that is good, really good. Take it as a huge compliment. I am obsessive over minute details in art work.
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Alright so lately Sassy has been her usual low self-esteem and walled off self and honestly it is getting tiresome. So I've decided that instead of letting her be depressed and continue on with her self-loathing, I am going to have to give her a little shove. Wish me luck gents, if I succeed she will hopefully be a lot happier with herself and others. If I fail..... well, let's remain optimistic, yes?

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Good luck! It is tiresome when people become like this - what's important is that you don't let it get you down as well.

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Good luck! It is tiresome when people become like this - what's important is that you don't let it get you down as well.

Yep, but I would rather not have her be like this forever so I have to do something about it. Something more than I've already been doing at least. Thanks for the support anyways.

Good luck!

Thank you as well, Gene.
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One thing I can always count on after playing any game with any of my close Steam friends is that I will end up with a headache afterward.

Also Killing Floor is crazy; four rounds, three of those everyone died, and the last one I was in before my game crashed was the only one that we actually ended up killing the Patriarch. Took forever though since everyone decided to switch to sharpshooter and miss every shot with the sniper.

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1 tbsp. butter, melted

1 tbsp. white sugar

1 tbsp. brown sugar

3 drops of vanilla

pinch of salt

1 egg yolk

1/4 c. flour

2 tbsp. chocolate chips

In a bowl, mix together the butter, sugars, vanilla, and egg yolk. Add in the flour and salt. Mix until combined. Add in the chocolate chips. Put the dough into a small microwaveable bowl, ramekin, or coffee cup. Microwave for 40-60 seconds or until the cookie looks done. Best served warm.

Just putting this here so I don't forget it. Oh and for the creative among you, feel free to try it and tell me how it is.

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