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Zero's Journal - The Fun Stops Here

The Shaper

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Have Sony Vegas 10. Now I just need to figure out how to use it properly.

May take awhile.

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I'm in Sooke now. For those of you who don't know what Sooke is, think of it as the small town outside of your city that's full of rednecks and where everything is 5 minutes from everything else and if you bump into someone, the odds are they are related to you in some way.

Why am I here you may ask? As an excuse to get out of the city. 'Twas driving me insane.

Oddly enough, my internet speed out in the country has been faster than it ever has been in the city.

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think of it as the small town outside of your city that's full of rednecks and where everything is 5 minutes from everything else and if you bump into someone, the odds are they are related to you in some way.

Sounds like my hometown.

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No more hick town. Not sure if it's good or bad. Here I have slower internet, am closer to people I don't enjoy, but there is more comfort, and I know the area much better.

Oh well, I have my own bed now at least.

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So apparently I suck at The Binding of Isaac now. Took me 5 runs to get to the basement and even that one wasn't so hot (got killed by The Fallen 3;)

I don't know how, but I am pretty sure Dr. Whubs had something to do with it.

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To Acquire List:

Vintage Sandvich

Strange Sydney Sleeper

Vintage Buff Banner

Le Party Phantom

Clan Pride

Strange Jarate

Crate (#37 or under)

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Sold a couple of games today; Star Fox Adventures and Godzilla Save the Earth to "Andrew Ryan" for $8 each. (Not)Coincidentally, the same price I had purchased SFAd for.

Also got a haircut, this whole "double-crown" thing is a gigantic pain in the ass.

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Ha ha! Make it 3 games now guv'na!

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Sold a couple of games today; Star Fox Adventures and Godzilla Save the Earth to "Andrew Ryan" for $8 each. (Not)Coincidentally, the same price I had purchased SFAd for.

Also got a haircut, this whole "double-crown" thing is a gigantic pain in the ass.

You didn't beat me: I got Adventures for a dollar!

My hair, even when cut is probably worse than yours: It never stays even when combed!

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You didn't beat me: I got Adventures for a dollar!

You pillocks, that was 2 years ago. > n >

My hair, even when cut is probably worse than yours: It never stays even when combed!

My hair is mighty righteous, and sexy. So yes I figure it is.

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I got Adventures years ago online as well as Assault when I got modship on the KLA back in 2007. Never played the games before that when they came out. I picked up a 2nd copy of Adventures for $7.99 just in case anyone online wanted a copy and couldn't find one themselves lol

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I still have my copy of SFA. Have been tempted to play it, but I opted to watch a LP instead :B

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My hair is mighty righteous, and sexy. So yes I figure it is.

My elaborate, vivacious coiffeur~ comes in three very different intricate, exotic flavors: Short, damn short, and F**ken shorter. Very high maintenance. Very posh, posh

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My elaborate, vivacious coiffeur~ comes in three very different intricate, exotic flavors: Short, damn short, and F**ken shorter. Very high maintenance. Very posh, posh

Is yours a Star Fox style? (Mine was based of Star Fox artwork)

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Ajc has the fairest hair of all. :-P

anyway my adventure copy was free so suck it :D

Get out of my journal, you aren't welcome here.
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I haven't had a haircut since December... And its curly so it sort of looks like I'm wearing a giant fluffy mushroom on my head. The only real downside is my hair is super thick so I shed quite a bit.

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But I am... right..? ... :3

I know I'm welcome here. :3

I need a haircut as well. :/

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I am the one who took initiative! I went out and got a haircut! Ha ha!

Just kidding I am not that arrogant.

And yes everyone is welcome, except Ajc.

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Just kidding I am not that arrogant.

And yes everyone is welcome, except Ajc.

my father cuts my hair.

and , even if i am not welcome, i will come. I am like a drifter in the wind.

Besides, i'd like to be your friend again zero, we sure fight alot, insult each other reltlessly, and try to out do one another, but rest assured.....i treat you no diffrently then other sfo members :troll:

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Is yours a Star Fox style? (Mine was based of Star Fox artwork)

I only base all my hairstyles off the original Yugioh , sorry.
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Getting into MGE.

My "To Defeat" list is as follows:

ξ(^ω^)ξ Teto Chi Chan

(ZDMC) ŦĭÑε-ΣäÄιε

(ZDMC) ★Capt. Spitfire★

(ZDMC) Ryan

The General

♥ Necro_Mancy ♥ (or whatever she changes her username to next)

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