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Zero's Journal - The Fun Stops Here

The Shaper

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Ha ha ha ha. Perfect.

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That's my rival, The Four ZDMC Soldiers of the Apocalypse, and the enemy that I lost to in the past.

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♥ Necro_Mancy ♥ (or whatever she changes her username to next)

Didn't you lose to Cutie Pie recently though?

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Didn't you lose to Cutie Pie recently though?

They are the same person, User. She changes her name all the time so don't expect her to stay as the same one for more than a few weeks at best.
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They are the same person, User. She changes her name all the time so don't expect her to stay as the same one for more than a few weeks at best.

Yes I know that's the same person. I was discussing the matter with her today.

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I sense a disturbing lack of me in this thread.


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I sense a disturbing lack of me in this thread.


Of course I love you Captain, I just never discuss it with these peasants as they do not need to know about our secret affairs. <3
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Well now I fell all special and shit, shucks.

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Challenge for the next couple of months is for me to get a job before "User".

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You win.

Victory dance.

I still have to actually get one, though.

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I'm sick of ZDMC and most of it's members. I try to get something done, nobody cares, nobody shows up to any events, when a bunch of players with the tag are in the same place, it isn't a group event, it's a bunch of people who happen to be in the clan doing something in the same place. Not that I hate the groups members socializing with each other since most of us are friends anyway, but damn it if I can't get anybody to do shit when I try to then fuck ZDMC, if one of the admins finally decides to do things themselves, I don't care anymore.

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Enforce some discipline then. If you have members that do not contribute and merely wear the tag for the sake of having a tag, boot them! Get the message out that if you want something done and people don't step up and help, you'll kick them out. Have events where showing up is the only requirement, if people can't be arsed to show up or not give a reason for not showing up, those are the people that should not be a part of your group/clan. Make it clear that just because you are friends, that it doesn't exempt you from participation and possible exclusion.

Organizing people takes effort on your end too though. You have to reach out and ask people, either to get them committed to the event or establish that they will be unavailable. Get enough people that you have substitutions to fall back on if people who said they were going to show up, don't, or people have to leave in middle of whatever and numbers are important.

Don't get discouraged with your clan just yet Zero. Put your foot down and show some leadership.

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My glasses frame broke. Now I have to get that fixed.

I want an alternative to glasses that I can actually afford ;~;

HEY! Does anybody on SF-O with 20/20 vision want to lend me a pair of eyes?

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I've closed ZDMC. Anyone eager for an explanation, have this excerpt from a conversation with Fail.

12:17 PM - ƒ ä ḯ L: So

12:17 PM - ƒ ä ḯ L: No more ZDMC?

12:18 PM - Lucifer: Nope

12:18 PM - Lucifer: I can explain, if you want.

12:18 PM - ƒ ä ḯ L: Sure.

12:18 PM - ƒ ä ḯ L: Was it something we did?

12:18 PM - Lucifer: Not quite

12:18 PM - Lucifer: I was angry and I may have blamed the group

12:19 PM - Lucifer: But in reality, what was going on was pretty simple

12:19 PM - Lucifer: See nobody ever actually joined any events or threw me suggestions for them.

12:19 PM - Lucifer: Apparently the only way to make people do things is to individually invite/talk to them.

12:19 PM - Lucifer: So I was going to do that, but then I remembered something

12:20 PM - Lucifer: "Wait a minute, everyone in this group knows each other. Inviting them individually ruins the purpose of even having events or a group."

12:20 PM - Lucifer: Not to mention it was adding to my stress mountain.

12:21 PM - ƒ ä ḯ L: Oh, I see

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ZDMC isn't gone, you can't kill it. While it may official cease to exisit you fail, firebug, and sassy will always be reffered to as zdmc. And who am i gonning to preach against now? whom shall i call a heretic? And while i may have allways seem to have strived for its demise, i'm sad to see it no longer formally exisit. The conflict helped define who i am.

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Don't worry Ajc I'll still be around to terrorize SF-O, but for now I just want things to go back to normal. To before I had to stack to have fun and without this blasted group causing me more stress then I need to have.

Besides I've already got my army. Well, not yet. But I will. Soon.

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This fucking printer. It has one job. Why do I even have this thing if it can't do the one thing it is supposed to be designed to do.

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Okay, let’s see. My RAM sucks. My mouse sucks. My Monitor Sucks. This creaky old chair sucks. Not to mention this sucky old dial-up internet connection

But my printer is top of the line OfficeJet stacked on top of an even better LazerJet. I’d totally trade you any day.

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