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Zero's Journal - The Fun Stops Here

The Shaper

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You can keep those thanks. Unlike you I've got an empire to run so therefore I actually need a decent computer.

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Did it. Dropped off all my cover letters and resumes currently, gonna do follow-ups next week and possibly look for other places.

Manager of one of the places was pretty good looking for an older man, and polite :3

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Get a job, what do you think I was planning?

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What is it you hope to do?

Outside of getting a job his immediate and long term plans are classified...

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So yeah I got a job interview the other day, hopefully that'll go somewhere and I can finally get a legitimate source of income.

Oh also I made my Seven Deadly Sins raffle, I'd say the turn out was pretty awesome given the fact that I started it with 333 reputation points and it ended with me having 467.

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So I was playing Soccer earlier, and I have come to the conclusion that Soccer is the most boring sport you can possibly play. First thing is it has the misguided belief that it is interesting.

It's not. Whenever a team wins, the game is never 6 - 8, it's always something like 0 - 1 or 2 -3 on a good day.

Second of all, the game play is not interesting or rewarding. You can't touch the ball, there's no contact, and you've got to kick it everywhere even if it gets stuck in a corner with 4 or 5 people shoving at it.

And third, why would you play Soccer when you can play Team Fortress 2? :3

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Right but before you even come CLOSE to that period you spend 5 or 6 years playing boring Soccer learning how to kick a ball into a 50 foot net which has one guy guarding it. Thanks but no thanks.

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Ajc admitted his sexuality the other day.


the clarify i am attracted to men

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You know the more I hear about the idea of a perfect world where there is no hate or evil or discrimination and everyone is happy, yeah, that sounds nice, boring, but nice. But I think that if I was thrown into that world, I'd slowly start to disintegrate knowing there is nothing keeping my little black heart intact. ;~;

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Ajc admitted his sexuality the other day.


the clarify i am attracted to men

D: i was suppose to say women! what happend to me Wo!
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Holy shit you guys.

We were wrong. We were wrong about everything

Me and Sassy were watching Slenderman videos on youtube, I was making smartass comments about how stupid they all were with her and another friend of mine. Then, for no reason, my internet and Steam both died on me. Each one shortly after the other. Hers broke as well, along with my other friend.

So yeah, lesson learned, don't talk shit about Slenderman.

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Gentlemen, check this out.

7:58 PM - ♡ Sassy ♡: So I put those notes up around the park last night

7:58 PM - Zero-Two: :D?

7:58 PM - ♡ Sassy ♡: I can upload them, give me a second

7:59 PM - ♡ Sassy ♡:

7:59 PM - Zero-Two: I love you

7:59 PM - Zero-Two: <3

7:59 PM - ♡ Sassy ♡:

7:59 PM - ♡ Sassy ♡: I love you too <3

8:00 PM - Zero-Two: Any more?

8:00 PM - ♡ Sassy ♡:

8:00 PM - ♡ Sassy ♡: I have more, of course

8:00 PM - ♡ Sassy ♡: I just wont upload all of them

I love this woman.

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First post of October, rest in pieces September.

Anyway onto my rant.

I find it strange sometimes when factions in something fictitious causes conflict among fans of the series. For instance the Imperium of Man vs Chaos. Major competition between factions in the franchise, but occasionally fans get into heated discussions about which side is better and more powerful. I have to wonder why, it's not like whichever side wins the argument is going to affect anything that happens in the future, or even the people's lives if they were involved.

Although, I have been subject to experiencing this first hand as well.

Earlier today I saw a couple of bronies arguing over the NLR and the Solar Empire about which side was better, and it looked like a lot more people were into the NLR instead of the SE. I support the SE myself, and for a moment, I got upset. I was actually about to enter the argument myself and go on about why I thought the NLR wasn't as good as the SE and how all of these people were fools for thinking otherwise, and then I realized "Wait a minute, I don't care!" The only reason I did care was because of the behalf of the SE, for I too was a part of the fandom.

On one hand, it's calming to know there's a part of me instilled in me by other sources, but at the same time it's frightening....

(Disclaimer: This post is designed to offend any parties of any fandom out there, and is not meant to start a discussion on fandoms)

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Imagine an SF-O chatroom 5 weeks from now if Ajc3000fox is elected moderator.

No discussions related to anything outside of what he likes, very few if any people actually using it to communicate with one another, and an unbearable ego trip from him every day about his position. Truly, it would be tyranny of the worst kind....

However, there is still hope!

People of SF-O! I, Zero, pledge that if elected chat box moderator I will ban Ajc from the chatroom. Too long have we suffered under his tyrannical ego, knowing full well he will never shut up about how powerful he is(n't) and how he plans to take over SF-O within the next 5 years. My name is Zero, and I want to be your moderator!

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Everyone! Ajc has admitted he is a masculinist, is this the sort of person you want running your chatbox? I don't think so.

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