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Zero's Journal - The Fun Stops Here

The Shaper

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So Christmas is over, and I'm fine with that.




Right, I guess that alone doesn't warranty a journal entry. Anyway the new year is coming up, and wouldn't you know the world has not ended. Good job, Old Spice (obscure reference). This year I have decided -not- to make a New Years Resolution, as I tend to break them more often than I keep them, and I think most people would find this is the case for them as well. With that said, I will be honoring one of my most recent posts in this topic by cutting back on soda, sweets, generally just sugar in general. I haven't had any physical health scares, or even effects, but I am aware it is not good for me, and it's better to start now than it is on a gurney to a hospital.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought pony stickers, and this time I mean it. Now when they arrive, I will be able to decorate everything with ponies and do my part to help the brony revolution that I despise so much. Shortly after, I tried to order a new mouse, but these damn Ching-Chong's refuse to ship it to my location.

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I bought pony stickers, and this time I mean it. Now when they arrive, I will be able to decorate everything with ponies and do my part to help the brony revolution that I despise so much. Shortly after, I tried to order a new mouse, but these damn Ching-Chong's refuse to ship it to my location.


Hahaha.  This made my day.


You need to tell me more about this on Steam.

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I bought pony stickers, and this time I mean it. Now when they arrive, I will be able to decorate everything with ponies and do my part to help the brony revolution that I despise so much. 

Heretic! Traitor! 

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Heretic! Traitor! 

Just because I have a low opinion of bronies, insult them, talk bad about them, and attack random bronies on a regular basis by no means makes me a traitor. It just makes me a jackass who happens to hate bronies.

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Just because I have a low opinion of bronies, insult them, talk bad about them, and attack random bronies on a regular basis by no means makes me a traitor. It just makes me a jackass who happens to hate bronies.


And we're still good friends. :3

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  • 3 weeks later...

February is a lackluster month, but at least it ends quickly. Anyway, I have come to the realization that I am not a fan of winter if the sun does not disappear for long periods of time, and if it doesn't snow. This year there is no snow, yet plenty of sunshine. Why if I took a picture of my outside you'd think it was Summer. Also I got a cold, so yeah I'm not really feeling winter this year. The holiday season was pretty good though.


Oh and by the way, if any of you ever decide to get a cactus, don't put it behind the place that you sit. I was leaning back and speared my hand on several of the spines. It was pretty funny at least.

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Go on Shaper, i DARE you to think up a conspiracy at me.I DARE you. :D

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Go on Shaper, i DARE you to think up a conspiracy at me.I DARE you. :D

Maybe later. Conspiracies are sort of a summer event.

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  • 1 month later...

Alas, I realize now that I am far too blue-blood to be a Greaser. However! This will not stop me from beating up snobby rich people, wearing my leather jackets, keeping a flip knife somewhere at all times, using the occasional 50's slang, having cars built to last, and of course combing my hair every 15 minutes.

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  • 4 weeks later...




My buddy shen is so cool! I just felt like expressing that to the community

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My buddy shen is so cool! I just felt like expressing that to the community


The quotes seem to be working from my end. Your computer is borked, crazy. Might wanna check that out.


Love ya shen.

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Shen, just because you've finally learned how to make yourself look awesome doesn't mean that this automatically becomes your journal.


Even though I haven't posted in it for awhile.

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My buddy shen is so cool! I just felt like expressing that to the community


Ain't you the sweetest thang. ^_^

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How about that conspiracy now Shaper, eh? :D

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How about that conspiracy now Shaper, eh? :D

I have a to-do list a mile long, Neoware. I'm sorry to tell you that SF-O conspiracies are on the very bottom of the list.


For instance, I have to get Platinum God for Binding of Isaac without using Steam Achievement Manager, as well as ironing out my plan for world domination, I also have to finish out writing these letters. They have to be as sophisticated as I could possibly make them while still being offensive.


Oh, and I have to get a drivers license, finish school, get a job, move to Montreal, all that semi-important business that is crucial to my next step in life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Earlier today a friend of mine was talking about how he has a new girlfriend. They've had some fun together, he loves her, she loves him, and he thinks it will go well. I do so enjoy seeing success in other peoples love lives, if I am friends with them at least, but at the end of our chat he told me something to the effect of this:


"Heya Zero. Me an' my girl been doin' quite I say. I've gone an' told her that so long as in she loves me the most at the end of the day, it don't matter to me what she does within' whoever she does it with, I tell you what."


I instantly picked up on the insinuation he was making here, and I told him in a calm, stern tone "Kevin, you are a FOOL."


I can see how you might want to allow your significant other indulge in infidelity occasionally. It seemingly tells you that you love them for who they are, and don't want to restrict their freedom by telling them what they can and can't do, but such a thing will not ever work out. Eventually she/he will eventually start to think that you won't mind how far a relationship goes with someone so long as they say "I love you" at the end of the day, and as such they may start to develop feelings for someone else that rival theirs for you. They may believe they love someone else, they may leave you for another. Perhaps you are the sort of person who only wishes their mate to be happy, but would you really like to sacrifice your own happiness for their own? I doubt you really would. And at any rate, there truly is no good outcome for allowing such a thing.


So, I attempted to explain all of this to him, but he's yet to respond to me, so I am not sure if he got my messages. Or cares. Or has anything to say. But please, for your sake, and my sake, don't make this mistake with your love lives. I know most of you probably won't, or perhaps you truly have gotten a decent relationship this way, but the latter is simply an exception.

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  • 4 weeks later...

foxcar.gifBest Newcomer. Foxcar RP awards 2010. This should really have been in green anyway >.>;


My signature is now full, but I need someplace to put this so I don't lose it.

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I have a to-do list a mile long, Neoware. I'm sorry to tell you that SF-O conspiracies are on the very bottom of the list.


For instance, I have to get Platinum God for Binding of Isaac without using Steam Achievement Manager, as well as ironing out my plan for world domination, I also have to finish out writing these letters. They have to be as sophisticated as I could possibly make them while still being offensive.


Oh, and I have to get a drivers license, finish school, get a job, move to Montreal, all that semi-important business that is crucial to my next step in life.

Well good luck with all that then.I can wait.

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  • 7 months later...

Hey Zero, you should tell us how your plans on world domination are going, plus free posts.

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Why would you resurreeeeect thiiiiiis. (To Hidi because apparently this post started a new page.)



While I'm here I'll just say that I have limited internet access because of some things that I don't feel like explaining, not that it matters since I rarely post around her anymore anyway. I do read threads occasionally but my time and activity here has certainly dropped from when I first started. Oh well, it seems my dreams of being #1 yearly poster will never become true, thanks in no small part to the fact that those are no longer my ambitions and have not been for quite some time.

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Yowch. Limited Internet = Lag = Possibly crappy games of TF2.

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