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Zero's Journal - The Fun Stops Here

The Shaper

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I thought we had jettisoned this thing at that monstrous black hole a few jumps back . Could it be? Now who got the work orders mixed up? I wonder what poor thread got dumped? 


Life Gets Confusing floats helplessly to a certain death


As far as limited access to the spider web, your time will come. I see 1000 megabits per second in your future, because i'mma soothersayer now.


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I actually can't even play TF2. What's funny is that I can in fact play online games, as evident from my Warhammer spree with Dark recently and the sparse L4D2 games I've played here and there, but TF2 isn't one of them, and I think I know why.


TF2 runs it's item server through Steam inventory, which I cannot access due to it running on a level of Steam cloud I don't have access to in this position. So whenever I get into TF2 and it tries to load my items, it finds I don't have any and proceeds to crash in it's confusion. Even if I had access to my own, I wouldn't have access to that of anyone else, and I doubt that the game would take kindly to being shot by a weapon that as far as it's concerned doesn't exist.


So for all of you SF-Oers out there wondering why I haven't showed up to the SF-O game nights, there's your reason.

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"Life gets confusing floats to a helplessly to a certain death"



what D:

I think he's referring to the inevitable demise of the Journal Zone. Clearly he is mistaken, though, since here we all are.

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I've solved my internet problem a month and a half after it was created. Good thing too, I was absolutely out of a fresh porn supply.


Yup, you never really know just how much browsing you miss out on in a day until you don't have the means to actually do it.

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It occurs to me that I am still on a Star Fox website, as in a game franchise I haven't even been interested in for years now. I even forgot that it existed until a few minutes ago. I suppose whether or not the franchise survives is of little concern to me, but with that in mind I wonder why I remain here. Mostly out of habit, I suppose. Years of constant browsing have made it quite easy to form my own little SF-O schedule of visiting the site.


At any rate, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. There's too much fun to be had and too much muscle-memory to overcome to do away with this place.


Also, look at that loser past-self of mine bitching about how they can't use the internet. What a puss-puss. Right now, I have more internet than I know what to do with!

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I for one have driven my more valuable campaigns to other corners of the internet. I actually make it a point to not be here as much as the days of old. So long as this site doesn't interfere with the grand scheme of things I don't really mind the daily checks.


I guess the surest way to overcome the muscle memory is to get banned. Though the drama is usually enough to re-ignite things.


Sidenote: I can only dream to be half the man of my past-selves, including this guy.

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