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Favourite Command Pilot?


Favourite Command Pilot?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. SPACECRAFTS (In order from Game Gallery)

    • Fox - Arwing II
    • Slippy - Bullfrog
    • Falco - Sky Claw
    • Krystal - Cloud Runner
    • Lucy - Sky Bunny
    • Amanda - Tadpole
    • Katt - Cat's Paw 2 (Katt! Not you again!)
    • Wolf - Wolfen
    • Leon - Rainbow Delta
    • Panther - Black Rose
    • Dash - Monkey Arrow
    • Bill/Krystal - Cornerian Fighter
    • James/Peppy - Arwing

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I'm gonna go with James or either Peppy because they have the Arwing from Assault. I always loved that design! :D

I agree with this. Plus your playing as Peppy who is just a background character otherwise, or James who I never thought we would ever get to play as. Finally the music for these guys is one of, if not the best character theme in the game.

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I agree with this. Plus your playing as Peppy who is just a background character otherwise, or James who I never thought we would ever get to play as. Finally the music for these guys is one of, if not the best character theme in the game.

Yeah right, I almosst forgot about the music! :D

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I agree with this. Plus your playing as Peppy who is just a background character otherwise, or James who I never thought we would ever get to play as. Finally the music for these guys is one of, if not the best character theme in the game.

I did like the theme for them, I also liked Krystal's theme.

No, actually, it's possible that you're wrong.I've just been playing on the 'Krystal' mission of Command (At Katina) where you take control of 3 members of

Star Wolf and i saw that Panther is the only one with the Zapper laser.I noticed that it destroys fairly weak enemies in 1 hit most of the time and when i tried destroying the

same enemies with the Plasma Shot, i noticed that it takes sometimes more than 1 hit to destroy them!So it's possible that you're wrong.

Debatable, because while the Zapper is powerful, it isn't the most effective for killing agile swarms of enemies whereas Plasma is. Also if you get Plasma with Fox's Arwing, you have a lock-target!

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Panther was hilarious fun to play as. Krystal's CloudRunner felt very balanced, I really liked that too. But Peppy/James were also a favourite, for reasons already stated. That music. That Assault Arwing. sogood.jpg

As for weapons, I'd still think that the Zapper would come out on top as the most powerful. Maybe not the most practical when it comes to large swarms, but it does deal the most damage. Plasma makes up for being slightly weaker with its rapid fire and, if you're playing as Fox and obtain the upgrade, lock-target.

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From the bit I've played I have to say ether the Bullfrog of the Arwing II. But I really haven't played all that much, so I'm not very educated in the art of StarFox Command

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Jeth! You're back! How's it going? Oh whoops, off-topic in my own thread!

Yes, the art of Command, it certainly is one. Bullfrog is a nice choice, it was good for killing final bosses I remember; not my favourite other than its bomb and shield capacity, however.

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Jeth! You're back! How's it going? Oh whoops, off-topic in my own thread!

Yes, the art of Command, it certainly is one. Bullfrog is a nice choice, it was good for killing final bosses I remember; not my favourite other than its bomb and shield capacity, however.

Yes, I'm back! :D It's going good, you?... Wait... I'm getting off topic too.

As I said above, I really haven't played much of command. I haven't even gotten a chance to try out any of StarWolf's ships, so I don't consider myself an expert at all. The main reason I like the Bullfrog it that I suck at aiming in that game. The only way I can actaly do any damage is to use a high powered weapon. Like the Bullfrog's.

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The aiming wasn't too bad since you controlled it with the stylus, but it was even the same problem on the SNES because you couldn't lock on to anything and Plasma helped you out. The Cornerian fighter was even worse because it used Twin lasers and was terrible at shooting anything.

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I'll ponder on your thought for a little bit. The nice part about Fox was that his ship did change weapons depending on the pathway you took.

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Debatable, because while the Zapper is powerful, it isn't the most effective for killing agile swarms of enemies whereas Plasma is. Also if you get Plasma with Fox's Arwing, you have a lock-target!

Well, it's best if we settle this quick before it gets out of hand.

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We drifted off that subject, Neoware; no need to bring it back.

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Jeth! You're back! How's it going? Oh whoops, off-topic in my own thread!

Yes, the art of Command, it certainly is one. Bullfrog is a nice choice, it was good for killing final bosses I remember; not my favourite other than its bomb and shield capacity, however.

Agreed. Its great for final bosses. Because its wider that tall you can dodge 'you know who's' attacks just fine Also the lasers give more damage. Other then that, I rather pick a different character if I can.

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Panther because it kills anything in like two hits.

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Heheheh sometimes not even, Higgs. It's nice for killing those damned missiles though.

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Panther, because OP lasers are the greatest idea since... Starfox's birth

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Having played a bit more of Command, I'm thinking Kyrstal's Cornerian Fighter is pretty good. It may not have a charge shot, but it fires so darn fast. XD

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Leons ship had some cool designs and a nice music theme. Too bad it doesn't have any lasers and its called rainbow delta.... i mean lol what were the developers thinking,are they color blind? the ships red!

The reason Leon's ship is called (Rainbow Delta) has nothing to do with the colour of the ship, it rainbow reflects on Leon being a chameleon and they have the ability to change the colour of their skin, either to fit their environment or change in mood, but anyways that's why his ship has "Rainbow" in the ships name and "Delta" well I just think that's cos it sounds cool lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Changing my vote to Lucy. She's the only interesting character in the game, and the Sky Bunny is a cool looking ship (and not half bad, either!)

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I'd agree with you that Lucy was the only logical addition as a character to that game, though I could believe Dash. Dash also had the most viable ending. Lucy just didn't do much or really enough for me.

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