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Reboot of Your Character's theme!


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Hi everyone, Dark here.

Just rebooting maplegirl66 back in 2009. Same rules apple:

"Just list the title of the music your character has as a theme!!

you may have multiple themes!!"

But as a small "twsit" actually try to post it using youtube or whatever so everyone can hear it if you want.

If it were mI'd use these:


so calm yet awesome!


(if I were sucessful at something)


because I just loooove it!

What about the rest of you? Post away!

P.S. Please please please, do not post anything inappropriate or offensive. THank you and have a good day.

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Hrrmm... Themesong for my character...


For Alyx "Scourge" Stallone (surname pending)

Because... well because it fucking fits him


He's a officer-in-training in the Anti-Swarm-Preemptive-Strike-Unit, and spends alot of time on, or way ahead of the front line against huge bug creatures known only as the Swarms.

Now, because im tired and feel like doing 2 of my characters

Holly "Claudia" Wynters


For obvious reasons... Seriously? You still dont get it? Look at her name closely...

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For my actual fursona, Sawtooth, because he's essentially me and my ideals crammed into one fuzzy package:


And then for my first real RP character, Stephen, because he's just kind of a party animal that has no fucks left to give:

(lyrical warning)


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MMmmm for rusheo... e.e .... cant choose


^-mostly this one-

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This goes to my main ... character, Alex Skille.


Dubstep, Trance, 50's. A bit different. :lol:

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Not exactly a new character, but a retooling of an existing character and use of a different name, Vex...Haven't written anything about...yet?

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I'm fairly certain this can match anyone's character, including mine, especially when they happen to be pissed;



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and Changing rusheo's...

To my other charater Khael Dohm'inall, the Sky-kin

and for my third character Inidrall Icefang, a Viddisar

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