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Bob Beckel.. Fire him or keep him?


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Well, once again, Bob Beckel dropped the f bomb on live TV today. Should Fox fire him or keep him?

Msnbc has the same problem with Al Sharpton, and now Fox is expressing the same qualities as that pathetic excuse for a news network. Beckel annoys me anyways. Just about as much as Alan Colmes, lol. I say fire him. He's showing qualities of a typical liberal d-bag (not talking about all liberals here, just one side of the spectrum) and Fox shouldn't welcome people like that onto their programs. I respect a Democrat that can present an argument and defend it with dignity and control. Problem is, I have yet to see one on Fox News. They need to pick better people for their programs, end of story.


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Well, once again, Bob Beckel dropped the f bomb on live TV today. Msnbc has the same problem with Al Sharpton, and now Fox is expressing the same qualities as that pathetic excuse for a news network. Beckel ann

link please, i am to tired to google anything
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LOL dude, be patient. I haven't even finished my post. I accidentally pressed the save button in the middle of writing it.

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LOL dude, be patient. I haven't even finished my post. I accidentally pressed the save button in the middle of writing it.

it almost 11 hours later, where is your completed post?
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I love all the hate that Fox News gets on a regular basis from the young and impressionable left wing (which is also like 95% of all internet users) when networks like MSNBC can get just as bad from the other side of the political spectrum. Fox gets a lot of flak and not all of it is entirely deserved. It's sad nowadays that if you often want the most reliable news about America you need to go beyond America to actually find it. :/

As far as this issue is concerned, this may be going out on a limb, but screw the FCC and censorship that's this trivial lol

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I love all the hate that Fox News gets on a regular basis from the young and impressionable left wing (which is also like 95% of all internet users) when networks like MSNBC can get just as bad from the other side of the political spectrum. Fox gets a lot of flak and not all of it is entirely deserved. It's sad nowadays that if you often want the most reliable news about America you need to go beyond America to actually find it. :/

As far as this issue is concerned, this may be going out on a limb, but screw the FCC and censorship that's this trivial lol

I love Fox News, it's the liberal media that's so disgustingly biased that I would put an ax through the TV if I had to watch it for five minutes.

it almost 11 hours later, where is your completed post?

Almost about five minutes after you complained about it, it was there. Problem's on your end.

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Well you see ... These are the people who have had Glenn Beck on T.V. for a while. The guy who will relate ANYTHING to nazis. They will keep him.

But in my eyes, FOX news should just disappear. Poof! *Fitting hand motion*

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With every news network out there besides Fox spouting flaming liberal propoganda, us Republicans and Independents need a news source of our own that's leaning more our way.

Bottom line, Fox ISN'T fair and balanced at all. Neither is NBC, ABC, CNN, or CBS. There isn't any non biased news source out there, I'll agree on that. But I still love Fox.

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With every news network out there besides Fox spouting flaming liberal propoganda, us Republicans and Independents need a news source of our own that's leaning more our way.

Bottom line, Fox ISN'T fair and balanced at all. Neither is NBC, ABC, CNN, or CBS. There isn't any non biased news source out there...

Yes, true. Yet NBC & ABC's accounts of having biased new is so little it ain't on the map. CNN has gone both ways and CBS is with the Liberals on some cases back in the day. But Fox news, coming from the voice of a republican proud and true, that when you feel that the Daily Show with Jon Stewart gives less biased news coverage, there might be a problem.

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Yes, true. Yet NBC & ABC's accounts of having biased new is so little it ain't on the map.

Please, don't even. ABC is very liberal. NBC is even worse. Im willing to admit that Foz is conservatively biased. Are you willing to admit the same for ABC and NBC?

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Are you willing to admit the same for ABC and NBC?

Sure. I'll admit they do ... sometimes. ;)

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