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User's Scoot Guide.


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(Disclaimer: Everything in this guide is of my opinion and may or may not be fully representative of all scoots and their playing style. I tried to do this guide on my own without any aid from other sites when it comes to stats/numbers, etc If you need this information the Team Fortress 2 official wiki has all the information you need.)

The ideal scoot is one that constantly tells their team that they need a dispenser here, that a spy is in the vicinity, or one of their team mates (or occasionally an opposing team member) is a spy and he's extremely annoying and persistent about it. He's also very hyper, spastic, and quirky.

Well....I'll admit, none of that sums up the best aspects of the scoot, except for one thing - the extremely annoying part...to the opposing team.

As you can clearly see in this video one of the qualities a scoot possesses is an over-inflated sense of self importance and a cocky attitude and a good scoot uses this advantage to the fullest possible extent. Very few things are more annoying than a good scoot charging a heavy and killing him in 3 shots without taking a hit or a sneaky scoot getting behind enemy lines and reeking havoc on teleporter entrances or players as soon as they leave spawn and then darting away when they are low on health and returning. Getting killed by a scoot (especially a good one) is one of the most annoying and frustrating things in this game as Gene Inari can attest to. One of his main jobs is to harass and flank and dart in and out of battle and making multiple decisions on the fly. One wrong move/decision and the scoot is a dead scoot - perhaps killed by a rocket's splash damage or a level 3 sentry. This all being said, the scoot is one of the hardest classes to initially learn how to play and also one of the most difficult to truly master.


The scoot is an offensive class suitable for any map type, although his role in each map (and the particular objectives whether on offence or defence) can vary considerably - even depending on smaller things such as the make up of the opposing team's classes. However as mentioned earlier one of the primary objectives of the scoot in all maps is to be an annoyance to the opposing team by harassing, flanking, picking off lone targets (such as the medic) and knowing when to back out of confrontations that he has no hope of winning and (as his name implies) informing his team of new information as it becomes available. On CP maps the scoot can capture points twice as fast as any other class (on top of being the fastest class in the game) and this makes him ideal for sneaky captures which can take the opposing team by surprise. On PL maps the scoot is not generally as useful in the primary objective on offense, especially in games with large numbers of players who may or may not spam the cart. The exception to this is a competitive Highlander match where in this case he would primarily try and stay on the cart to keep it moving while his other teammates go on the attack. Otherwise, he would do things like pick off targets that are low on health or scout ahead - using BONK! if he has to. In CTF maps the scoot will often try and charge the enemy intelligence as soon as the round starts, hoping for a quick capture. He may also try and chase down an opposing player who may have his own teams intelligence.

The scoot is not suited for large scale conformations where there are multiple enemy players in an area because of his low health and almost certain death if he were to try and take on all of them at the same time. Rockets (and especially those from The Direct Hit) are very dangerous, as are grenade's and sticky traps. Even the best scoots would not attempt such an endeavor without support and even then, they would flank the enemy while they are engaged with the scoots team's "heavier" players, such as the soldier or heavy.



The scoot relies on getting in, and getting out, when it comes to the damage he can dish out. The primary weapon of the scoot is a sawed off shotgun and it does a very large amount of damage at point blank but the damage decreases a great deal the further away the scoot is from his target. Accuracy also plans a large role (more so at greater distances) because if his cross hairs are even a tiny degree off the target the amount of damage he will inflict can be severely reduced. A scoot will usually like to get as close as he can to the enemy before firing, even if this means following a lone target from behind and not initially firing until his weapon is touching the enemy's back. Sneakiness is the key here.


The main secondary of the scoot is the pistol. The pistol is effective at short to medium range and is often used right after the scoot depletes the shots from his scattergun and is still in the middle of a fire fight. He tries to finish off his opponent or chase down weakened enemies. The pistol is not strong at a distance and the damage and accuracy of the weapon fall of drastically. Of course, if you can land at least 50% of your pistol shots at close range you can do a sizable amount of damage and have a much greater chance of finishing off an opponent - especially if you are consistently moving.

Other scoot secondaries include situational items like Bonk! Atomic Punch and Crit-a-Cola. Bonk! lasts for 8 seconds (up from 6) and is useful for getting past chokepoints or areas with lots of players or sentry guns. It can also be used to distract sentries while your team-mate destroys them (make sure you get closer to the sentry than your teammate!) Crit-a-Cola allows you to deal out mini-crits but all damage you take is returned as mini-crits. It's mainly used just before you do an ambush but IMO still too risky to use as a secondary.


As a last resort the scoot can use his melee weapon to finish off his targets. Most scoots I've seen rely on just their primary and secondary weapons but a few will pull out their melee (a bat) to finish the job. The scoot has a wide range of melee weapons, each with various advantages and disadvantages. The default bat does half damage but swings twice as fast. The sandman decreases your health by 15 but alt-fire allows you to launch a ball to stun your opponents. The stun duration depends on how far you were from your target when the ball was fired.

As far as competitive play, an exhaustive list of weapons and their strengths/weaknesses, general and advanced scoot strategies, and other guides that can help with learning the scoot I might write those up a bit later. I've been slacking recently. In the meantime I'll leave you with these two videos. They're old, but still relevant.


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Crit-A-Cola does minicrits, not full crits, last I checked.

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Crit-A-Cola does minicrits, not full crits, last I checked.

Yeah, I know. Sometimes though I use crits interchangeably with mini-crits. To me crits are crits lol.

In any case, fixed.

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You also receive only mini-crits instead of full crits.

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  • 2 months later...

Back in 2007 the Pyro was an easy target. The Pyro had average movement speed with no advanced mobility, a primary with relatively low DPS and abysmal range, an average secondary shared by three other classes, and a terrible melee. The launch Pyro was intended to be an ambush class, but was woefully sac longchamp pas cher inadept at its own job. In the years since the Pyro has received unlocks that make the Pyro more versatile on the battlefield. The Pyro was sac longchampgranted the almighty compression blast (which I will hereafter refer to as the airblast, which is much catchier); a core ability for the class that enables the Pyro to be even more unpredictable when used properly. Several of the Pyro’s unlocks give the class utility, allowing the Pyro to help out others on his or her team.

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