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Is Command non-canon?


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As of now, I'd say it most definitely is canon, until a new game comes along that takes place after Command or completely overwrites it. As for the endings, it's pretty ambiguous as to what's what, so though the story may be canon I don't think any ending is a true ending.

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It is not. Last that was said about it is they'd decide later, it could go from any f the endings, not factor the game at all, or pick up from halfway into the game's plot.

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Yes, no, and maybe.

With the branching storyline of the game, it throws the canon a bit.

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Hard to tell now if it is as we don't even know yet if they are making a new Star Fox game. That'll be up for the story writers to decide. Personally, I think there really is only one ending that could work well for another game and that would be the ending "Dash Makes a Choice".

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Dylan Cuthbert is on-record saying none of the endings are "The canon ending." I take that to mean that player choice determines the canon, which is impossible, therefore everything after the first mission of SFC is not canon.

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Dylan Cuthbert is on-record saying none of the endings are "The canon ending." I take that to mean that player choice determines the canon, which is impossible, therefore everything after the first mission of SFC is not canon.

while thats true, what most concerns me is the begening. Is that cannon? No ones knows till our next game is announced.
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It must not be. There are too many endings. And despie their trying to hide it, one can safely say that Retro stuodios is making new starfox game

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With the multiple endings, it's hard to consider Command canon. And really, these endings leave little room for a sequel; they look like attempts to put an end to the Star Fox story. So now it's up to Nintendo if they'll treat Command as canon in Star Fox's storyline; but if I judge by what Dylan Cuthbert said :

Dylan Cuthbert is on-record saying none of the endings are "The canon ending." I take that to mean that player choice determines the canon, which is impossible, therefore everything after the first mission of SFC is not canon.

it's unlikely.

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Well, we really can't find out for sure until we know more about the next Starfox game, granite, if that ever happens. =V

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