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Hey guys!

I just finished watching Star Wars, and I just need to express how goddamn cute R2D2 is. Of all the droids I've ever seen in any movies or games, R2 is my favourite by far. His design is awesome, he's relevant to the plot yet provides comic relief, he has the most unique and memorable sounds, and best of all - he's a cheeky little asshole. I love it. XD

What about you guys? What droids/robots/technological beings stick with you?

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I like HK-47 from Knights of the Old Republic the most out of any droid anywhere - his homicidal attitude and disdain for "fleshy meatbags" amuses me to no end. You can find audio files of some of his quotes here: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Audio_files_of_HK-47

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R2 by far :3333333

I also like HK-47 from the Knights of the Old Republic games, as well. That fucking bastard's hilarious:

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please. Everyone knows the greatest robot of all time is Tom Servo of MST3K fame.

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Can't give my opinion. I can never find the droids I'm looking for. :c

But yes all the love to R2D2

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I would have to say Leigon from Mass Effect. He is a badass android.

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GLaDOS: Portal

Orianna (especially Bladecraft): League of Legends

1080p for great justice.

R. Dorothy Wayneright: Big O

Likely the origin of Orianna and especially Bladecraft Orianna, as Orianna's story is the same as Dorothy's. A brilliant robotics engineer loses his daughter, and is unable to cope with the loss and builds a robotic version as a replacement.


Big O: Big O

The entire show is basically James Bond and Batman fused together to become Roger Smith, the man who pilots the Megadeus known as Big O. At first it seems like Big O is just a machine, but it turns out it actually has some semblance of sentience and personality.


The Tachikomas. (Tatch-coma): Ghost in the Shell

Little spider like personal tanks with child like mentalities and a love for theological discussion.


Gunsniper: Zoids

Considered one of the most intelligent zoids and able to learn from it's pilot. It's main weapon is a 144mm cannon mounted in its tail, though it has to be immobilized to fire. The actual systems that enable it to fire the cannon are, while inefficient in reality, are awesome in a TV show.


Obligatory HK-47

And last, but certainly not least, Sweetie Bot.


(Kudos to whoever gets this reference. Keep in mind that Sweetie Bot is an android)

According to Friendship is Witchcraft, any sentient robot that finds out that it is a robot will likely go on a murdering rampage, so any pony suspected of being a robot is to be reported to proper authorities for testing and possible destruction.

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Jeeze, and I thought I would be the only one to say HK-47...

Well since this conversation discusses things other than robots...I will say I have always found the Back to the Future DeLorean to be really cool

Also, Iron Man. Because Iron Man is awesome, and the Avengers movie should have been just called Iron Man 3 because he kicked ass everywhere he went.

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If we're talking Star Wars here, R2 deffffinitely. Although who doesn't really love 3PO?

Other robots? Don't really have a favorite.

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Easily ED-209 from Robocop; rather adorable because of its stop-motion animation mixed with live-action footage, though obviously ignoring the imminent killing and destruction it did within its first moments on screen. xD

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Ah, well yes, Iron Man is awesome and my FAVORITEST SUPER HERO EVAR (ask anyone who plays Champions Online with me). I even have a power armor archetype character on Champions called Iron Maiden for obvious reasons. XD I was thinking of robots that are autonomous and have AIs, not suits, but since we're going down that road yeah. HK-47 however is still kinda tied with him.

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Ah, well yes, Iron Man is awesome and my FAVORITEST SUPER HERO EVAR (ask anyone who plays Champions Online with me). I even have a power armor archetype character on Champions called Iron Maiden for obvious reasons. XD I was thinking of robots that are autonomous and have AIs, not suits, but since we're going down that road yeah. HK-47 however is still kinda tied with him.

I am just now realizing I totally misread the "technological beings" part lol. Thought we were speaking about technological icons in general. Guess I should throw out the DeLorean >_>. Didn't Iron Man's suit did have an AI in the movies? At least in the way that it spoke with him? I'm probably misremembering.

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Yeah, but the AI is meant as a supplement to the user, not a replacement, hence the autonomous part - JARVIS doesn't act on his own, he acts on orders from Tony. XD

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