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The Hanging of the Tie


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As some of you know, movie reviewer and internet comedian Doug Walker (A.K.A. the Nostalgia Critic) has announced both in a video and in somewhat in thatguywiththeglasses.com's 4th anniversary movie "To Boldly Flee" that he has decided to put an end to the Nostalgia Critic. But that doesn't mean that the Critic is dead. He's still gonna be in charge of the site, its just that he's moved on to more bigger projects. He did say there are still gonna be Bum reviews and ask thatguywiththeglasses episodes.

For those who don't know who he is. The Nostalgia Critic is an internet movie reviewer/ comedian and owner of thatguywiththeglasse.com. His episodes are usually him cracking jokes, whining and yelling about how bad the movie that he's reviewing. Bad movies such as Batman and Robin, Alone in the Dark, and The Wizard.

Here's one of his more famous episodes. His take on "The Room":

Here's a link to him announcing the end of weekly NC episodes:


I guess when it comes to it, some artist just have to know when to when to put the brush down. Or in this case when to hang up the tie.

What are your guys thought on this?

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I have suspected for a very, very long time that he was no longer interested in being the Nostalgia Criic and it was obvious in the way that his content took such a sharp nosedive. It's good that he's finally leaving because I think he can use his talent for something a lot greater.

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I suspected that this was gonna happen ever since I saw the trailer for "To Boldly Flee". It was always saying that it was going to be "the end" and I knew that it meant the end of the Critic.

Personally I enjoyed the stuff he puts on the site. And whatever he's going to go on with, I hope he's happy with what he does.

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Commitment to Purple was right.

Anyway I can't say I am distraught, since in his final stretch all he was doing was crossovers and movies that were uncommon, not to mention the reviews themselves weren't that entertaining.

Oh well, it was good while it lasted.

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Oh my god was everything contrived and phony in his reviews.

Never liked them, ever.

Even when he's seriously talking about movies I suspect something very phony about him.

How many times has he said "I really like this blabla but I don't know WHY!"

The nostalgia critic is like...fast food and so many ways.


He inspired so many youtubers to make shitty reviews of them being annoying and pretentious.

When I see Mike and Jay being serious while talking about movies in Half in the Bag on RedLetterMedia I sense talent, understanding and experience.

Doug has always been so very, very superficial.....


I don't know it never worked for me....

Good luck to him and his new projects tho... everyone deserves the right to do what they enjoy and I'd be happy FOR him if he finds this.

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That entire site seems to be on its way out, to be honest.

Lindsay's more or less done being the Nostalgia Chick (and has always had way more interesting things to say regardless), I don't even think Linkara attempts to put jokes into his reviews anymore, Spoony left, and I've always watched the Snob on his own site. The only two left who don't feel like filler-reviewers are Obscurus Lupa and Todd in the Shadows, the former who has never billed herself as a serious reviewer and the latter who doesn't review movies. Everyone else just completely blends together as a bunch of people who were slightly better at "being wacky and angry about movies and video games" than the generic Youtuber.

Honestly though it's for the best. I contemplated doing video reviews for a while (NOT TGWTG-style, mind you) but I'd die if I was stuck doing it forever.

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I would totally watch Drasiana Critic.

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Once I find a mic or get a better one, you too can watch me talk about shit that no one cares about for twenty minutes!

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that's because you've just been burned

you really need to see a doctor about that, those can get infected if you don't treat them right

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I am cool as a cucumber

If I did do video reviews it would be a lot of WORDS about actual filmy stuff punctuated by the occasional joke instead of...screaming for twenty minutes. There might be a bit of screaming though, my first review was about an animated movie with cat sex in it.

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see? see that right there? she throws the lesbopony label at me and yet she watches cat porn

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i can't count how many pictures on "Way to Suck That Dick!" were under the same heading

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Well this has become a disturbing derail.

To get back on topic, here's Spoony's commentary on To Boldly Flee that not only discusses his departure too, but some speculation as to the future of the company. As it turns out him leaving TGWTG was a lot more business-oriented than the illy-timed bipolar freakout would suggest, and he brings up a few good points over the TGWTG apparently collapsing under its own weight. I'm glad he mentioned the website layout...I thought I might've just been missing things or "not in the know" but no, the site is actually just terribly designed.

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