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Things we learned while playing SF


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169: Tanks can apparently flip around easily without being stuck upside-down.

170: What is this, "Aileron roll" you speak of?



/ Oh wait...

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Hello!!! :D Well..


171: that Katt should kiss me for that

172: that the turtle from Macbeth  never expected to use that, and that I'm Lucky for that.

173: that I activated the switches and he couldnt stop the train and KABOOM! 


Hope this haven't been repeated before. <.<

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174: The 'Barrel Roll' bandwagon infected even 'serious' air combat shooters. (Tom Clancy's HAWX 2 [Wii] failed at differing one from the other.)


175. Same species = instant love.


176. Andross is harder to kill than the Avatar.


177. Died from getting beat the crap out of? It's fine, bunny-rabbit-things-from-random-planet can revive you.

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178. Yes Falco, there's a bogey behind you, you are getting slow.


179. Peppy wants to know what the big idea is, Fox.


180. In case your path is blocked by a door you could fly over, just shoot the rudders. (because we know how much you love complicating things)


181. Apparently, Peppy and Falco both thought the bio-weapon was on Solar?


182. Tricky helps Fox by digging holes in the ground....wait, couldn't Fox do that already?

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183: Don't listen to that monkey.

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184. Apparently, going through golden rings improves your arwing's health.


Why do we need Slippy again?

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185. Nobody knows if a reboot is a good thing until after it's been done. (We're still waiting to see.)

Why do we need Slippy again?

Slippy was responsible for Star Fox's gear. The Landmaster and Arwing repairs are handled by him, and I do believe he tweaked them quite a bit for their performance. A technician/mechanic is probably the biggest asset Star Fox has given their technology use, and I can't imagine that the team would still be together were it not for his expertise off the record.

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186. Furries in space...seems legit.

[Also, yeah, your right, Shaper. I was mostly just saying that as a joke, but you do have a good point]

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187. If #186 somehow happens to be legit, brace for vixen smut overrun.


188. Logic changes after each couple of years.


189. Factual bonus: One-wing flying is plausible.

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190:That you should watch out for the searchlight.

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191 Pigs might fly

192 Tricky is hungry

193 If you and your ship explode you have to apologize and let Rob send you a new one

194 It hurts to crash and explode (shooting down Star Wolf in Command)

195 Missiles can suffer

196 Dead people can still talk and fly around in space

197 You and Wolf are no friends and never will be

198 You will be tormented a bit before you get cooked

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199:That a tiny landtank blew up a heavily armoured train without any effort.

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200: You don't get a sequel after it's 20th anniversary.

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  • 2 weeks later...

201: Most fan fictions are better than the stories Nintendo puts out (Command).


202: It sucks to lose not one but both of your parents.


203: Even if you purposely shoot down Bill Grey's entire squadron, he'll help you in Sector X anyway.


204: Andross' robots will throw things (rocks and buildings) at you even though they are equipped with lasers.


205: How lame is Venom's defense armada if four space fighters and their mother ship can break through their all three defensive lines.


206: If Rare could make foxes meet Legend of Zelda, then Namco can make Tekken/Cooking Mama Crossover and Soul Caliber: Painting with Bob Ross.

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  • 2 weeks later...

207:A planet full of lizard terrorists are no match for one average video game player.

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  • 1 month later...

208: That your teammates can't protect themselves for sh*t.

209: That a lot of dinosaurs on Sauria have a Scottish accent.

210: That Peppy probably had a stroke between Adventures and Assault, because he lost his accent, 

then somehow got it back in SSBB.

211: That Slippy was worried for a moment.

212: That the shopkeeper in Adventures "found" and sold Fox's binoculars, but not his Arwing, which he

left sitting in the open with no security system whatsoever.

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(Hey, nice effort :) )

213: Aim for the rudder.

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111. That Nintendo should've stuck to 2D during the Snes era.

112. That the internet will make sex objects out of anything (including cartoon female foxes).



108: Krystal serves no purpose what so ever, excluding the fact she was put in the team for its lack of boobs.



Avoiding a sausage fest is reason enough!

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111. That Nintendo should've stuck to 2D during the Snes era.

112. That the internet will make sex objects out of anything (including cartoon female foxes).



You screwed up,it's 212, not 112. :facepalm:

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