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Israel Lobbyist suggests False Flag attack to start war with Iran


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Actually it wasent the Jews who kicked the Palestinians out, it was the british. And Iran has made open threats against Isreal, so if I were them I would want to strike first to. Also, Iran is closer to getting a nuke then most people think http://abcnews.go.co...ory?id=17340927 and if our presidant even had half a brain, he would support Israel on this one.

The British were the ones that partitioned the land into a Jewish and Palestinian state (or effectively did by tossing the area to the mercy of the UN), but conflicts between the Jews and the Arabs already living in those places are what forced the latter out, not the British. http://en.wikipedia....estinian_exodus

4. Due to a long history of imperialist douchebaggery by the West and continual sable-rattling from Israel, many Middle Eastern countries have been sable-rattling on their own.

FYI, the term is "sabre-rattling", sable is either an animal or a type of paint brush, sabres on the other hand are swords.

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