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Chatroom Problems


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Says it's not setup by the Administrator. That's a new one for me. 

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  On 11/11/2013 at 4:12 AM, Solar said:

Says it's not setup by the Administrator. That's a new one for me.

But not one that this thread hasn't seen before;

  On 10/22/2013 at 7:46 PM, OrbiterSpore said:

Anyone else getting this or did I miss something?


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  On 11/5/2013 at 6:54 PM, DZComposer said:

I don't know why, but IPB sometimes decides to forget that I have a valid license. It's annoying. Fixed again, at least until the next time it happens...

EDIT: IPB is aware of the issue. Apparently they have a bug somewhere in their license authentication code where if an install gets a malformed response from the server it drops the license. Nothing I can do but wait for a fix and re-activate each time it happens.

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EDIT: I submitted a ticket. IPS has applied a patch, so hopefully that will be the end of it.

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  • 1 month later...

License expired. Sorry, but my move last week drained my funds. I didn't get paid until today.

It has been fixed.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't know if this is an actual issue but, some people as well as me have been getting "You have been kicked from the chatroom" randomly if no messages are sent during a while. Could that be looked into?


EDIT: Apparently it also does even if you're active. DZ fix pls

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That is the message you get when you lose connection to the chat server. It's a dumb message for losing connection, but since that server is owned and ran by IPB, there is nothing I can do about it.

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  • 4 months later...

I don't know if it's just me or an actual problem, but everytime I try to get into the chat I get an error message. I'm on a pretty crappy computer right now, but it loaded the site just fine, I even got into the chat the first time I went in today. However, now it refuses to work.

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Bricked for me as well.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

Same here.


EDIT: Tried again, got through.

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Please post error messages. "I got an error" is not helpful.

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The problem solved itself. No need to worry DZ.

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  • 4 months later...

License expired, though I didn't get the usual notice about it. I renewed, but it hasn't propagated here yet, so hopefully it will be back up soon.

If not, it may take until Monday as IPS is closed for new years.

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  • 2 months later...

Alright, I don't have anything solid to report, but I've been seeing that at random, chat users get 'kicked from the chat' for no apparent reason or inactivity as they are still indeed talking when they get the messages.


If you had the time you could please take a look into it? As much as it doesn't seem like it, the chat is actually a bit active lately. 

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Not much I can do as chat is a hosted service.

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  • 3 months later...

The chatroom says (at this time) that I'm inside, but when I refreshed the page and did all the yadda yadda, the same message appeared for me.

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Oops, I just pestered the admins, I'll prepare for permaban.

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Should be fixed now.

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  On 7/3/2015 at 3:10 AM, DZComposer said:

Should be fixed now.

*checks, is able to enter*

Thank you, Mr. C!

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  • 6 months later...

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