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Just ordered Command off of Amazon!


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I never bought command, I heard so much bad things about it, and I don't like games using touchscreens !

I could have got a copy from ebay for 7$..

I never really enjoyed the direction Starfox games took after Starfox SNES, and command is pretty much the culmination of years of bad decision and general stubbornness on the part of Nintendo. I'd like to keep the little faith I have left in them, and avoid playing a depressing game.

Seriously, after the decision to turn DP into Adventure, the rumored oversimplification of Assault(cut plot elements), the huge skipped time gaps in continuity, I think they should have at least took the time to evaluate what is their problem and how not to make anymore mistakes.

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No seriously friend, don't let the hate here ruin the experience you just paid good money for. Play it, enjoy it if you like it, it's all your preferences and choices. :-)

Actually, this.

Story-wise Assault was far better, even if not really good per se I enjoyed it very much. The very fact it came close to a movie's structure is quite impressive.

Command on the other hand has different problems like a lot of emo moments. Basically, like almost all Star Fox fanfics out there...my guess is that fans hate it because the makers actually managed to steal all the drama shit before any fan could use it for their million "love" stories :-P

Don't play it for the story, you'll just be frustrated. The many endings won't help, either because there are so many and every single one feels rushed and...well...one of many.

The way you choose your battles is actually, while repetitive, quite fun and it resembles the unreleased Star Fox 2.

Don't let anyone change your mind about something that you might enjoy otherwise, or vice versa. The internet is full of people forcing their opinion on others and stating them as facts so let's not have any more of this on SFO, and just go decide for yourself.

I'm looking forward to seeing how it went for you :-)

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Yeah, tell us how you like it ASAP, okay? :3

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Play it before you make your final opinion, nothing worse than bashing a game you haven't experienced. I mean do you really want to be like those dummies who hate on Final Fantasy Mystic Quest for no good reason... I didn't think so.

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  • 5 months later...

Depressing is definitely the word I'd use to describe this game. I hate to be the one beating the dead horse here, but it really is an awful game in my opinion.

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While I concur with your opinion, Drewbz, this thread hasn't been posted in since October, 2012.  Do refrain from posting in threads older than two months as a general rule.

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