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Hey guys! I did a quick search to see if there was a topic like this, and there isn't as far as I can see...

I was just wondering what you're all allergic to? And what happens when you have a reaction? I'm just trying to get some perspective on some things, because I was in the hospital on Saturday with red bumps all over my hips, tummy, chest and arms. The doctor didn't know what it was so he assumed an allegic reaction and gave me some stuff to ease the pain.

I've changed my washing powder to this over-priced organic crap and I've tried to eat as healthy as possible...

Have any of you had reactions like this? What caused it? I'm actually allergic to a variety of things, including bananas, latex, rubber, nickel, zinc, and pollen/dust.

What eases reactions for you when they happen?

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I'm still ambiguous as to whether or not I have allergies. I have chronic year-round sinus issues but I don't know if it's technically an allergy or what. Sometimes it's accompanied by a lot of sneezing and watery eyes. Nasal irrigation (in other words using a special squeeze bottle with a saline solution to run water through the sinuses) and hot baths tend to help open up my sinuses. I also use aroma to help - sometimes I'll burn incense or wear aromatherapy oils, it has quite a calming effect.

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I know that I am allergic to dust and cats, to start. Yet I love cats. I don't see any adverse reactions to being around cats anymore, I used to get stuffy, runny nose, sneezy, etc. I just get sneezy when I get near dust.

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I'm not entirely sure whether I've got particular allergies to anything. I will occasionally get the classic itching/sore throat during springtime, though it does not happen that often.

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Nuts (Peanuts life-threateningly so), Cat Hair (itchy, sneezy), and seasonal stuff (itchy, sneezy).

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Smoking. If I inhale cigarette smoke directly I'll have to deal with asthma attacks again.

Dandelion pollen. This one I actually developed overtime, since one of my favourite hobbies as a young lad was charging into fields and "decapitating" every dandelion I saw. Got forced into early retirement I suppose.

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Peanuts - makes my skin and throat itchy, inflated and all that good stuff.

Dogs hair - same as above.

Trees to grass and all plants in between, Dust, Mold - irritates skin.

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Man, food allergies must suck. :|

The only real allergy I have is to cat/dog dander and that makes my asthma act up even though I've mostly outgrown it otherwise.

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I have a cat allergy. I often get itch eyes, a watering nose, and lots of sneezing. However, it depends on the cat.

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Pet allergies. Pet allergies everywhere.

Also, food allergies aren't too bad, at least, nut allergies aren't. I've had them all my life, and it becomes really easy to smell them out. I've been able to smell a chocolate covered cookie and tell that there were nuts in it. It's my weird useless self-preserving superpower.

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I'm allergic to some nuts. Nothing serious, just my tongue itches like a mofo, then if I drink anything acidic, it burns like a mofo. Which sucks as all I drink is orange Gatorade. I'm also deathly allergic to some strange plant that I don't know the name of it, but it has purple trumpet shaped flowers, big, spear tip shaped leaves, thick, though weak segmented stems, and the seeds come in green, then shrink and turn black, and are filled with a milky sac (I used to open the seeds out of boredom, as they were all over where I lived, and I was only allergic to the pollen from them). Oh yeah, also the root is a big ol' tuber.

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I think I'm actually allergic to Sun screen lotion...I love that fact because I hate spending the time putting it on. Even though it takes like 5 seconds.

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Im allergic to dustmites.

Oh, and stupidity.

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I'm allergic to animals dander, dust, pollen, pediazole.

Animal dander makes me sneeze, irritate my eyes, and make breathing difficult.

And when a dogs licked me, the spot he licked turned red, itchy and swollen.

Pediazole just makes me vomit almost instantly after ingesting it.

I started taking antihistamines when my grandfather died because we decided to take care of his dog, and ever since that day I never had any allergic problems. Even though we have a dog running around the house now.

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Also, eggs have always made me gag, but I'm not sure if thats an allergic reaction or not.

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First off,

Seriously, when stress level goes up immune system goes down. My throat is usually the first target for infection.

Also, i used to have secondary lactose intolerance, but that was only temporary and it passed with rehabilitation, i think. Finally, roll on deodorants badly irritate my arm pits, so i can only use gel deodorant which is the expensive stuff

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I have a skin allergy to prawns, dustmites and cockroaches. It results in hefty rash.

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I was allergic to juniper for a week when I was in third grade. Got an allergy test and everything thanks to the bright red rash all over my body, said yep, bigass juniper allergy. I've basically rolled in the stuff since then without a single adverse reaction, so ???

Other than that I'm pretty much set though I do get some nasty sniffles whenever I go to Alberta, not sure what causes that yet.

I had a cat that was pretty allergic to mosquitos though.

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Dogs fuck with my allergies something fierce. Which is just peachy, because I live in a house that always contains a minimum of 3 dogs, and sometimes reaching up to 7 at a time. Oh joy.

Also cats, but we don't have any of them.

Then autumn in general just tends to fuck with my allergies, usually by making it hella hard to breathe. That really sucked because autumn is when all the cross country races would start to really happen, so no matter how much I improved over the year I was pretty much running the same times as the beginning of the year due to my inability to breath while I ran.

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Then autumn in general just tends to fuck with my allergies, usually by making it hella hard to breathe. That really sucked because autumn is when all the cross country races would start to really happen, so no matter how much I improved over the year I was pretty much running the same times as the beginning of the year due to my inability to breath while I ran.

Two wurdz: Snot. Rocket.

I know its just short of disgusting, well no i take that back... it is disgusting, but not only do i get congested but my nose will get runny outta nowhere right before a race. Sometimes i just gotta plug nasal cavity up and let 'er rip out the other end. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and every second counts.

Just make sure the guy behind you doesn't get caught in the crossfire. Unless, of course, your a creative racing strategist... ;)

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Cats used to drive my eyes, nose and everything off the wall. Now they do absolutely nothing.. Evolution?? I don evn kno...

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Cats used to drive my eyes, nose and everything off the wall. Now they do absolutely nothing.. Evolution?? I don evn kno...

Like anything else, your body builds an immunity.

A cousin I regularly visit had a golden lab, and it used to make me all sorts of sick, but after a few years, I don't even react any more. However, bring in some other dog and I get all the usual symptoms.

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