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Funny Videos involving Starfox


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Again, I didn't know if this belonged here since it involves Starfox games or somewhere else. If it belongs somewhere else, then let it be moved.

Anyways, I just got done watching this hilarious video of this guy trying to play Starfox Adventures and tried to review it. I just couldn't stop laughing at it and really just wanted to share it:

I'm curious if anyone came across some Starfox vids they really liked.

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Yes, I've seen that. Damn it's hilarious; I couldn't stop laughing.

I posted this one a while back in my own thread, but here you go. Mind you there is a little profanity. This is my favourite of the Game in Game Out series

Dorkly's take on Falco;

Sonic for Hire: Star Fox


There was another series, Star Fox: What You Didn't See. I'll post those in a while. They don't exactly have any major objectives if you know what I mean.

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Yeah I had a good laugh watching that JonTron review, even if I disagree with a lot of it. On the topic of funny videos Star Fox: One Adventure has to be the best Star Fox parody I have yet to see IMO. Its old, but a prefect take on Adventures crazy plotline.

Part Two:

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That second flash animation doesn't seem as appealing anymore....

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Hey Wolfjr, I see you edited your initial post, and sort of messed up the formatting with your embedded link. It's not a major issue, but I'd suggest just moving the text around a bit to fix it.

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Yeah I had a good laugh watching that JonTron review, even if I disagree with a lot of it.

That's what make this review of his so funny. When he's bashing something you really love. Just like with the Nostalgia Critic's review of Space Jam.
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Some of you might remember this:

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That's what make this review of his so funny. When he's bashing something you really love. Just like with the Nostalgia Critic's review of Space Jam.

I'm not sure that game received a ton of love from anybody let alone JonTron.

Patch: Liked the rap, and hey, maybe it's not just Star Fox 64 3D that's glitchy! You can get the same glitch on the 3DS!

Here's Star Fox What You Didn't See 5; my favourite of the bunch that this guy has produced.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Not a funny video neccesarily, but one that I made recently. Chrono Trigger fans will get the reference... ^^

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God these old reviews of the SNES/N64 Star Fox games are filled with lulz and stupidity:

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I found an english translation of Farewell Beloved Falco, more intresting then funny.




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That guy is rather funny.

I found an english translation of Farewell Beloved Falco, more intresting then funny.




Perhaps these belong in a different thread for not-so-humorous Star Fox videos.

I will also say that you posted mobile links which leads me to assume you posted these from a mobile device. These links tend to be different and/or broken when not on a mobile browser, as is the case right now. Probably also why the links weren't embedding. I'd suggest finding the videos again and linking them.

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That guy is rather funny.

I love the fact that in their SF64 review, they claim that you need to have hyper Twin Blasters in order to defeat Star Wolf on Venom 2.

Pfffht, bullshit. I can easily kick their asses in expert mode with only a single blaster.


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Hehehe yes, there is a lot of stating the obvious. Classic Game Room also has funny Star Fox reviews, but the internet I'm using at the moment will not accommodate YouTube too well so I can post the links when I get decent interbutz.

*Slippy is hit by Spyborg*



Mark the reviewer: WE'LL MISS YOU! Aw wait, he borrowed 20 bucks from me and it's in his pocket...Guess we better go save him.

Peppy: Don't be dead Slip!


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I love those, they're certainly better than Star Fox What You Didn't see.

Fox: Sounds like a pretty good plan let's actually pull it off this time. Uhh what do you think, can you give me number crunch real quick?

Slippy: Uh yeah, give me a sec... I'm coming up with 32.3 (Repeating of course) percentage of survival.

Fox: That's a lot better than we usually do.....

Peppy: Alright, time's up guys; let's do this.


Fox: Ohmygod he just ran it

These are Classic Game Room's really cheesy reviews of the classic Star Fox games including the 3DS remake.

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Yeah his reviews are pretty bad. What do humans have to do with Star Fox, when they don't even exist in that universe?

Also, SF64 is a remake of the first game, not a sequel. >.> And since when is scum a bad word?

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I can't really blame anyone for not knowing that Starwing is Lylat Wars. I mean, a big part was all new and many from Starwing's planets weren't in Lylat Wars.

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Made these two filler vids a few weeks back using clips from the Animated Series. Not exactly work safe for work, or sanity perhaps. Loads of loud, abrasive noises and flashing colors. Existance questioning may occur, but I'm pretty I didn't put that much effort into these.


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Ah yes, I remember someone posted this a little while back. As I remember DZ mentioning about it too, some of the facts in there may be true, but aren't confirmed by official sources. (Can't find the link damnit!)

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I've said it before, and I will say it again. The whole leg amputation rumor is total bullshit. If that were the case, then why are Falco's legs sticking out of his boots? Plus, in the NP comic, the citizens of Papetoon wore similar boots. It wouldn't make sense for all Lylatians to have leg amputations.

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