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Did Star Fox 64 age well?


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Was browsing my Tumblr dash when I stumbled across this article. While I myself haven't played the game (and therefore can't really give a solid opinion), I'm curious as to what the rest of you think. Has the game aged well in your eyes?

Try to keep discussion of the remake to a minimum at best. I'd like if this was strictly about the original 64 version. For the sake of it, let's pretend that the 3DS remake doesn't exist.

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"Falco was a cocky son of a bitch,"

Yup, yup, indeed.

I agree with the article. Star Fox 64 has aged quite well given its era. There obviously things now that would not have to be done (i.e Inability to save and compressed audio), and are things they would add into a remake.The engine was quite simple and didn't require heavy physics a lot of the time. The controls as mentioned are still great, and don't feel old at all. This is one game I still enjoy pulling out my N64 for, and hopefully always will.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

Falco was always cocky, but that was the best part of the game, I think.

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I'd say it's aged pretty well, but it was already somewhat ahead of it's time. Never had I played a game with so much voice acting aside from random sound effects, yanno. Those characters made me talk or even shout at the screen that's just how immersed I was. XD It was made to be a a show piece for the N64 launch, to generate buzz and appeal and it worked magnificently. I still play it when I have the urge to blow stuff up. It controls well, the storytelling holds up even to today's standards, and it's fun as heck as well as very re-playable - I can't say that of many games today.

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Did SF64 age well?

Motherfucker do you breathe air?

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