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OrbiterSpore: Specimen Processed and now Ready to Begin our Testing.


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Greetings and salutations all, my name is OrbiterSpore.

I'm 14, and of course, i'm addicted to StarFox, heh. :biggrin:

I'm also interested in spaceflight and science in general, specially when it comes to theories and speculations. I prefer to take things seriously overall, except when i'm just talking away, when i tend to fall into random topics. But anyway, yeah, i'm not a troll, since i prefer to keep the forums i visit enriching environments.

I've recently become interested in more sci-fi (other than SF), so now i'm also a Doctor Who, The Clone Wars and Star Trek Online fan. Oh, and the Avatar series, both Aang and Korra's. Also interested in Portal, Half-Life/Black Mesa, Kerbal Space Program and obviously, the Orbiter Space Flight Simulator.

If you have made this far, congratulations on not sleeping all the way down here. XD

...And i acquired a copy of Garry's Mod a few months ago, so i unleashed my will for crazy vehicles and comics. Note that i refuse to be idiotical. That means no nonsense and, well, no everyday's Google Images' crap. But i reckon that what i do are no masterpieces.

Oh my, i think i'm making a lot of enemies today. :nervous:

But anyway, i registered here since i recently found this forum, and apparently i'll stick around here for a long time.

So, that's me. See you around the forums.


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Good entrance, good profile, good description.

Welcome to SF-O, hope you enjoy the site.

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Yes! A new member in my agegroup! Yes, yes! Welcome! In terms of Star Fox fandom, err stick to the classics to avoid any later troubles, or at least play them before the latter games. There haven't been too many active members our age around here lately, but hopefully they'll come back and there can be a few more of us younger members.

Should you need any artistic ideas, feel free to give me a shout!

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Welcome to SF-O! You seem to be competent as far as grammar and spelling go, and that makes me happy. Your 'portfolio' of things you like is also quite good (Doctor Who FTW), as well as you seem to have a good sense of humor. I think you're going to be a good addition to the site.

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@Hidi:Oh. O.O' In that case i think i should just keep my opinion on a sound-proof glass case to avoid the 'unforeseen consequences' you mentioned. (I have only played the GC ones, if that's what you mean with "the latter games") But (pardon the stereotyping) i can't help but sometimes i end up voicing out my opinion.

(In either case, i'm not gonna cause confusion here. I hope...)

But anyway, thanks for the warm welcome. :-)

@LoneWolf: Thank you. :-) I'm brazilian, and over here is probably the biggest devil's spawn for grammar nazis in both English and Portuguese, if you know what i mean. But i keep my spelling correct as i can to avoid awkward situations.

Besides, if you played Quantum Conundrum, you know what the professor means;

Professor Fitz Quadwrangle

"-It is abhorrent what you kids text each other these days. Is English really that hard?"

Heheh. :mrgreen:

Thanks for the nice welcomes, everyone. :D

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Ooh. Another space science enthusiast to share common interest and ideas with. :D

Other than that welcome to the place that is here.

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@Hidi:Oh. O.O' In that case i think i should just keep my opinion on a sound-proof glass case to avoid the 'unforeseen consequences' you mentioned. (I have only played the GC ones, if that's what you mean with "the latter games") But (pardon the stereotyping) i can't help but sometimes i end up voicing out my opinion.

Fortunately for me, I completed Command BEFORE coming here :lol:

By trouble, I mainly meant debates. They happen; it's a fact of opinion.

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Similar interests in media, dissimilar age groups. *sigh* So ronery. :P

Hah, but that aside welcome to our humble forum.

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Heya! Welcome to StarFox-Online! :friends:

I probably speak for everyone here, that Star Fox 64 is the epitome of the franchise base and is a must play for fans. Otherwise though, Adventures and Assault are still leagues better and more accepted than Command XD. I am hardly one to criticize about not playing all the games as when I first came here the only games I had played were SF64 and Assault.

Anyways....Welcome to the site! Hope to see you around forums!

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when I first came here the only games I had played were SF64 and Assault.

Kinda wish that were still the case for me. Oh the horror...

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Kinda wish that were still the case for me. Oh the horror...

I had only played Assault and Adventures, learned about the series from Super Smash Brothers.
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Welcome fellow space enthusiast!

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Welcone space enthusiast... I see we will have a lot of topics to discuss, since I'm a hobby astronomer and astrophysicist, ATB'er, Orbiter pilot and of course Sci-Fi Fan.

Have a good time here on SF-O.

Keep your barrels rollin' ^^

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Welcome to SFO! :)

You sound like an interesting person, so stick around, as I'm sure you intend to. :D

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