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Let's talk about Pet Peeves =)

Guest Cantinflas Jim

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Animal cruelty and people who think they're better because they're bigger.

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^ same here, And I really really

[move]really really really really really really really really really really really really really really[/move]

HATE religest exstremus.

Here is my example

How dare she!, I mean these are people who died of her freedom and look what she does to them, and last time I checked God was a loveing person and he wanted you to love him not fear him.

(Note: I am sorry if I affended someone but lesson there are over 500 religens on this planet how are they so sure theres is correct?, also sorry if this religen thing goes aganst the rools but I just needed to get that off my back.)

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in reply too EvolutionSFox:

Animal cruelty and people who think they're better because they're bigger.

I know a guy who is sort of like that, but he's nice most of the time, and the rest of the time... well the victim is well deserving, plus he has an IQ over 200 so ya...

and in reply to Lilacs: Those are the type of people who I've been refering to, the look on her face it's like she's pulling a prank that she thinks will make someone(maybe her mother, or yuck I hate to say that God if there is a God, that would actually want that) Like what she thinks this will make God(eww my brain hurts from typing that)like her more, it's like she trying to apease some cult... this is sensationalism it's getting an idea in your head and then following it no matter how little sence it makes... shame to those who believe so blindly, those who do not question the word of another man...

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It's people like that who give Christians a bad name.  You can chalk that up as one of my pet peeves.  Call it what you will, but it's STUPID.  I couldn't stand to watch it after she said "God punishes you by sending your children home from war dead."

It's just...*breathes into a paper bag*  I'm cool, I'm cool...

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Those are the type of people who I've been refering to, the look on her face it's like she's pulling a prank that she thinks will make someone(maybe her mother, or yuck I hate to say that God if there is a God, that would actually want that) Like what she thinks this will make God(eww my brain hurts from typing that)like her more, it's like she trying to apease some cult... this is sensationalism it's getting an idea in your head and then following it no matter how little sence it makes... shame to those who believe so blindly, those who do not question the word of another man...

I'm saying it again I can't stress this enough...

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I'm Catholic although a lot of the people in my religion are corrupt, I try to live by the new testament rather then the old, I might be wrong to do so but I do as I believe is right, and question my beliefs as often as possible.

But this isn't the place to speak of religion, please excuse my outburst...

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Animal cruelty and people who think they're better because they're bigger.

Agreed, or think they're better just because they're richer.

I'm Catholic although a lot of the people in my religion are corrupt, I try to live by the new testament rather then the old, I might be wrong to do so but I do as I believe is right, and question my beliefs as often as posible.

But this isn't the place to speak of religion, please excuse my outburst...

I agree even tought Im not christian in any way.

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Agreed, or think they're better just because they're richer.

Bingo. That's a winner, I totally forgot about that one.

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People who drop f-bomb after f-bomb after freaking f-bomb. Occasionally I don't mind it, but when it comes up as every second word in a sentence, it usually leaves me with white knuckles and a saw jaw.

dialup...need I say more?

Random ISP cutouts...Dodo has shut me off 5 or so times today alone...


Norton Antivirus, Zone Alarm and McAfee and the HD crashes they've caused me

Like many, religious fundamentalists who shove their foot in the door (let's not start a discussion on this)

Ovann headsets, they die quick as hell and the sound quality is cr*p

the way my forum admin panel is treating me currently...being an admin unable to post even a sticky is -very- annoying...

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My pet peeve is parents really... well it may just be the teenager in me but I highly doubt it, but alot of parents including my own will argue with you over something until you prove them wrong because they refuse to accept the fact that they could be incorrect, as well as the little annoying things all the time such as when you prove them wrong on something they always bring up the "stop arguing with me and talking back" thing which is just annoying, Ive ALWAYS wanted to say "Proven wrong so you now try and use your false superiority to dictate that I had no right in the first place to argue I see" <.<, Its just the most annoying thing in the whole world to me when parents try to use the fact that they are parents to an advantage to them, that and they dont seem to realize the fact that we have the RIGHT to argue a point <.<, but yeah, annoying my real pet peeve is the ignorance of humanity but Id rather not get into that one ;;>_>

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