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Disney Acquires Lucasfilm - Star Wars Episode 7 set for 2015


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Casual reminder that this is how people reacted when Disney bought Marvel, and then The Avengers happened.

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Casual reminder that this is how people reacted when Disney bought Marvel, and then The Avengers happened.

+1 to this. Even though Disney as a whole is a giant lawsuit machine, you can't argue that the things they make are absolutely fantastic, e.g. all of the new Marvel movies. I think it's for the better.

As for Star Wars Episode 7... Not sure how I feel about this.

/refrains from posting every single star wars reaction face ever

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I cringed. Disney has a habit of ruining things I love. But this... Star Wars Episode VII? And more to come? One can only hope they retain the awesomeness that the originals had...

And Disney IS capable of making amazing things. It's just that when they buy companies, it just isn't the same as it used to be.

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I can't believe this would actually hit me so hard.

Speaking of another trilogy right away felt like the worse april joke ever.

I very much loved the idea that the story was done in the movies. If you like more material Post-Endor style there's the shitty Thrawn Trilogy thing and whatnot but it's still nothing but a by-product.

While I see the appeal, I am most certainly not very infatuated with the whole Marvel/Avengers thing that is so popular these days so maybe that's another reason why I don't have too much faith in Disney right now. It's hard to swallow.

I think Star Wars is done and all it needs is either a quiet exit. But of course this is unrealistic from a business kind of view.

This is my personal take on this. That is all.

/edit: George Lucas looks like he's about to cry in this video:


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Copy and pasting a post I made on Facebook, clarifying my opinions.

Big news in the geek world today, Disney acquired LucasFilm, as well as all it's assets (e.g. Industrial Light & Magic) today. People seem to be freaking out a bit, saying that Disney is going to ruin Star Wars, however, if you look back a few years ago at the acquisition of Marvel, people were saying the same thing. A few years later and we've got Avengers, quite possibly one of the greatest movies I've seen. In all honesty I think it's a good move, since Disney's got the funding to back larger productions and has some great writers. I'm looking forward to what happens.



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I immediately went down the hall to my parents' room saying "Oh my god" repeatedly because my mind didn't know what to think of it, and then told them the news... My step-father told me to get out afterwards. :P This is certainly a huge shift in geekdom.

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Alright, from reading the supposed books that follow Star Wars Return of the Jedi (discounting the series of books that discuss the Remnant Empire because it would be a lame rehash of Episodes 4-6), the New Jedi Order, I can only see much despair and misery. The series is a whole lot of crazy Buddhist-esque aliens who are theologically made immune to the Jedi and wipe out trillions of people while they casually destroy planets and yet somehow each side knows exactly what they are up to no matter how obscure of an action it is (huge suspense breaker). Oh and these books stretch out for about 17 stores I think...maybe more. Probably the only noteworthy things to see in these stories are

Chewbacca dies by moon crashing into him

Han turns into a total wuss for about 4 books

Jacen Solo, son of Han and Leia begins to turn into the next Sith Lord

Luke gets old and sappy with his cold-hearted and frigid wife

More politics, just like Episodes 1 - 3

Uh...yeah I think that's about it.

I mean, not to say that Disney is incapable of making gritty looking movies, I mean Pirates had a pretty good run until it was exploited for a cash cow and yeah, Thor/Iron Man/Captain America/Iron Man --I mean Avengers (because honestly, The Avengers as a whole sucked, it was just Iron Man that was awesome in the whole movie) also demonstrated this...but I just can't see the story working out very well. The writing just feels off and it has been accepted completely as canon so you can't change what happens without making some people's feelings get hurt.

Just to note though, I am not angry with Lucas, I guess this could be his way of trying to make sure that Star Wars has a continued legacy.

Not to mention..who the hell is going to act for Luke, Han, and Leia?...Surely not the original actors. Only Mark Hamill looks the part due to his plastic surgery. Harrison Ford looks ancient, and Carrie...well....no. I would be heart broken, honestly, to see Luke's part taken up by anyone less than the Mark Hamill level of badass, but then it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to actually get Mark involved on the project since Disney may have a thing for bringing in the original actors for shows (Tron anyone?)...You can't overcome Harrison's badass level. It's over 9000

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Okay, jesus fuck, people are missing some important things and this mass fanboy hysteria needs to stop.

  • Star Wars has been involved with Disney for years. In most, if not all, of the parks, there is a Star Wars ride, including an accompanying gift shop. This did not come out of nowhere.
  • Lucasfilm still exists. Just like Marvel still exists. Disney is not taking over the primary creative development. They are just giving money to people and earning some of that money back. Star Wars is not going to become a stereotypical animated Disney musical about cats.
  • The prequels fucking sucked. So really, this new movie does not have a high standard to meet.

This isn't the end of the world. Nothing will change. Even if the new movie is not good, the old ones will not magically cease to exist. The worst case scenerio is that a movie comes out that you don't like, the best case scenerio is that the movie is fantastic, draws in a new crowd, and satisfies long-time fans of the series.

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So odd that they made the move of 40 million shares on Friday before hurricane Sandy came on Sunday and the NYSE closed that day. Lucky move for them.

I just hope they don't mess up the franchise when they are making those new episodes. Those are my only thoughts.

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What do you mean with:

  • The prequels fucking sucked. So really, this new movie TRILOGY does not have a high standard to meet.


What about the Original Trilogy? Or did I miss your point?

You know what I'd be cool with? A new movie or even a new trilogy about something completely different. A new era or whatever.


Jeez, give it some time to breathe, just calm down.

Do you know why it was so hard to believe for Star Wars fans? Because it sounds like something you read on SuperShadow.com

Also: "In other words, forget the Star Wars novels. Forget the graphic novels. Forget everything you think you know about what happens to Luke Skywalker. According to my sources, Episode 7 will literally be nothing you've ever seen or read before from the Star Wars universe."


Those wonderful rides and gift shops are basically what Star Wars has turned into anyway so it's not like we will have a big change in philosophy concerning this franchise.

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if this means they're euthanizing the novel continuity then i can only regard that as an act of mercy. if we must sacrifice good novels like the Zhan books to get rid of the past fifteen years, then so be it. a noble sacrifice. it will be immortalized in song.

but really, let's be honest, Disney would have to actively try--as in put forth conscious, deliberate effort--to treat Star Wars worse than George Lucas has treated it. and if they do, i think i would be more impressed than anything else. like, you would have to fix in your mind the ideal "i want to create a terrible product" and then put your talent and resources towards making a product that is awful by design, and that raises all kinds of weird psychological and philosophical questions. like, if you set out to create a bad product and succeed, does that mean you've actually created a good product and failed? and it would turn into some kind of weird Producers thing. and if that's what they do, i'm not sure i could really hold it against them. that shit's deep, man. blows my mind.

either way, though, it's not like the franchise stands to lose from this. on the other hand, now that Lucas is out of the picture, there's an opportunity for improvement.

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I'd would rather have Hasbro/HUB bought StarWars than Disney! Just kidding ;) We shall see what happens by 2015.

Funny vid :3

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Oh my god they released the TRAILER for Star Wars Episode VII already!!!

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Don't know if want.

Episode 7 in 2015. I really hope work was already started on this. Two years is NOT enough time to make a good movie. Lucas' original plan was to make 12 films, then it was reduced to 9, then to 6. So there may be material to start with, but unless this has been happening under-wraps, then I fear for the quality.

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On a somewhat related note:

I like the idea of having new movies, but at the same time it scares me.

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Episode 7 in 2015. I really hope work was already started on this. Two years is NOT enough time to make a good movie.


They are gonna start BRAINSTORMING for the writing process that hasn't taken place. They might base some ideas on George Lucas' personal fanfiction (so to say), tho.

Lucas' original plan was to make 12 films, then it was reduced to 9, then to 6. So there may be material to start with, but unless this has been happening under-wraps, then I fear for the quality.

Actually the 12 films were supposed to tell the story of Anakin and then Luke Skywalker that we already know as Episodes 1-6.

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I hope they're not gonna try and turn Star Wars into a musical.

Dude, no matter how bad that would be I would love the hell out of it.

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Two years is NOT enough time to make a good movie. Lucas' original plan was to make 12 films, then it was reduced to 9, then to 6. So there may be material to start with, but unless this has been happening under-wraps, then I fear for the quality.

I think in the video that R3d posted, Lucas stated that planning for VII had already been going on for awhile now, so I doubt it will be TERRIBLE.

And knowing that Lucas had actually planned three more episodes actually relaxes me. As long as he left it to people who know what they're doing, it could be a good trilogy.

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My friend texted me about this. I... didn't want to believe him.

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