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Romulan's Boring Life


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Well I just found out about these journal thingys and I thought I would try it out. I guess I'll start off with the basics:

Name: Clayton (Clay)

Birthdate: 02-10-1997

Hobbies: Composing, Vidja games.

Favorite TV show: Doctor Who

Favorite book series: Percy Jackson and the Olypmians

Favorite movie: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

~I'll add more as I think of categories.

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So I don't have many friends. No serious in-real-life friends, really. There are a few people that I talk to at school to make the process bearable. I useually go to school, get my work done, go home. I work as fast as I can to minimize my homework load. But no, this one is about friends.

A few weeks ago I was down in the dumps about life. I thought because I had no friends meant I was a loser. I now am not sure if this is true. I have found that to live in solitude is better than to have to rely on people to give you pleasure. People just let you down. At least people I know did. I used to have friends, -permanent- ones. I thought they were going to be my friends for the rest of my life and we were going to be friends all through high school. Nope. One of my ex-friends Nick, turned into a giant douche. I will just leave it at that for now, if you wish to know the story of him, PM me. And then another friend Sam, he just sort of went to a different school for high school and we do not talk anymore.

So what now? Now I am at a high school where I met my first girlfriend Brianna. She is my only true friend. Our relationship is not stable by any stretch of the imagination, yet we have been together for 8 months. Something about it just makes me stay, makes me not want to leave. I guess it is the same for her.

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Bad day. Tired. Depressed. Annoyed. Hate my school. Other people were sad too and some of it was because of my big mouth, but hey, it is what it is. Maybe game night will lift my spirits.

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So I don't have many friends. No serious in-real-life friends, really. There are a few people that I talk to at school to make the process bearable. I useually go to school, get my work done, go home. I work as fast as I can to minimize my homework load. But no, this one is about friends.

A few weeks ago I was down in the dumps about life. I thought because I had no friends meant I was a loser. I now am not sure if this is true. I have found that to live in solitude is better than to have to rely on people to give you pleasure. People just let you down. At least people I know did. I used to have friends, -permanent- ones. I thought they were going to be my friends for the rest of my life and we were going to be friends all through high school. Nope. One of my ex-friends Nick, turned into a giant douche. I will just leave it at that for now, if you wish to know the story of him, PM me. And then another friend Sam, he just sort of went to a different school for high school and we do not talk anymore.

So what now? Now I am at a high school where I met my first girlfriend Brianna. She is my only true friend. Our relationship is not stable by any stretch of the imagination, yet we have been together for 8 months. Something about it just makes me stay, makes me not want to leave. I guess it is the same for her.

Sounds rough, you see i am going to a new high school, i know people there i people i like to eb around, but do i have friends? :/ maybe one or two i might dare call the word. its a processe. But i get what your saying i feel lonely some times, an miss friends from my old school.
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Yesterday I was having a bad day. Today my life is shit. I am never going to try to have a life ever again. If I try to go out and do something with someone, I always let someone down. Whether its accedentally telling someone the wrong time to pick me up, or even having to ask someone to pick me up, or a miscommunication. It's all my fault. This is why I am not going to leave my house again. Only for school. No more movies, no more "hanging out," nothing. Because all I do is dissapoint. And this isn't just when I try to make myself believe I have a life, it's all the time. I am a dissapiontment. I can't even help people with thier problems, let along deal with my own. A certain friend of mine has been depressed for a number of days and has come to me many time. What do I do? Say a few things, simple things. "How are you?" "What's up?" They answer with "depressed" or "sad." That is the whole conversation. I am no help. I can't help anyone.


This is not for attention. (I doubt anyone reads this anyway.)

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Yesterday I was having a bad day. Today my life is shit. I am never going to try to have a life ever again. If I try to go out and do something with someone, I always let someone down. Whether its accedentally telling someone the wrong time to pick me up, or even having to ask someone to pick me up, or a miscommunication. It's all my fault. This is why I am not going to leave my house again. Only for school. No more movies, no more "hanging out," nothing. Because all I do is dissapoint. And this isn't just when I try to make myself believe I have a life, it's all the time. I am a dissapiontment. I can't even help people with thier problems, let along deal with my own. A certain friend of mine has been depressed for a number of days and has come to me many time. What do I do? Say a few things, simple things. "How are you?" "What's up?" They answer with "depressed" or "sad." That is the whole conversation. I am no help. I can't help anyone.


This is not for attention. (I doubt anyone reads this anyway.)

nah, i know how you feel, to always feel like you screw EVERYTHING up. Sometimes i feel like it'd be better not to even try becuase i';ll only fail and then make my self sad. But trust me. Take pride in your edenvors, and learn from your failures. If people get mad at you for trying then sheeit. its happens, but you did more then you could have if you hadn't tried at all
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I am feeling much better now. Not as depressed. Been playing a lot of League of Legends. I am not that great but I do play moderately well with my friend who is level 30 with 1400 elo. I am a good support and a slightly better APC. I can also play ADC, although I am best with support because I am not amazing at last hitting. With support I am not even supposed to attack minions :3 Anyways, if you play League, I would be honored to play with you. I am only level 7 because of an account switch but i used to be 28 and I (usually) don't feed. :D

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I have been having an increasing work ethic lately. On a day I had off, I did work that wasn't due the next day, I have been doing all of my work and homework in class. It has been working out for me. I think sleep might be a major factor in this. I have been getting more sleep lately so I don't mind the work load as much.

In other news, I got XCOM: Enemy Unknown today. It is one of the best turn-based strategy games I have ever played. I am also going to get Assassin's Creed 2 soon. My sister has all of the Assassin's Creed games on the Playstation 3 and she seems to really enjoy them so I thought I would give them a try. I am not starting with the first game because I was told by many people it is garbage.

Social and life-wise I have been doing pretty good. I've accepted that I don't need people and I am getting by. I have realized that I have more "acquaintances" than I thought. All is good except every day a stupid black girl thinks she is all popular and ghetto-fabulous. Every time I kiss my girlfriend and she is around, she makes gagging noises. I give no reaction. I do not even look in her general direction. It does not bother me too much and eventually I think she will get bored of doing it every day and stop. Even if she doesn't, it's fine. Some people might say to me, "Yo Rom, just kick her ass." Although I am not against hitting women, especially stupid black ones, I have morals, and standards. I am the laid back hipster that keeps to himself but can share a joke every now and then. I also believe that sometimes violence is the answer. But in this case, she is not work getting suspended over. If this was not in school, her fat ass would be on the ground in a heartbeat.

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I cannot seem to do anything right. I am getting annoyed and angry with the simplest of things. I very much wish to cause physical harm to myself. But Can't. Wishing I made no such promise.

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I was told to be more consistent with the mood of my posts. I shall. I've been getting bored really often. I need more things to do. Just don't know what to do. Is cool though. Maybe I will get into anime again.

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I was told to be more consistent with the mood of my posts. I shall.

wat, who said that, in my journal i am an emotional rollar coaster....
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Welp, things have been going better lately. Except when I am tired or something and I just stare into space I apparently look sad and my girlfriend get sad and/or mad when I don't tell her what's wrong even though there really is nothing wrong. Then she starts to cry and I have to force a smile and act happy until I go to my next class. This is about the whole day in my school. And I have to fake the whole way through lunch and orchestra because we have those together. And usually when I am feeling good and awake I just mess with her. Not being mean or anything, just poking her head or something. Then she gets annoyed and I feel like poop.

Tonight I have already finished my homework of 2 hours. This is a lot for me. I go to school in Kentucky which has the worst schools in the country. And my school district is the 75th in the state. Needless to say, my school district is terrible. Therefore we do not get a lot of homework and the quality of learning is not amazing.

I think I am back into TF2. I took a hiatus and when I came back I was terrible, which spiked rage. I dealt with it and now I am decent again, although still not quite where I once was.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tried to break up with someone yesterday, it did not go so well as we are still together. I have tried 4 times. I will have to face it that I am stuck with this person until she sees why we can't be together forever.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey everybody. I'm sad again. My lif- HA just kidding i'm done with that emo crap!


Anyways, My name is now Tardis, as many of you know. But some people still call me Romulan. Not as many, but some. I guess it is kind of like Wells Fargo used to be Wachovia Bank. And some people just couldn't let go of Wachovia Bank. ANYWHO, I am eating a MICROWAVE bacon cheeseburger right now. Shit, I didn't know these existed. But it's so good, and I made it in about a minute! (That's a minute for metric system guys.)


This is a little late, but I got a really nice headset for Christmas. From my girlfriend. It is a Razer Chimaera. And I just learned that for my birthday, which is in a few weeks, she is getting me a Razer Lycosa keyboard! I'm like a pimp daddy or some shit! I'm like a male prostitute. IM ROLLIN. Just kidding, I love her :3 despite all the stuff I said in the past. (Don't scroll up.)... (please)



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