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How Did YOU Know StarFox?


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Well, as the title says, the thread's a question for how you got into the game series. Introduced by a friend? Came along a console? Stumbled upon while browsing internet? Something else? You can tell it all here.

Watch it, here comes a long hit. Size reduced to occupy less page space. 1854648_4f5541744ae31af62f82b1196d2398ce

For me, it wasn't anything too unusual. I was looking into Ace Combat titles and announcements when i saw something along the lines of this:

[...]Namco has not only been on Ace Combat when it comes to aircraft shooters, and it's been on space in somewhere else than Ace Combat 3's mission 'Zero Gravity': Namco has been part of the development team for Nintendo's Star Fox: Assault, sequel to the GCN game Star Fox Adventures.[...]

Then I was intrigued by the the mention. I always liked the way Namco made aerial shooter games, so i thought SF: Assault was worth a shot, but didn't actually take the time to look it all up.

When I simply was looking for another AC-related video on YouTube, I came across the old SF: Assault trailer. I paused the clip before it started, and did read the description of the video, something like:

Trailer for the game StarFox: Assault, second installment of the game series since StarFox 64, produced by Nintendo and Namco. The shooter features a new enemy for the team, a robotical hive-mind race called Aparoids.

When i saw the trailer, they totally got me with the quality of the CG (computer generated) animation.

Later on, i came across the chance to obtain a copy. Of course i couldn't help but to buy it. ( :-P ) Once i played it for the first time, i was completely hooked into the series.

(Ehh. "Hooked", that sounded dumb. I'm never going to say that again.)

I knew that the game had its flaws and good points, but I needed to know (And already knew about Adv., but never actually knew the story and such.) what other games there were for that series.

Here comes Episode Three: Drama Revelation.

One day I googled about the games and more info, and I felt the need to expunge my eyeballs due to the amount of crap I was looking at. Of course there were some small amounts of good fanstuff and official things, but still, I couldn't help but say out loud; "Holy crap."

After a bit of avoidance of the series, I told myself; "Screw it. That was probably FacePunch. It's different somewhere else."

So i came across SF-O. (Funny enough, unknowingly looking for something that was quite the conversation topic on this forum.) Stalked for some time as guest, found the place way more civil than others, decided to stay. In meantime of stalking, I got to know more about the series, thanks to you guys.

So, that's my internet life story regarding SF. What about you?

(Title edit per request of Hidi.)

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I vaguely remember playing the original SNES game at a neighbor's house when I was 2 or 3 years old, and I also remember my older brother renting it a few times.

Later, I was reintroduced to Star Fox via Super Smash Bros. when i was 5 or 6 and later rented SF64, and I had fun with it.

In 2005 or something, my brother got Star Fox Assault and I used to like it as a kid, but now I don't care for it so much.

I've gotten back into the series since I was about 11 or 12 when I got the SNES game off of Ebay and downloaded SF64 on the Wii Virtual Console.

Yeah, not very interesting I apologize. : P

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I was playing Super Smash Bros. (the old ass N64 one) at a friends house, Fox was a highly regarded character in that game judging from their comments about how powerful he was. Being an impressionable young lad, I was interested in knowing about the best character, but never really got the chance until years later when I rented SF: Assault from a local video store. I played it, I liked it, it got me into the series, and then a while later I played SF: Adventures.

So for all of y'all out there looking for a real answer from yours truly, I am one of those losers who never played SF64 or the SNES games, and I probably never will since I've lost interest in the series. But hey, it did get me into SF-O, so plenty of good came out of those two games.

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My siblings used to play SF64 at a friend's house when I was really young. Later on (2008 or so) I found the game and we all got back into it, and I was officially introduced to the series.

After that I looked up the other games and we soon got Star Fox Adventures. Many days/weeks of fun were had. I joined Arwing Landing after that and soon joined SFO as well. Then I got Assault and no more explanation is necessary. :)

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Oh man, wayyyyy back when I was little, me and a group of neighborhood friends would play SF64 a lot, along with Mario Kart and Mario Party. My brother had the original SNES game, which I'd play every so often, although I'd usually get a headache from playing it since we had the console hooked into a massive early HDTV nicknamed "Jabba" because it was so huge (it was also the TV from Hell :P). I remember renting Adventures when it came out (actually, that's probably the first game I ever rented), and I remember being disappointed by it because there was there weren't any big space battles. I coaxed my mom into taking me back so I could return it and buy Pikmin. I've been playing SF64 on the Virtual Console lately, and I'm trying to track down the SNES game, which is probably in some remote corner of the basement.

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Orbiter, consider a title change to correct a minor grammar mistake? ("How did you know" instead of "knew")

Anyways, to answer the question; my brother was an avid Star Fox 64 player and I just got introduced to the game anyway. Never really had a keen interest on playing it when I was younger, but it soon caught on for me. It wasn't until recently though that I started exploring further into the Star Fox series and I then got Adventures and Command.

So for all of y'all out there looking for a real answer from yours truly, I am one of those losers who never played SF64 or the SNES games, and I probably never will since I've lost interest in the series. But hey, it did get me into SF-O, so plenty of good came out of those two games.

We will renew your interest in Star Fox by forcing you to play what you have long omitted what is regarded as the finest in the series. Resistance is futile, we're sorry, Zero.

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My parents bought it because it looked cool and I instantly liked it.

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Back in the N64 days, my dad took me to get a new game. I saw it there on shelf and thought it could be fun. I gotta say, I wasn't disappointed.

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I was pretty late to the series. The only thing I knew about Fox Mccloud was that he was my favorite Brawl character and he was from a game called StarFox. I talked to my one friend about it and he told me it was a good series. I think it was April of this year(or was it May?) I was over my cousin's house sorting through their gamecube games and came across StarFox Adventures. Seeing that this was a good time to see what StarFox was like, I asked to play it. Then two weeks later I joined this site as a fan. Since then I have played Assult and Command ( no 64 yet)

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I remember my friends playing assault when it came out. I remember having good times with friends playing multiplayer. But 5 years later i found the game in a store and i felt compullesed to buy it. After that there where ups and downs and lots of conflict with the plot and my feelings, but that how i oringaly met the series.

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When I first bought my Nintendo 64 it came with one of those fliers that advertised other games in it. Star Fox was there. I was sold.

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Once upon a time I was subscribed to Nintendo Power (RIP), and it was good. Then they announced that the N64 was coming out, and I was like "Oh, neato". Then I received a promotional VHS (remember those?) in the mail from Nintendo Power, watched it, and I was like "Aghlaghlaghlaghaghlagh!!! MUST GET!" Star Fox 64 looked the most epic and I love fuzzy animals so why not? Like a good little girl I made my parents' lives a living hell until one of them got me an N64 and Star Fox 64, and I played it so frequently that eventually I got bored and found other stuff to play. Somehow through my involvement with Star Fox fandom I found out about furry and I never stopped loving fuzzy animals - or Star Fox - and was scarred for life by all the random depictions of fuzzies doing naughty things. The end.

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Well, for me it began either in 1994 or 1995. Our parents had just bought us a brand new snes that came with Donkey Kong Country. We got it because of a scheme our parent had made up to make us eat vegetables and fruits. We were supposed to eat vegetables and fruits regularly for like 2 months to get the console. A while after we got the it my dad once came to me and gave us the game, just like that. I was completely terrible at it and rarely made it past corneria, or the asteroid belt. But my brother was much better at video games than me, and he eventually finished the first route. But then we lost interest, because we got lots of new games like mario kart( we played so much mario kart in those days ! ), mario paint( probably the only game I was any good at XP ), and we rented new games very often, like ff2, ff3, zelda a link to the past, etc..

So for a somewhat long while I stopped playing starfox. Then the N64 came out, and we went to our friend's houses to play. We played lots of Goldeneye multiplayer, but we also played starfox 64's multiplayer a lot. I remember that we were fighting to have fox as character XD I never really played the single player campaign though. And for some odd reasons, I think I never made the connection between SF64 and SF SNES. After that, there was pretty much a long hiatus before I'd play a starfox game again. Pretty much because of the ps1 and ps2. And we never bought a gamecube.

Then, in 2008 or 2009 while I was playing a lot of snes emulated games, I stumbled on a starfox rom, in June and the name reminded me of something. So I played it and recognized immediately that game I had played on the SNES years ago. I was doing much better than back then, even with only a keyboard ! Then I started digging around to find the instruction manual, and read the backstory for the game for the first time ( Because I couldn't read it when I was a kid since the manual came in english only ). I then started looking for even more starfox related content. I registered on AL, read the 1993 comics, the german sf64 comics, and Farewell beloved Falco, then craved for more. Read that "Phoenix from the ashes" fanfic, loved it. It made me want to make my own fic, but then in August I began modding the source engine, and thought "maybe I should turn the fic into a mod".. And then 1 or 2 years later AL had lost lots of people some of whom were fleeing for SF-O, so did I. And there we are today !

The rediscovery of SF SNES in 2008 or 2009 was pretty much what turned me into a fan, since before that, it was just another game.

Woops, I think I wrote a little too much, again.. :/

Oh well, might as well post it all..

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I first heard of Starfox when Adventures came out. It was also the first Starfox named as Starfox in Europe - because of a copyright issue, the previous Starfox games were renamed. Because of that I thought this was a new series by Nintendo. I got interested in Adventures but never played it, we didn't have a gaming console at home (until the Wii). But I lost track on the series after Assault and Command.

Then in 2008, I got interested in Starfox again, I found the SNES Starfox comics from Nintendo Power, discovered that they were Starfox games before Adventures, then looked at the story. Finally I found this forum with awesome people and that made me a Starfox fan. Voilà!

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Actually my first contact with StarFox was in 1994 - when my father gave me his SNES with some games. In them where StarFox and Wing Commander (those two series who've made a big impact in my life) along with Mario World, and later Mario Kart, Asterix and Super Star Wars. But WC and SF where always important games for me (and they are propably the reason I'm a Science-Fiction fan, since I was literally Space-nerd in my childhood [i learned reading very fast [according to my parrents at the age of 3,5]] and literally devoured all Astronomy books. My father helped me to understand at this time a lot of terms I couldn't understand.)

I played SF64 a lot at the electronic market when it came out, and passed the game on the easy route propably after a week or so spending in ****** (no advertisements :D )

I only played the new games at a friend (and passed Assault after I borrowed it from him along with the console).

That's pretty much it...

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Mine was when my parents bought me my Gamecube. A booklet came with it, showing all the upcoming games for it. The page for Starfox Adventures caught my attention right away, and not that long later, my dad rented it for me. I instantly fell in love with the game, and began looking into it. And that's how I got into it as a whole.

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I got into Starfox when my mate let me play on his copy of Lylatwars for the first time and I was hooked, when I got my own N64 I bought a copy of the game and pretty much every Starfox game that's come after it and tbh I thought they were all good games :)

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