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Character Relationships


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Romantic, platonic, family, enemy, acquaintance, any kind of relationship possible; which ones do you find most interesting in the world of Star Fox? Can be pretty headcanony, but I think deserves another topic considering "headcanons" is such a broad topic and this is more specific.

Here's mine:

Falco and Katt: I actually don't like them as a romantic couple at all. I see them more as best friends with a brother/sister dynamic. Katt really admires Falco and he finds the outward admiration a little annoying but he still lets her rib him more than anyone else can get away with. They're partners in crime when the time comes to out and will watch each other's backs if they can. Katt flirts with him because she knows it annoys him and there's nothing funnier than getting a rise out of the guy.

Andrew and Andross: Obviously Andrew admires his uncle to the point of obsession, and I imagine Andross showing a softer side with him around. The "cool uncle", as it were, always telling Andrew stories and teaching him about the world. Despite Andrew's general derposity he's book-smart, something that allows him to connect to Andross and feel understood by him. Since Andross' exile happened at such a young age, this is where the seed of Cornerian hatred was planted in Andrew. He didn't understand that his uncle could do anything wrong, and he still holds that opinion to a fault. Of course, he misses Andross terribly because he wasn't just his uncle, he was his best friend.

Andrew and Dash: I'd prefer if Dash remained noncanonical, due to being pointless alongside Andrew's existence. But, if he does stick around, there better be some good goddamn character development between the two of them to justify why we need both Andross-Minis. Personally, I think Dash is probably some kind of clone of Andross, being that the other option includes Andross concieving and it brings up all sorts of complicated family deals that whatever. Clones. Clones that Andrew didn't know about, and manages to appear physically, morally and skillfully superior to Andrew and loved as "the good guy". Cue resentment, jealousy, and a sense of betrayal. Things get ugly...but might also be more than they seem. *mysterious waggly fingers*

Slippy and Peppy: I always liked in 64 how Peppy was the one complimenting Slippy, who spent the rest of the game being berated by Falco and probably the player. Slippy's the "kid" of the team, despite being Fox's age, and despite being a valuable mechanic, falls short in most other departments. He admires his long-time friend Fox but is insecure about how well he holds up, but Peppy's the one reminding him of how useful he is to the team with his inventions. Coming from an old veteran like Peppy, that probably means a lot.

Peppy and James: Peppy misses James a lot, it seems. At least he better for as often as he brings him up. They must've been close friends, though James was always the guy in the spotlight. Peppy wasn't a natural leader (shut up Command) and liked to hang back, but he has enough gumption to tell a good leader from a bad and James was definitely the former. He kept all his secrets and passed on his legacy to the best of his ability and is proud to see his qualities in Fox. But he still regrets what happened on Venom, and almost feels like his own time in the sun was cut short.

Fox and Andrew: Both are responsible for the death of each other's guardian. Both make it their goal to fill the shoes of those departed. They are on completely opposite ends of the playing field. They are opposite and similar. They are interesting characters to pit against one another. SO STOP WITH THE GIANT ENEMY CRABS.

Fox and Bill: Best buddies who represent different sides of a very similar person. Fox has a freedom that Bill will never have, constrained to military duty and standard societal expectations. Fox is a wildcard and Bill is the cool cousin who lives down the block. They'd probably be terrible roommates but great drinking buddies.


Krystal and Andrew ala Command: As sympathetic buddies and only because Krystal pops up in Command all "BUT WAIT! ANDROSS ACTUALLY WASN'T THAT BAD OF A DUDE!". Krystal is SYMPATHETIC TO ANDROSS and Andrew is off being a crab somewhere what the hell NO if they had come in contact that would've been the bees knees. Krystal suddenly realizing Corneria might not be what it's cracked up to be, decides to track down answers by interrogating Oikonny himself? Andrew realizes that Krystal might be a powerful ally and tells his side of the story--slanting it a bit to his favour? Krystal's nature allows her to become sympathetic to him, but she no longer knows who's right or who's wrong? Pissed-off fanboys?! What's not to like!

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Fox and Miyu: Similar to what Dras mentioned for Falco and Katt, only Miyu doesn't constantly bother Fox, nor does Fox get angry at her, and their friendship is much stronger. Fox and Miyu have known each other since they were children (even before Fox met Slippy) and Fox sees her like a sister, which he finds especially important being an only child and never having a sibling of his own. Miyu has always secretly had a crush on Fox, but she never finds the courage to tell him, and Fox doesn't see her in that light. She also gets jealous when Fara is around Fox, but soon shrugs it off and realizes that there is nothing going on between her and him and they are only meant to be friends.

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AndrossXSlippy4Lyfe loljklmfao

Seriously though, this thread has the potential to turn into a shipping war really, really fast.

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AndrossXSlippy4Lyfe loljklmfao

Seriously though, this thread has the potential to turn into a shipping war really, really fast.

This doesn't apply just to that.

Romantic, platonic, family, enemy, acquaintance, any kind of relationship possible; which ones do you find most interesting in the world of Star Fox? Can be pretty headcanony, but I think deserves another topic considering "headcanons" is such a broad topic and this is more specific.
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Hey thanks for preventing the dystopian future of people disagreeing on the internet, you won the mission emot-thumbsup.gif

In all seriousness though, how about discouraging people from attacking people for their ships and kicking their asses out of the thread if they try to do so? It's not like anyone posting here has even mentioned romantic ships yet, let's not derail the thread with DOOM AND GLOOM over something that hasn't even happened.

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How would you like to see the Krystal relationships with the rest of Star Fox develop, Dras?

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Ideally I want Krystal to be retconned. This doesn't mean erasing her from the series entirely but severely altering her place in the universe. As it stands now, her character is extremely unrealistically developed and her "relationships" with other characters are muted or nonexistant...which really sucks, considering the other characters have pretty distinguished relationships. Abandoning her entire quest and throwing herself into the arms of a MAYUUUN was also an ill-advised--and kind of random, considering her rather brash attitude beforehand--turn.

Regardless of her change in backstory, I generally see her character progressing in the same way...which is naturally nothing like the way it progressed in the games. But here is the general outline of other relationships I see her having:

With Fox: She doesn't trust Fox at first! Wow! He's the first real "outsider"-type person that she meets, and he's a mercenary. There is no real reason for her to trust him and his fame as leader of Star Fox is pretty much ineffectual on her as she missed the context that has made that important--being generally cut off from the rest of Lylat and all. Fox is actually frustrated by this, Krystal is nonchalant and doesn't really see his importance until they keep showing up to do the same things. Eventually, despite her misgivings, they establish a mutual trust and become allies, though Krystal is still particularly private. The development of this into romance is up to personal preference but I definitely would like to see conflict in their personalities, mostly in Krystal being really stubborn and not really understanding the concept of a "leader", or at least, why she should answer to one. This challenges Fox to answer these questions himself.

With Falco: I can't see her liking Falco very much, out of some misplaced sense of competition. While the rest of the team is used to Falco's shenanigans, Krystal doesn't quite "get" him yet and finds herself in contest with him quite frequently. More bickering than with Fox, even. She takes him more seriously than he probably takes himself, though she eventually just learns to get over it and tolerate his presence, though perhaps not for very long. Falco just kind of wonders what her deal is, but he actually doesn't dislike her himself.

With Slippy: Krystal finds Slippy absolutely adorable and he's the first on the team to make her regularly smile and giggle. His "resigned to the Team Baby" attitude probably has something to do with it, as she feels no reason to be defensive around him. She has an honest interest in what Slippy has to say, even if she doesn't understand the technobabble half the time--though she picks up on it pretty quickly, all things considered. They bond over being frustrated with Falco and pick on him when he's not paying attention before giving each other subtle knucklebumps.

With Peppy: Though she is shielded towards him to begin with as well, Peppy becomes a useful lens through which Krystal sees Lylat. He's more than happy to explain things to her, when others aren't so patient, and his general objective-but-grandfatherly attitude is appealing to her, as she's sort of the same way. She naturally respects him as her elder and is taken by his wisdom, leading to many philosophical conversations between the two of them. Krystal senses the pain in his past, and through that feels something of a connection, though her's is more distant.

With ROB: She's never met an AI like ROB before. Spends a lot of time just watching him do stuff, because it's interesting. They don't have much of a "relationship", per se, but hey, robots are neat.

With Wolf: For whatever reason, she finds Wolf particularly fascinating. She has no particular affinity with Corneria to begin with, due to her lack of contact with the planet, so she is interested that someone dislikes the planet everyone has lauded as heroic leaders. She's a hand-to-hand combat match for him, and he acknowledges that she isn't exactly like other Lylatians. Despite his dealings with the underbelly of Lylat, Wolf hasn't encountered Cerinians too often. Krystal doesn't percieve him as an enemy despite Star Fox's dislike of the team. She simply sees him as a resource, for information, a challenge, or otherwise.

With Leon: He gives her the creeps. His reptilian ways make him hard to read, and she doesn't like it when people are hard to read. He's very interested in "how Cerinians work...on the inside", so she generally tries not to be alone with him if she can help it, whether or not Leon would actually follow up on his creepy rhetoric.

With Pigma: Regardless of lack of affiliation, she still thinks Pigma is a dickhead and completely untrustworthy. Not that he makes it hard, mind you. It doesn't help that he's a complete creeper and hits on her when he can.

With Andrew: See first post!

With Panther: She finds Panther amusing more than anything and doesn't take any of his advances as serious, whether or not they actually are. She finds she has no reason to dislike him, and he continues to woo her despite her being generally oblivious to standard courting...though she may in part just be ignoring that aspect of him.

Uhhh...that's all I've got for now.

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Pepper and Fay: Like I said in the headcanons topic, Fay is Pepper's niece. Even though Pepper trusts Fox and believes he will do everything in his power to ensure her safety, he still worries about her sometimes, and often regrets allowing her to join Star Fox.

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Ahhh yes that's actually one of the fan theories I like a lot!

I have another odd one. Peppy and ROB Assault gave me this odd impression that Peppy and ROB were bros and then I began to wonder if ROB was around when James was. Though ROB is a robot and therefore not quite as outwardly emotional, he and Peppy still have that sentimental connection.

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