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Who wants to shoot each other online?


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So yeaaaaaaaaaaah. If anyone wants to hop online on Command and shoot lasers at me, reply here, or send me a PM, or whatever, I don't even care!i do actually

My FC is 987 993 077 430

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Can I ask what your security settings are? I hope you're primary network isn't secured on WEP or you could be real screwed.

If you're hosting a connection through a device off your internet, then yes that's fine. I'd certainly like to play with you, however I am very busy and need to set up a WEP connection for my DS in order to play with you. The DS doesn't support WPA which is more commonly used these days.

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Ummmmm WEP is your main network security configuration?!

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Yeah, but i've done tons of mario kart ds online in the past with this connection. SHouldn't be an issue

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WEP can be cracked in like 5 minutes, but it's better than NO security I guess - marginally. :P You should change it to WPA for most of the time.

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This is exactly what I've been trying to tell him. :lolhyst:

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