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Star Fox Misconceptions


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While I think most here are all knowledgeable Star Fox fans now, there was a time for all of us when this was not so. Thinking back to when we first played the games, some of us in our childhood years, what kind of mistakes or misconceptions did you believe about Star Fox?

To start this off I'll talk about mine. Back when I was a kid first playing SF64 I couldn't figure out what was on Fox's head thanks to the N64's blocky graphics. At the time I assumed that it was grey hair similar to Einstein's. I also thought Peppy was wearing a lab coat. Given that Slippy invented the Blue Marine I though that everyone on the team were scientists that had invented the Great Fox and Arwings.

The other I had was that the star looking things orbiting the planets in the Lylat System map were warp points. Because of that I thought you could warp from any planet if only you could find the hidden gate entrance. Looking back I remember searching for warp gates in places it didn't even make sense such as Aquas or Tatiana before giving up.

Did any of you experience misconceptions like this when you first got into Star Fox?

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When I first started getting back into Star Fox, I always thought the G-Diffuser system were the Arwings' engines, of course now I realize that the Arwings use a NTD-FX engine and the G-Diffusers are the two blue fins installed in front of the wings.

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When I first started getting back into Star Fox, I always thought the G-Diffuser system were the Arwings' engines, of course now I realize that the Arwings use a NTD-FX engine and the G-Diffusers are the two blue fins installed in front of the wings.

This, and every kid in my neighborhood thought Slippy was Fox's girlfriend. His trophy in Melee was a big shocker for me.

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My first misconception was what this topic was about and I nearly came in here raging about how NO, THEY DO NOT HAVE ROBOT LEGS but alas

At the time I assumed that it was grey hair similar to Einstein's. I also thought Peppy was wearing a lab coat. Given that Slippy invented the Blue Marine I though that everyone on the team were scientists that had invented the Great Fox and Arwings.

My stepbrother did this same thing and was super mad whenever I told him that no, they weren't scientists.

Anyway, me, based on the simple ads I initially saw SF64 advertised in, I...thought Fox was a girl. I also thought "her" name was Star Fox and that all the other characters would be named Star Bird, Star Frog, and Star Donkey. Guess what I thought Peppy was?

There was a lot of species confusion, actually. Aside from poor Peppy the Donkey, I thought Andrew was a goat and couldn't figure out what the hell Andross was for the longest time thanks to his pointed ears (despite "he's an ape" being almost literally spelled out in front of me). I probably would have thought Bill was a mouse if it weren't for the references to dogs in his level.

Also chalk me up as another "thought Slippy was a girl" person, though I actually blame this on some asshole kid I used to hang around with who would tell me that "no Nintendo says Slippy's a girl all the parts where they call her a guy is just a mistranslation!". I quickly figured out the truth. But not before a brief stint of believing Slippy and Peppy were dating, for some reason. orz

When I first got the game I was like 7 and I was REALLY BAD AT IT and couldn't get passed Meteo for the longest time. For some reason, thanks to some of the dialogue like "Andross won't have his way with me!" I assumed that Granga was Andross, and when he yells "MY EMPEROR, I'VE FAAAAILED YOU" I assumed he was referring to...the robot. Poor "Andross" had failed his robot. It also took me a while to figure out that you didn't have to go the easy route every time and my mind was BLOWN when I discovered that.

Yeah I was kind of dumb. :bday:

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When I played StarFox on SNES for the first time I thought the barrel roll was some kind of move to make the game cooler - I didn't know that it had a life saving effect ^^. Although I've beaten the first route at the age of 4 without barrel rolling one time :cool:

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Back when I was a total SF noob, I always thought that Peppy was some sort of governor/major/whatever, and that ROB was a combat drone/training drone. (I.E. Proxy).

...And there's also the #EPICFAIL of my part of thinking that Fox was somewhat a 'Knight Ace'. (I.E. Defender of peace, Jedi-esque, you know the drill.) Then I got to know he was a mercenary.

Still, he doesn't sound anti-hero-ish as most mercenaries from Sci-Fi. Go figure...

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Outside of the leg-amputation rumor, not much. One of my older brothers would often make up wacky "facts" about everything to make himself look smart (which I, being 4, would other swallow hook line and sinker, or get into heated arguments over), but not much SF-wise outside of the usual leg amputation rumor and the Slippy the Girl thing.

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My favorite warp point is in Meteo Asteroid field. You can get tons of kills and warp over to Sector Y in the red course. I found other warp zones just too hard or not enough kills to bother. Thats my only thing.

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I had the common one of thinking Slippy was a girl. I remember a relative of mine really loved Slippy because she thought Slippy was the "girl" of the series. One of my later ones was that Star Fox 64 was simply a one-off N64 exclusive because I'm so young, nobody in my peer group really cares about Star Fox let alone many of the Nintendo Franchises.

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I'll just jump on the "Slippy was a girl" bandwagon. That was the only reason I always wanted to save him and played him in versus mode. I was actually kind of sad when I found out he wasn't. Also thought Peppy was a donkey, despite having several people explain his last name to me.

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Tbh, upon reading all this, I noticed I had barely any of these misconceptions at all. Ok, partly because I only played SF64. I did share the one about not knowing what the G-diffusers exactly did, but figured it was somehow related to movement and the engines.

One was definitely that I thought the guy in the boat that was the opponent in the bossfight on Zoness was a dog, I only got to read that it was a monkey much, much later on. I just guessed that, because he referred to Star Fox as "welps", instead of kids. Yes, I know, I should have seen it didn't have a snout. Go ahead and sue me.

Then theres.....ah right. Until I played it through the first time, I wasn't sure how Star Fox' standing was to Corneria. If they were mercenaries or a part of the army. But when you've seen the ending, it kinda gets obvious. I did tend to the mercenary thing though, but through child's logic. I knew there was Star Wolf, and that they were doing what they were doing, you know, not letting Star Fox do that because of the "beautiful reward", so they were definately hired. And I thought since Star Wolf was called like Star Fox, therefore it was like Star Fox, so they must have been hired too.

Ok this is all not particularly much, but I played SF64, everything was much more visible then...you know with textures and voice acting.

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I don't know why you keep bringing up that you "played SF64" considering most of the posts in here are citing their misconceptions as stemming from that game. :|

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I kept thinking that Fox's name was "Star Fox." Also had a handful of ones when I first saw a trailer for SFA (Including that Krystal was a princess of some sort.), all related to the story. I was kinda pissed when I realized how wrong I was, haha.

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When I first saw Krystal in Assault, I thought she was a cat.

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Well she was a cat before nintendo turned Dinosaur planet into SFAdventures

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Oh.  Huh.  She's got a smashed up face for a Fox. :/

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to think that Wolf was an ex-member of the Starfox team.

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