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The Saurian Adventure Episode 1: A World In Pieces

Robert Monroe

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"I'll have to be quick here" Eurydice thinks to herself as she drops her right Amazon and balls a fist. She charges her right Heracles gauntlet with electricity. Moving as quickly as possible she goes in with a straight punch right into. the Sharpclaw's nose.She also tries squeezing off a shot with her left pistol at the SharpClaw going after Gene and Amelia.

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Renard had barely managed to kick the sharplcaw off of his blade before he felt himself take a nasty bump from behind. Moving with

the momentum of the blow,  he turned his shoulder to knock the sharpclaw he had just wounded down and rolled onto him, crushing his neck with his knees and managing to pin him, his next target being the sharpclaw who had hit him, the fox drawing three throwing knives from his inner vest and psychokineticly hurling them at the offending dino.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm declaring this RP dead. If you'd like to reopen it, PM me.

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