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It's December first, everyone! You know what that means? Holidays are coming up! I say holidays because I figure there are people here who don't celebrate Christmas BUT WHATEVER IM MANTHONY CLAUS NOW

So yeah, this here's a thread for those who want to freak out for holiday related things. Bought a sweet gift for someone? Share it here!

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*sees title*

What you just call me?


I really just have studying to do, and raise money to pay for my cat's surgery. :3

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Well I got a laptop as a gift kinda early. We don't really do the Christmas thing. XD

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When do we get to do that thing were every SF-O member poorly photoshops/draws a Santa hat onto their avatar?

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When do we get to do that thing were every SF-O member poorly photoshops/draws a Santa hat onto their avatar?

Is that like, seriously a thing you guys do? I just did that for fun!

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Oh hey, I forgot all about that. It's Christmas avatar time!

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While I personally am not christian, my family and girlfriend are so... GUESS WHOS CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS!

and wait... how about I just draw a character with a santa hat as opposed to shopping one O_o

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I guess it's Santa hat your avatar time again.

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Almost forgot to switch; Santa-Hat engaged. :-P

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What's wrong with the kitty?


Oh she just got spayed, but it cost me an absolute fortune because she's older. Before, she was too underweight to have the surgery so I had to wait until recently... she's 6 years old. :/


She also doesn't keep too well, she has pemphigus so she is sick a lot, tends to be on steroid medication when she's at her worst. But she's a sweetheart. :)

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It's the return of Handsome Christmas Spikeward.


As for me, received my Wii U Christmas present early, as I usually do with presents from my parents because we don't really do the whole get gifts, hide them, wrap them, and give them on Christmas thing.


Usually receive money for Christmas from relatives, which I'll be putting towards Call of Duty: Black Ops II (though I still don't know what damned system, Wii U, PS3, or PC, they all have their pros and cons), and the newest book in the Temeraire series.



As for the giving part, my dad and I were looking at a pretty nifty camera for my mom, who's a bit of a shutterbug.



Also, Scourge, you don't have to be a religious Christian to celebrate Christmas. Look at Thailand, they celebrate it because of fun, not Christianity, and I dare say they kick the ever living shit out of our national Christmas celebrations. What's that, New York gets a giant Christmas tree? Thailand makes one out of silver chimes and lights it to the point it'll blind astronauts.

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Badly shopped Christmas avatar, ACTIVATE!

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I've covered my head with my baddly shopped christmas "helmet" :P

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As with Halloween, I Christmasified and added a super sweet Christmas tag to my Tumblr, but here's some stuff I've done to get into the festive spirit so far:



My tree!


My front door!


The city's in the Christmas spirit too:



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Dras, your pictures always look so nice, haha.



Well I made an awesome (in my opinion :D) gif for my Christmas avatar like last year, picked about 5 pictures for my desktop to alternate through, and already bought a few presents for my family and friends.


As for the tree... we ordered one (artificial) online during Black Friday for a very low price. It arrived the other day and.. uhm... it's pretty bad. Very small and not at all what we wanted, so I think we will get a real tree sometime soon.


Also, my sister and I have almost finished getting together a huge playlist of Christmas music!


As for what I'll be getting for people and how I'll be spending the holiday: I'm going to get some Steam games for my close friends on Steam, some gift cards for my other Internet friends who do not use Steam, and for actual family and local friends I'll be getting them random things/things they want, of course. ;)

I actually managed to save up quite a bit for this year, surprisingly.


I'll be at home, of course. A fairly typical Christmas dinner and that's pretty much it.

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Christmas time is the most wonderful time of the year. And before that it's the 21st! I have a party to rock with a new $300 Shiva amp and zombies to kill. It's a Christmas miracle! 


Presents? Pfffff. I'm saving up for a European trip. But i need to kick ass and chew bubble gum to learn present wrapping.

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