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SFOCast Theater Production Thread


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There are my lines, even though it says Fox Lines, it's also my Lizard lines


Please stick to the conventions. I think I can work with these, but in future episodes please put the files in seperate folders and use WAV files. Cubase as to  convert WMAs to use them, so there will not only be the compression loss, but the conversion loss as well.

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Yech, WMA. Use Audacity, it can save stuff as WAVs: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ I can help you learn how to use it if need be.

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I thought they were supposed to be WMA, sorry.  I could redo all of that if you want

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I forgot three sounds. The first is for a big ship humming noise (Probably for the Venomian ship in the beginning of Act 1 and the Cornerian Freighter), the second is for the space whale in Act 2 and the third is the Attack Carrier humming sound.




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What's with the name of the second file?! (Pretty good though!)

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I still need the follwing character lines:




Cornerian Soldier 2

Cornerian Officer

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In regards to that, are there any other sound effects you need (Off the top of your head is fine)? Could give all of us a sense if we need to put in anything additional.

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OKI DOKI LOKI! Here's mah lines!






I made some notes for some of the files since they weren't lines but noises I had to make such as the laughing during the "excommunication" scene. I also did some of Pepper's lines with an actual Dum-Dum lollipop in my mouth or fiddled with the wrapper.


Feedback appreciated and I will gladly re-record any lines you like, DZ.

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I need these lines by the end of the week or I will record them myself:


Cornerian Soldier 2

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You will be listed in the credits by your forum username, unless you tell me otherwise. You can PM me your credits name if you wish or you may post it here.

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I put together a quick mock-up with the voices I have.


A couple of things:

1. In the future, watch for clipping, especially on excited/yelled lines. Clipping is that ugly distorted sound that you hear when something is recorded too loud. Since so many of the lines had clipping issues, I am just going to live with it this time, but in the future please be aware. Here is a helpful video that demonstrates clipping:



2. Missing Lines:

FALCO: Yeah, and if it has a tracking chip, our hideout will be crawling with lizards before Slippy can do anything with it. It isn’t worth it, man. We can’t go on like this, Fox.

FALCO: Look, it’s easy: Take the haul from this pig, and board the next ship outta here. We need to go to a rich planet, perhaps Katina or even Corneria itself. You know what rich planets have, don’t you, Fox? (This line was included, but the word "cantina" was used instead of "Katina")

FALCO: Commercial freighters! Lots of them! With big, fat, cargo bays full of expensive goods. Few guards, and definitely no lizard soldiers. We’ll be livin’ the good life in no time!

FOX: Look, we may be leaving without a single credit, but when we come back, we’ll be stinking rich. Pepper will pay us well, I know it.

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With the missing ones, just make sure I know which line it is.

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Yeah, when I was recording I noticed that a couple of the lines had clips in them from looking at the waveforms but not being an edumacated sound person I didn't know quite what to do. Should I lower the recording volume on those lines or is there some other trick? I was afraid if I recorded them too quiet that if they had to be amplified later background noise would get amped too.

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You should first of all decently decrease the record volume. Use a Pop filter if you haven't. You could also try to speak the line farer from the mic, but that could possibly result in recording environmental sounds. The first option is what I prefer most...

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*Checks files in Soundbooth*

From what I can see at a glance (Since like Fana, I'm not an expert), Soundbooth isn't showing me any obvious clipping problems, but I notice now the inconsistencies in the volume of my voice (Random points in clips where I'm much louder than I should be and/or compared to the rest of the clip).




Wat? You have a problem with that? *Sarcastic laugh*


To add on, as far as my forum name goes, people either use "Heidi" or "Heedee" as a way to pronounce it. Personally, I don't really mind either way, though I tend to use the latter pronunciation.

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Yours didn't have a clipping issue. In fact, I had to boost the gain on many of your lines.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a sound effect library if anyone is interested.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, I will try to get this mostly done this weekend, though I do still need those missing lines:

FALCO: Yeah, and if it has a tracking chip, our hideout will be crawling with lizards before Slippy can do anything with it. It isn’t worth it, man. We can’t go on like this, Fox.

FALCO: Look, it’s easy: Take the haul from this pig, and board the next ship outta here. We need to go to a rich planet, perhaps Katina or even Corneria itself. You know what rich planets have, don’t you, Fox? (This line was included, but the word "cantina" was used instead of "Katina")

FALCO: Commercial freighters! Lots of them! With big, fat, cargo bays full of expensive goods. Few guards, and definitely no lizard soldiers. We’ll be livin’ the good life in no time!

FOX: Look, we may be leaving without a single credit, but when we come back, we’ll be stinking rich. Pepper will pay us well, I know it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm stuck without these lines. If I don't get them within a week, I'm probably going to have to find new people to record the entire parts for Fox and Falco, and if I can't, then I will have to alter the script which may require even more lines.

Though, I must admit, I am concerned about our ability to complete the comic.

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