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(New) Voices in Star Fox 64 3D


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Hey, all.
So, I'm a huge fan of Star Fox 64, love it. Definately my favorite of them all. I've always wished that Nintendo would somehow make SF64 onto a mobile gaming device ever since I was a child. You could only imagine the joy that came into my heart when they Announced the 3DS WITH a remake of Star Fox 64. I was totally pumped for it, and got the game on the day of release. Went home and played it until 2 layers of callus grew on my thumbs. The thing is, I absolutly LOVE the game, so what could I possibly have to complain about it? Nothing, really. Just one simple thing. The Voices. Now, to my knowledge, it seemed that Nintendo had used newer voices for this games, I was heartbroken. The thing is, not all of the lines are bad, it's still the same, great Star Fox 64 we all know and love. There's just a few lines that I really can't stand to hear. It's like the Voice Actors did it all wrong, maybe it could have been better if Nintendo would have let the New VAs listen to the Old Clips of the voices. The one clip I looked forward to seeing the most is the final battle with the REAL Andross, when Fox switches his Arwing into All-Range Mode for the Final Battle, he says my favorite line, "So Andross, you show your TRUE form." It was nothing short of amazing when I heard it in 64, I couldn't wait until the rediculously long credits to end so I could play it through again, but the 3DS version left me out in the rain. This isn't the only line they messed up in, it's like some of the actors just didn't have the right attitude when they said the line, like there was no actual motivation, just saying it, getting payed and leaving. 
My Questions is, does anyone else notice the sloppy Voice Acting? Not saying it's all bad, because some of it is good. I like how much more clear you can hear the team's voices. But it's just that some of the lines lack motivaiton, like I said. If you disagree with me, I respect that. 
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Yeah, Falco's new actor wasn't half as awesome as the original. He just couldn't pull off, "Something's wrong with the G-Diffuser!" like the older actor...


And I was really anoyed that they changed Falco's, "Hey Einstein! I'm on your side!" line. I'm not kidding I went on about that one for like three weeks. My family though I was nuts. (I probably am, but that's beside the point...)


Yeah, kind of a stupid thing to be complaining about, but yes. I hated Falco's new actor. xD


Besides that it was an awesome, awesome game.

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The voice acting wasn't that much different other than the actors who replaced the old ones. Even then, you can't blame people who returned like Mike West for bad voice acting. To be able to come back and do it again after 15 years is pretty good in itself. I actually thought Falco's replacement on the 3DS was just fine, and sounded quite similar to the N64.

If you think about it too, Star Fox 64 is a very short game with tons of replay value. So you play it over and over, and as you do, things become very familiar and usual. So it was no surprise for everyone, including myself to begin comparing things from the N64 to the 3DS that were different. Sure there are some things that may not totally adjust with you, but to someone who's say, only ever played each version of the game only once, they wouldn't see a lot of the things avid Star Fox players would see.

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Some of them did, while some of them didn't. Ones I can name off the top of my head are Peppy and Falco.

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Nope - Peppy and Falco had different voice actors.

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Doing a barrel roll will never be the same.



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As I've said before, you can't exactly hold this game accountable for everything the original was because you can never repeat former glory.

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  • 3 weeks later...
As I've said before, you can't exactly hold this game accountable for everything the original was because you can never repeat former glory.


Over voice actors? Really?

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What point are you trying to make? I'm not 100% sure who you're trying to get at. (I'll answer your post, but elaborate your point a little more so I can fully grasp this)

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  • 5 weeks later...

I thought that I read at Behind the Voice actor that the StarFox team was done by the same actors,  but I could be wrong since now I can only find the Japanese voices. The voices are HQ and sound really great, but not as great. Especially Andross' laugh that used to be the scariest thing ever.

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