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My Star Fox Fan Game (Currently being Prototyped)


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Wasn't quite sure where to put this. I could have gone in a portal forum of mine, but this isn't really an art gallery or a place where I'll make constant updates. It could have gone in the lounge, but I feel it concerns starfox too much. So I just put it here, in general starfox. :-P


But I'm currently prototyping the game in game maker 8 using GML, I'm in the player flight physics stage. I'm learning to code/program as I prototype. ^^


Also the game will use a 2D top down perspective.


Here's a small story concept I came up with as well.

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The Story


The basic premise is that two alien races locked into a constant war of attrition, are slowly but surely bringing their war front to the Lylat system. Although Corneria in itself is a powerful planet boasting a powerful military. They still can not help but be caught in the crossfire between the two alien space-nations.


Although Cornerian leaders try to make peaceful contact with both Alien races, it only results in either open gunfire on one faction's part, or an almost immediate 'surrender immediately, resistance is futile,' on another faction's part.


In the end, Corneria is doomed, no matter what it does.


Fox McCloud, outside of the Lylat system doing a discreet deep-space mission for a certain contractor on Corneria, sees a massive unknown alien vessel approach the Great Fox.


Fox hails the vessel, only to find out that it is a refugee ship from a more or less back water planet on the edge of space.


Fox hears out their story, and goes to investigate the fate of the planet on the edge of space.


Around the planet, he discovers two fleets exchanging fire with each other, fleets so immensely powerful that Andross' fleet is made pale in comparison.


Fox realizes that they're going planet by planet, system by system. Fighting an almost doctrinal warfare.


Fox must venture out into the deepest parts of space to find allies. Corneria alone can not fight such a powerful enemy. However, the solution to ending the war may prove to be more than just gaining allies...


Enemies are made.


Sacrifices given.


But in the end, in order to save Corneria, fox must save the entire universe.

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Here's a yt video I just uploaded of how flight physics/movement might be handled on the player arwing craft. (Yes I know, it barely resembles an arwing, excuse my spriting skills.)


Since that's basically complete, i'll soon try to create some (sort of intelligent) dogfighting AI, so the player will actually be able to shoot at something.


Later on I'll probably add maneuvers, such as barrel rolls (aileron roll anyone?) and more.


Later later later on, I'll work on a conversation system, and once every basic thing has been prototyped, I'll start creating the actual game.




My main inspiration for this? Star fox and its characters! And in addition to that, Star Control 2 and it's wonderful gameplay style and immersive storyline.


Enjoy. ^^


NOTE: If this posted twice, just delete one topic, site is pretty slow at times. D:

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