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What would YOU want to see in a new StarFox game?


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You specifically, you in mind, yourself entirely; what would you want to see in a new 'official' StarFox video game?


Remain unbiased to anyone but yourself.


What would I like to see? Well... I'd like to see the good old StarFox 64 action but with modern day graphics. I'd also like to see the ability to fly new starships, more endings, and maybe even an open ended less linear storyline.


Now for your thoughts! :D

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Character development, Arwing mechs, plot twists, longer game, online gaming, downloadable content and maybe if needed, a re-imagining of the franchise.


There has been too much time in between games when the only time people have heard of Starfox is in Smash Bros. Personally, I think Starfox needs a facelift like what they did with Star Trek in 2009.


I take alot of flak from people who say, "You shouldn't compare Starfox with other sci-fi titles." The truth is, Starfox got its start from the global success of Star Wars. SF64 made references to Star Trek, Independence Day and Battlestar Galactica (1978). Starfox is a mirror reflecting popular franchises and their successes and I believe it should continue.

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A longer game, improved story, a return to SF64 style braching paths, online multiplayer, and I think 4-5 player co-op story would be awesome.

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