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Ocarina of Time/Star Fox 64 soundfont


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Some guy on Glitchkill went ahead and made a soundfont of Ocarina of Time's sampleset using N64SampleTool. And since both it and SF64 share many instruments, it can be used in a lot of Star Fox fanmade stuff. It doesn't have the instruments that are exclusive to SF64, but all the shared instruments used in both games are there and they sound great.


Plus, he also made a couple other N64 soundfonts if you want them.


So yeah. Go nuts.



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Oh, hell... 4Shared. I fucking hate 4shared and their regwall. :rant:

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Oh Mucho Bueno.


Thanks Patch.

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I played with it a bit:



This is Shostakovich's Novorosyssk Chimes. It illustrates a weakness in the samples, unfortunately: As the orchestration adds more notes to the overall sound, the samples start to sound like a weird pipe organ. Also, the trumpet was really flat. I had to re-tune it to use it here. Also instruments were mislabled. :/


This would sound better if I did a reduction on it to make the samples not muddy-up so much. Also, I was a bit lazy on the sequencing. Normally I would add more dynamics and articulation, but I did not do so because this was not a serious project and such things are time consuming. For this, I pretty much just read the score into Cubase, added enough balance so the melody comes through, added a tempo track, and a little reverb.

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