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Taking a break from orientation...


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I'm sure you all know what happens to a gram of sodium when you drop it in a glass of water. Fire, lots of sparks, impressive. That's all well and good, but...

Do you know what happens when you throw two kilos of raw sodium into the Charles River?

So yes, as it turns out, I have practically nothing until early September. Ask me anything!

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For waking up Boston? Surprisingly, no. Besides, as far as the cops know, we were simply on our way to CVS. >_>

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Hmmmmm.....you could say it's a science experiment out of interest.


Still must have been cool.

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Indeed it was. Also, to quote the leaders of the group:

"Our dark god Krotus slumbers! He demands two things! The blood of the innocent...*lights flares dramatically* and POTATOES!!!"

...Yeah, EC's weird like that.

Also, Jesus the Ride. 'Nuff said.

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Sounds Like your off to a good start... wish I could say the same of my school year...

Potatos very much yes!

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