Snys93 Posted February 2, 2013 Share Posted February 2, 2013 Hello all, Snes1993 here with an idea I had while watching some good and bad movies while I was sick with the flu. Something I've always wondered is why some movies that are actually great films never get a sequel or prequel and the bad flicks get them all. Well no, thats not always the case, but it happens. Name a favorite standalone film of yours and add why it should or should not or shouldn't have had a sequel. The same also applies to terrible films you've seen and why a sequel wasn't necessary. Just be descriptive and explain why. For example: Film: Pearl Harbor (2001) Sequel: thank God no Reasoning: Despite that it depicted a tragedy that is still branded into the hearts and minds of veterans and bystanders, this movies huge historical inaccuracies, bland love story and terrible acting was a major draw back. From the choice to cast Alec Baldwin as Colonel Doolittle to the non-regulation P-40 Warhawks paint jobs. It also being directed by Michael Bay. A director who is known for exploding everything directs a period piece of this magnitude, did not treat the attack with respect and hardly showed the Japanese side of the story. Instead, he chose to make it into an uninteresting love triangle, not a similar plot line of the film Tora! Tora! Tora! which in many ways was a vastly superior film. In short, it was boring, tasteless and utterly just a lame CGI fest. NO SEQUEL FOR YOU!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gene Inari Posted February 2, 2013 Share Posted February 2, 2013 Something I've always wondered is why some movies that are actually great films never get a sequel or prequel and the bad flicks get them all. Well no, thats not always the case, but it happens.The long and short of it is one simple thing: Money.If a movie pulls in big bucks, then the obvious thing for the suits to do is go, "Hey this worked. Lets make more like this."And if a movie barely breaks even, then the chances for a sequel are slim to none.If you want a sequel to your favorite movie or game or WHATEVER you love and want more of, do you part as a consumer and VOTE using that almighty dollar you have. Support and give money. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drasiana Posted February 2, 2013 Share Posted February 2, 2013 The fucking Hunchback of Notre Dame 2. Seriously, fuck this movie and fuck the pencils it came in on. The first one was great. It's my favourite movie of all time. The animation is beautiful and the soundtrack, oh god, the soundtrack. I still get chills when I watch the intro sequence. Faisul and I turned to each other on the couch and SQUEALED when Paul Kandel (Clopin) hits that high note. Squealed. For those unaware, Faisul is a fucking viking. Squealed. But oh no, Disney, you didn't think that was good enough. You didn't think the heart-quaking drama of the original was good enough. You didn't like what it had to offer, its dark, meaningful take on organized religion and racism. You had to...improve it. But how do you improve it, Disney? How do you improve that? Evidently, by dunking it in a loving vat of boiling shit: "An all new movie!" In fact, it might as well not even be related to the other one! This thing plays like one of those fucking discount animated ripoffs of popular features that you can rent for a buck from a Red Box machine. But no. It's a real thing. Someone literally sat down and said, "You know what'd be a great followup to the movie about the mental degradation of a religious leader whose lust and prejudice cause him to nearly exterminate an entire city and group of people? A wacky magician trying to steal the bells of Notre Dame! Also Quasimodo has to fall in love because we weren't paying attention to any of the messages or subtext of the original film at all." Me too, Quasi. Me too. Everything about this movie is terrible. The plot is stupid. The animation is sub-par at best. Esmeralda and Phoebus have a mysteriously blond-haired blue-eyed annoying-ass crotchspawn. And let's not forget the songs. The FUCKING SONGS: CHRIST. Did I mention Esmeralda and Phoebus have a (mysteriously blond-haired-blue-eyed) hellspawn? Yeah, they decided we really needed that. So, here is a riddle, to guess if you can, of the second Notre Dame...who is the monster and who is the maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan...? ...trick question. Everything about this movie is monstrous and should be sent back to Hell, where it belongs. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted February 2, 2013 Author Share Posted February 2, 2013 When I made this topic, I was thinking about The Fifth Element. True, it was a WTF film with plenty of "the hell was that" and "did I just see that" moments. However the film despite this, was a box office smash and now a much beloved film among scifi fans. Each time I watch this film I notice more about it than before. Its an enjoyable film and certainly one of my favorites. Now does it deserve a sequel? Maybe. I would love to see one and it can be done. But in other cases should it be? If so, there is a 17 year gap in which from when the film was first made and some of the actors have age considerably. Bruce Willis has aged some but still shows he can preform in action films. Milla Jovovich​ was an unknown before the release of this movie, was 19 and is now in her 30's but doesn't look a day over 25. But she probably will not reprise the role that made her famous. Gary Oldman's character died in the film, so no. Ian Holm aka Bilbo Baggins (Lord of the Rings)...I don't know. It really depends on Luc Besson (Writer, director) if he wants to or not. SEQUEL STATUS: Maybe not Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icy Posted February 2, 2013 Share Posted February 2, 2013 The A-Team (2010) Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Jessica Biel. Those are just the big names. Great cast. Great director. Great story. It did the (1980s) TV series justice IMO, and I am one of the biggest fans ever of the TV show. I thought it would be a disaster, but when I saw it I was pleasantly surprised. I've re-watched it close to 10 times since it released on DVD. It has a lot of comedic moments, great action scenes, an interesting story that takes a little from the TV series and adds some new things, too. The cast/characters are perfect and interact with each other perfectly. The whole "flow" of the movie just really worked, and worked well. It ended on a sort of cliffhanger, honestly. I got attached to the new versions of these characters and all their problems, and wanted to see them sort it out (even though that wasn't really what the TV show was all about, but it did deal with this a little in its final season) The director had a great vision for the sequel and the cast all supported it. Sadly it barely did anything at the theaters and then the DVD/Blu-Ray release didn't do well enough either, and there it sits. It was marketed as a super action movie for the average teenager, but the problem was it was a more mature and interesting movie, not at all what the trailers suggested. The adults and fans of the show didn't go see it, the people who were supposed to see it went and didn't like it. And not to mention it released the day the World Cup started. Terrible marketing and planning pretty much killed any chance this movie had. A fantastic movie that deserves a sequel way more than many other movies that were successful, and it's never going to get one. It's a shame. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Patch93 Posted February 2, 2013 Share Posted February 2, 2013 Oh god. Hunchback of Notredame 2. That is without a doubt, the absolute WORST Disney sequel ever made. (With The Fox and The Hound 2 coming in for a close second.) You know, sometimes I wish Quasi actually did hook up with Esmeralda at the end of the movie. Because maybe, just maybe, this piece of shit would never come to existence. >_< Well, then again the money grubbing assholes at Disney always find work arounds.... Also, the villain in this movie is a fucking faggot. He ain't got shit on Frollo. The Secret of NIMH is another MAJOR example of an classic animated film that should have NOT recieved a sequel. DX Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mjakob42 Posted February 2, 2013 Share Posted February 2, 2013 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines First thing I want to say is that I don't think this is a bad film, but when the unnecessary sequel topic comes up, I have to throw my two cents in with this one. Another quick disclaimer is that I'm kind of going off what James Rolfe had to say in his review back in 2009, so if my words sound familiar, please excuse me. Anyway, the Terminator franchise is probably my all-time favorite film franchises out there. Everything about the first two films are perfect examples of perfect action/sci-fi films out there. Even though it's not a stand-alone film, I think we can all agree that Terminator 2 shut the franchise book so tight that it's impossible to imagine a sequel. Thus T3 is announced! Back when I was a wee 10-year-old lad in 2003, I was more hyped than a junkie on coke and PCP combined, but even at 10 years old I found myself a wee-bit skeptical. I couldn't help but wonder how the hell Warner Bros. was going to follow such an amazing closure to an amazing franchise? But, who cares? IT'S FUCKING TERMINATOR! And then I saw the film... Even at 10 years old I was pretty disappointed. While the action scenes were pretty good, it was plagued by dumb Hollywood jokes, a dumb Hollywood love story, and a dumb Hollywood villain/sex-symbol. As you can tell, today's key word is Hollywood. Why did we all of this bullshit? Well, who cares when you know that you're going to make millions regardless? Yay greed! Like I said, I don't think this is a bad film, but it's certainly the worst in the franchise. Like I said, the action scenes were a spectacle, but what I really appreciated was the not only well-done, but anti-Hollywood ending in which (SPOILER ALERT) they don't stop SkyNet and the world is terrorized by way of nuclear war, thus paving way for films about the Judgment Day war starting with Salvation. Some of my favorite moments in the first two films were the future war sequences, so I was immediately hyped for the next in the series, probably making T3's ending it's primary saving grace. I feel like this review could be written better, but in the mean time, this is all I got. Overall, probably the absolute worst in the franchise, but an entertaining film nonetheless. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vy'drach Posted February 3, 2013 Share Posted February 3, 2013 Predators. That was a pretty god awful movie, from someone that actually follows Yautja lore. The Yautja are involved in a Predator race war between the normal ones we've seen in Predator, Predator 2, Aliens vs. Predator, Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem, and the comics and games, and a brand new race of taller, darker, apparently physically superior, and apparently having an elongated head Predators. The new race of them loves to kidnap folks, bring them to the Yautja homeworld (which goes against all the already established and accepted lore from before where the Yautja no longer really live on their homeworld so much, but on massive space installations), and then hunt them as a group using the Yautja equivalent of hunting hounds. Y'know, going against every fiber of established canon about Yautja hunting habits and against the code of honour. Oh yeah, also, the new race uses the Yautja equivalent of an Uzi for a plasmacaster. Fires a lot of projectiles, with the inability to hit the broad side of a barn from past ten feet. Like the Uzi, it is there for dumbasses that don't know how to aim to have a chance of hitting their target because the safest place to be, is directly in front of the thing. I hate the fucking Uzi and I hate the Yautja equivalent just as much. And the acting was pretty fucking terrible, which is sad because it had big name actors for the most part. Granted I just couldn't take Adrian Brody seriously due to Brodyquest (I kept seeing/hearing that video every time he came on). But even without that, Adrian Brody just could not act the entire movie. None of them could. It was just pathetic. I honestly, truly wish that movie was never made. Bloody hell just look at this thing. Just look at it! My eyeballs want to commit suicide it's so bad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted February 4, 2013 Author Share Posted February 4, 2013 Four words: Star Wars Episode Seven When I first heard about this, I had mixed feeling. 1. Yay! More Star Wars! 2. Ugh! I-I-I don't know about this. Am I alone? Is there anyone out there that thinks this MAYBE a bad idea? *fake poster* Although I still enjoy star wars, there is always that same feeling of when I watched the prequels. I do admit I liked the Phantom Menace, but I was 10 years old when it happened. It was The Attack of the Clones that made me really hate George Lucas. The whole set up of the clone wars, the stale love story, the bored stares of the actors. Don't get me wrong, the prequels were filled with actors and actresses who are superb performers and whose talents were just wasted. It left me with wanting to get my moneys worth back from the girl at the ticket booth. It just wan't Star Wars to me. Revenge of the Sith's ending seemed too convenient and I left the theater saying, "Thats it, I'm done. I like Star Trek more anyway." So when news came that J.J Abrams was directing Episode 7. First thought was, "lens flares". I understand why he puts them in his movies, but I don't think he will in the coming Star Wars film. As for the Trekkie vs Star Wars fans thingie, its just stupid. J.J Abrams is a good director and I like what he did to Star Trek. I'm looking forward to Into Darkness and curious to see what he does with Star Wars. Anyway, I enjoyed the Super Bowl and the funny commercial spots. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harlow Posted February 5, 2013 Share Posted February 5, 2013 Honestly, what other option you have? Lucas' out of the picture, so you'll have to wait and see if the J.J stands for Jar Jar, or if the man can make up something nice. A positive post for a cahnge It's a weird addition, but I'll nominate Felidae (1994), AKA The german cartoon with murdered cats, for a chance at a sequel. The main picture was very underrated. Sure it wouldn't have been something to post in every theather in America, but; all IMO, the main characters were great, the voices (at least in the Englishy dub) were decent; it's a very unique trama and it plays with the very taboo subject of serious (keyword) graphic violence and blood. A film noir movie turned animated with all the juicy stuff remaining untouched. Plus, it has some of the animation that can be debatably highlights of the decade. Circle of Life, Hellfire, and the second puppet nightmare sequence, It even had a theme song, they didn't hold back: Being an adapted film from Akif Pinricci's book series, the movie suffered from evident holes, but it happens. Overall it has its falws, but it was enjoyable. I feel that, if someone grabs a book of Pinricci's series and shows commitment and faith to the original style, doesn't dumb it down to a general E and keeps it Mature, it can be a great revival. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mjakob42 Posted February 10, 2013 Share Posted February 10, 2013 You think thats bad? Wait until The Terminator 5 is out, yeah Arnold is coming back to act but it may end up like T3. Believe it or not, I'm actually pretty psyched for the next Terminator. Not necessarily because Arnie's going to make his cybernetic comeback, but because it's undoubtedly going to follow Salvation (which I really liked, personally). The future war sequences in the first two films were my favorite parts (I would rewind those scenes til the tapes wore out), so for me it's awesome to see entire films taking place in that part of the series, and I see tons of potential. In a nutshell, I have faith, but I'm not getting my expectations terribly high. I guess it all depends what you thought of Salvation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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