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Snes Starwing Competition Certificate


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Hi All,


May in 1993 I was involved in the UK Competition pre launch. I waited my turn and had a blast and was hooked on the franchise ever since.


I had a loft clear out and found a certificate I was given with my name and score on it. A few friends asked for a copy so I got a graphic designer friend to airbrush out my name and score and retouch it.


Andross has been in My heating and I am trying to raise some money to get it fixed. 


Here is a link if anyone is interested. 


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Thanks for reading, been looking through this site all evening its great. 


Best wishes. 



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Really awesome!

I do own the original cardrige, but I've never seen one of these before. I might just get one off you, I'll think about it :)

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Hey there, we can't really allow posts like these here, it's rather against the rules you agreed to when you signed up. Especially considering this is your only post, I have to remove it. Stick around, get to know us, and we hope to see you around. :)

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