Snys93 Posted February 16, 2013 Share Posted February 16, 2013 Hello, I figured it was time to make a this topic I'm trying to make the best of my boring, uneventful existence. I have a job, two cats, a dog, a damn drafty house to call home and drive the most crappy Chevy P.O.S. But I'm certain especially in my motto ,"Good things happen to he who waits". *pftft* I don't even know what I'm waiting for! So I live my days like I put my pants on, one leg at a time. So, what else can I tell you? What I do for a living? Nah, it'll gross you out. Well I'll post this anyway and see what happens. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gestalt Posted February 16, 2013 Share Posted February 16, 2013 So I live my days like I put my pants on, one leg at a time. Tsk, tsk, Your supposed to put your pants on, both arms at once. Now that's my secret to life, take heed. Welcome to The Journal Zone, Nes. Its a blast. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted February 17, 2013 Author Share Posted February 17, 2013 Writers block has been a bitch lately. I'm done with a trilogy of my GOD SIN series and struggling with writing a second. There is only so much you can write about demi-gods, humans fighting along side numerous alien races, a 500 hundred year war with a Canaanite god and a love story. So I went back, looked at what I wrote, proofread and realized, "Wow, this sh*t lacks flow." So now I'm rewriting the trilogy and back story for each character from my proverbial mountain of notes. To better understand what I'm talking about, let me give you an idea about just what the hell the GOD SIN universe is all about: In a forgotten age when man conquered space, he set out and took to the heavens leaving behind a dying world ravaged by disease, war and greed. Those few who survived the first 100 years of the exodus left the barren wastes of lifeless space littered by gas giants and once thriving worlds. Eventually man found a suitable planet to call home, a blue and green lush and fertile forth sphere to orbit the star Centauri. Yet as man prepared to settle, he discovered evidence of others passing through this section of space. When the humans asked the weary alien travelers about where they came from, they were told strange tales of monsters, angered ancient gods and their red eyed servants. The humans dismissed the stories as myths told to frighten young children. But as the centuries dragged on, more terrified travelers numbering in the thousand came with similar tales of blood thirsty demons. 300 hundred years had past and still refugees came pouring in pleading the United Colonial Initiative for help, an entity that existed since the colonization of Centauri IV. After the persistent urging of the alien races that stopped running, the UCI sent a faster than light ship with orders to locate this "great evil" they heard so much about only to find that all the stories were in fact true. There was an enemy and far worse than anyone had ever imagined. The only evidence was fromvisual footage sent back by the scout ship showing a fleet bearing the distinct red banner. Feeling the stillness before the storm, the UCI readied itself for an inevitable war. When asked about the name the invaders, many dared not utter it but those brave enough did: KORDOR. 150 years later, the feared and terrible Kordor came. By then the UCI had been reorganized into the Inter-Species Alliance, now the UCISA. Stronger than ever the humans believed with the gained knowledge from that of their allies, this pack a bandits would be destroyed in a matter of months. If only they knew first hand the power and unrelenting force of the vast Kordor Empire, who raped and pillaged all for the glory of The Fathers, their living gods. The Quadrad, the Council of Four, Molek, Kemosh, Ba'al, Ham'mon, each controlling four corners of the empire enforced by their lesser demi-sons who without question fulfilled their masters' tasks. Laboring tirelessly, the Kordor plundered planets, gathered slaves and conquered for their Fathers. For 500 years the Empire and the Colonials fought in a seemingly endless, bloody, bitter war. Since the first salvos, the Colonial Alliance was steadily losing. They needed a miracle, a savior at least. But like everything else, the answer came from the stars and from the most unlikely of sources. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted February 20, 2013 Author Share Posted February 20, 2013 I just realized something today. What the hell am I? An artist or writer? I have to forgo one and harness the other. I really do want GOD SIN to be a graphic novel but I find it hard to juggle the art and writing the story at the same time. GRRRRRRR!!! Its too damn frustrating!!! Anyway after slow counting down from 10, I came up up with rough sketches just to map out in my head the characters. Then I focused on the story. With a story of this scale description helps enormously when it comes to the location, how it relates to the characters, the events, the passage of time, specific groups for characters, character roles and how they effect events and other characters, things like that. Mythology is another. It is key to understanding a civilization. Things like how the Kordor Empire got its name or famed heroes and their battles. Try creating a fictional universe and filling in a massive 5,000 year gap! Lots of mythology there!! As to my main character, I wanted the story to follow someone who wasn't a hero. Not even an anti-hero really. Although born a demi-god, Kaan (Cah'on) never knew a life of pleasantness and peace. His father Molek was distant, cold and insane. However against the laws laid down by his father, Kaan's mother a human slave tried her hardest to foster kindness in her son at an early age. As he grew, Kaan felt conflicted to his very core. His human side was resisting his god side. At times he was able to shake it off. But his conscience continued to torment him. Kaan was the second oldest of four brothers. The youngest, Anak (an'ak) followed by Delhika (del'heeka) and then the oldest brother Neon (Ne'on). They grew up together, trained as warriors to one day becoming part of the Vacossi Erin the Imperial Army. As a general fact all Kordor warriors are male. For some reason, its impossible for them to be female. At some point that'll change. Kaan becomes an adult and is the favorite sparing partner for Neon. Neon is by far the strongest warrior in the small village on their home planet Morreb. Of course, Neon always attracts the attention of maidens watching from afar. Kaan hasn't been concerned with women and is secretly shy. But eventually one catches his eye and Neon urges him to take her as his own. Her name is Aura, a lower maiden in the village, unspoiled by the warriors in town. It was her innocence and natural beauty that caught Kaan by surprise. At Neon's urges, Kaan took her as his woman but was reluctant to take away her innocence. The fostered kindness in Kaan was made manifest with relationship with Aura. Soon however Neon and fellow brother begin to realize the mistake and take matters into their own hands. Kaan's love for Aura grew and her love for him. But Neon plots to kill Aura and blame it on a another warrior in town. When the deed is done, Kaan is furious and lets loose a side of himself few had rarely seen. His brutality in the village earned him the respect to join the Vacossi Erin. Still even in his rage, deep inside he sorrowfully mourned Aura. Years passed and Kaan was earned military honors as second in command of the 138th Vacossi Erin under General Neon his brother. However, rumors surfaced that Aura was murdered by someone else though Kaan didn't know who. On top of that Kaan's conscience bothered him yet again, seeing the harshness of the empire's reign and plotted rebellion. Sadly the plot was discovered and the conspirators executed, all except Kaan who fled the empire as a fugitive. Ordered by Lord Molek himself, Neon pursues Kaan. Kaan reaches the borderlands and to the very boundary of the United Colonial Inter-species Alliance to the remote world of Feomess. It is there that the story truely begins. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted February 26, 2013 Author Share Posted February 26, 2013 God Sin isn't the only story I've been writing. My Fanfic here, a World War II period piece, a family oriented space adventure, a series of paranormal detective stories for adult readers and a spin-off series of God Sin. I've got alot on my plate and I'm juggling all this and my job. Well, what can I tell you? My cat Ciphrian is a good kitteh. Covered in fleas, but I've rectified that with anti-flea stuff. So yay for Ciff. I find it hard not to hate things. Warfare, bad decisions by governments that could have been avoided, etc. There is a sadness that comes over when I look at the human race and see it what it truly is. I hoped in my writing I would explore these sins of humanity. While God Sin is about war, takes a step back and looks at the whole picture and begs the question, 'why?' The question is asked from a variety of angles, civilian, military, government and so on. The question is even asked on battlefields, "why are we fighting?" In short, messages become lost over time and the instinct for survival replaces reason. The main character Kaan finds his reason but even questions it over time as well. Why did he fight humans then and why is he fighting his brothers now? As he becomes godlike in his powers, Kaan strives to rectify to problem by ceasing the war completely. But then by doing so he becomes the problem itself. He discovers that war solves nothing, violence extends violence, hate extends hate. Kaan is left stranded in an ocean of doubt and vows never to fight for empires or governments ever again, but to safeguard only his family. This is the underlining theme of the God Sin series. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted March 3, 2013 Author Share Posted March 3, 2013 Today, I worked on more concepts for my characters. I'm a bit out of practice and I hope to iron out my drawing skills while finishing to write the series bible. I'm not sure where to go with this. Should I shop around to a publishing company or should stall for time start it on my own? I don't know, sometimes I get sidetracked and have doubts whether or not God Sin will get published at all. It's really depressing me. When I get like this I can't draw worth sh*t. - I think I've gotten the hang of drawing noses. I wasn't sure if noses were gonna be in God Sin at all, because I had such a hard time with them. Now its onto hands and figures. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted March 11, 2013 Author Share Posted March 11, 2013 Just another day in paradise... I got new time-sheets from my employer the other day. Personally, I liked the old sheets. They were simple, black and white, no bullsh*t. Now we got new ones and apparently they think we are a bunch of raving dumbf*cks. I was used to putting down 2.5 for 2 hours and 30 minutes in the little white boxes. But no, they had to change the entire setup and now we have to put down literally the amount of time we have and the time sheet is now this big f*cking form you have to cram into tiny envelop. God I miss the old days... Does anyone remember the Hollywood Video and Blockbuster movie rental stores? Having to explain to little kids what a VHS tape is makes me feel old too. I miss those times just walking around looking at the movie boxes listed by genre. Sometimes while my mom or dad was looking for their movie, I'd go over to the video game section and look at all the cool games I didn't have money for. I like Netflix, but it took away something I really loved. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted March 13, 2013 Author Share Posted March 13, 2013 Good news and bad news... Bad news first (thats how I roll) I got fired from my job and today is my last day. Good news is the as the above, only I get unemployment and I never have to do that crappy job anymore. Yay! The guy I work for is a very very very very stupid man. The reason for me getting fired: "You don't listen to me." Okay, I do my job well. What my job is I can't go into detail and who I work for. But I will say this: Mr. Stupid says I don't listen to him, but in reality I have listen in order to do my job and half the time he doesn't say a damn thing. Its pretty much a guessing game every time I go to work. Whether he has an appointment he wants to keep or he has a special thing in mind like a trip he'll tell me know at the last minute. He won't pay me gas money when we drive out of town, even though he gets paid by the government twice as much as I get paid. He doesn't clean after himself or even attempt to. He doesn't bathe properly and has a diet that makes my arteries clog just thinking about it. And the worsted part? Hes a hypercritical, egotistical, racist, lying, bigot. He blames the Japanese, African-americans, Mexicans and people younger than thirty for everything. He won't buy a disposable Fujifilm ​camera because and I quote, "For what those damn Japs did at Pearl." First of all, he was baby when Pearl Harbor was attacked. Second he was a f*cking mama's boy for half of his life. Thirdly he does what he wants when he wants regardless. I heard old people are supposed to be wise. But my encounter with this individual really took the cake for me. Now I want to just see the good in the bad and get on with life. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted March 29, 2013 Author Share Posted March 29, 2013 Lately I having given thought to my next fan fiction. It will be a sequel to Fall of Lylat and be an even deeper story. I will even showcase art work pertaining to the fan fiction to help visualize everything clearly. It will be slightly more violent than FoL and possibly more profanity so you will be warned in advance at the beginning. In this story I can only say for now that all hell breaks loose and will answer some question brought up in FoL. At the end of FoL, there will be a sample of whats to come in art work as to what to expect and look forward to. And now I have a title: STARFOX: Before the Dawn Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted April 3, 2013 Author Share Posted April 3, 2013 . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted August 29, 2013 Author Share Posted August 29, 2013 Its been a while since I was here, so lets fill in the blanks. I'm STILL unemployed at the moment, but at least the EDD hasn't forgotten about me entirely. I'm currently writing the FoL sequel and as things are looking at the moment it very well may become a series. I doubt it will rival any other famous fics out there. Then again I'm not trying to do that at all, I just want to get my take of SF out there. I was forced to give up one of my dogs the other day. Well, when I say that I really meant I gave her away. But not to the pound mind you, she has a good home and plenty of love to go round till she bursts from doggy happiness. I couldn't keep her cos she was digging holes in my lawn and barks at squirrels ALL F*CKIN DAY LONG!!! Plus the damn little dog was setting a bad example for my other pouch and would follow suit to whatever ruckus she would put forth. I am now a man of 1 and 1/2 cats and a dog. My illness has not improved, needless to say it never will. The pain is intense at times as I try to tune it out using music or other means of escape. Lately I've been taking full advantage of the library of cinema known as Netflix and realized it is a host to mountain fulls of sh*t without measure. Out of sheer boredom I compared the Dredd film starring Karl Urban (2011) and the Sylvester Stallone film The Expendables 2 and couldn't decide which one was sh*ttier. I also tried to enjoy a mindless Tarsam Singh film namely Immortals. As King Solomon once lamented, "This too is vanity". I must find alternate avenues of entertainment. With none to sate me on Hulu I searched Amazon Prime, which sounds like a transformer reject. There I found a rather effective sleep aid while shifting through the tons of sh*t loads of horrid tv shows and equally dull movies to match. However in the darkness was found a light. Hidden away, buried by the decades of accumulated crap, a small collection of Mystery Science Theater 3000 television episodes ready and free to stream. Naturally I pressed play and the rightful order was restored, until my friend who I learned until recently is an avid viewer of the O'Reilly Factor came over to vomit his Fox News bullsh*t and tried to convert me into the Cult of Murdoch. Me as any sane person would do after learning their was a poltergeist in my house, opened the door and yelled, 'Get the f*ck out!' His constant babble about comparing Hitler to Obama made my ears bleed but eventually the demon was cast out. After that ordeal I attempted to hit the sack when I could think about was time and space. It couldn't be helped, I had to watch all the episodes of Doctor Who starting from Doctor 9 to Matt Smith and that painful let down of a season finale. Oh hell is Oswin annoying. Thats all for now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clearwater Posted August 31, 2013 Share Posted August 31, 2013 Yeah, that last episode with Matt Smith was absolute crap. Here's hoping the next Doctor is any good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted September 1, 2013 Author Share Posted September 1, 2013 Yeah, that last episode with Matt Smith was absolute crap. Here's hoping the next Doctor is any good. I don't mind Matt Smith as much as I do Clara. Her character seemed too underwritten and just came off as annoying. Is it just me or doesn't her moments seem more animatronic than the Pirates of the Caribbean? The old ride before Johnny Dep turned bloodthirsty buccaneers into slapstick comedians. Way to go Jerry Bruckheimer! Way to go! The writing of the last season has me thinking about whether or not I'll like this special. You really begin to see it in the final five episodes featuring "the Ponds", namely The Power of Three and that one with the cyborg cowboy that I can't (or don't want to) remember. Simply, it was too damn cliched. First the Doctor intends to bring the "Ponds" to Space Flordia (or whatever), then the Tardis takes them where they need to go and end up fighting monsters and aliens resulting in some victory dance...and staring the whole damn thing over again...and again...and again...AND AGAIN!!! Don't get me wrong, I like Doctor Who. Its just that if you use the same plot over and over and over again it becomes uninteresting. It makes me miss the old days, not the the Doctor 10 (David Tennant) but the Master. When the Master comes on you know you're in for some death, destruction and mayhem. The guy is evil and loves it. What Doctor Who needs is something unexpected, impossible (not like stupid dead Clara coming back) and...well hell, BRING BACK THE MASTER!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted November 2, 2013 Author Share Posted November 2, 2013 Right now, I'm thinking about how to present my next fic. I wanted to make it gritty and realistic while yet having that same level fantasy. We are dealing with animals in space after all. Most of my inspiration has come from Battlestar Galactica, a show driven by characters and not the special effects. Take this gif of a Harrier crash landing. It really drives home the kind of feel I'm looking for. An advanced yet still conventional technology that functions in space. Explosions but little flame if any. Its really difficult right now to put into words, my head is ringing with work and sh*t. I think I need some quiet time or at least write something else for now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted November 15, 2013 Author Share Posted November 15, 2013 Hey guys, I watched a couple of movies late last night while taking a break piecing together the plot for my fanfic. I'm almost done by the way. This is basically a review and if you plan on watching these films there are spoilers. Loads of them. Do not continue if you wish see them for yourself. Are you ready? Okay, spoilers ahead! OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN REVIEW ~WARNING~ CONTAINS HEAVY SWEARING! The first was Olympus Has Fallen that was added to Netflix the other day. From the earlier get-go I felt something was a bit off about this film. I couldn't get it into words but there was just this feeling right at the beginning that said, "This movie is gonna suck." Even though some reviewers say they didn't like it, however I chose to keep an open mind and watched the film anyway. I soon realized my gut hit the mark. In fact it was a goddamn bulls-eye. The whole way through was nothing but dick stroking American is great bullshit. Don't get me wrong I like it here compared to other places in the world, but this shit goes throughout the movie. Its just AMERICA! FUCK YEAH!!! all over again. Thats another thing too. They drop the F bomb at every opportunity. It just goes to show how bad the script writing is if every word was FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK etc. And the villains? Oh god you're gonna love this. The bad guys are North Koreans, the same people led by Cartman from South Park. But since they're bad guys, they have to be BAD instead of being BAD at being BAD. The North Korean BAD GUYS attack the White House in a CF130 Hercules, murdering innocent civilians on their way because they have to establish they are BAD GUYS. It reminded me about Micheal Bay's Pearl Harbor where the Japanese strafed a hospital and civilians which historically didn't happen. Anyway, They're mission is to get the Cerberus codes to detonate all the nukes in the US. Remember they're BAD GUYS. So who is the GOOD GUY you ask? Why its all American Scottish actor Gerard Butler. SPAAAARTA!!! Sorry had to get that out of my system. He was a bodyguard for the President played by Aaron Ackhart but lost his job because he failed to save the First Lady who died. Working at the Department of Treasury, he just happens to look out a window and sees the CF130 taking pot shots at civies. And, you guessed it...AMERICA!!! Butler rushes to save the day only to see all his bodyguard buddies bite it by the dozens and is the ONLY person to get inside the White House. The president is brought down to his bunker when the EVIL North Koreans BAD GUYS start fucking shit up and interrogate each of them til they find the Cerberus code as Butler tries desperately to save them. What follows is explosions, guns, explosions, a billion F bombs and guns and explosions... AMERICA...stop stop. You're not helping. When I was done I rated a solid 1 star. Because it just wasn't original, everything about it was so underwritten. A complied mess that only catered to hardcore Merican stuff, the same, "This is why we fight" crossover with Transformers shit. BAD cgi, bad direction, bad writing, bad BAD GUYS and most of all...the constant reminder that America is great and everyone else hates us cos they can't get with how awesome it really is. But there is something of merit to take away from this... It wasn't no White House Down. Coming soon... Europa Report Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted November 19, 2013 Author Share Posted November 19, 2013 I've gotten to the point I can't enjoy movies anymore, can't help but nitpick the crap out things and often do so to death. Must admit its an effective room-clearer when I want to be alone. Why is it we watch movies? Is it to escape everyday life for at least an hour and half or so? I don't know really, we all have our reasons for everything because everyone is different. Me, again I don't know. But there was a time movie had a magic to them that has been lost over time. The right question to ask would be, "What happened to movies?" In my opinion its special effects. Its sickening me to see directors continue to push the envelop and focus on CGI. Thats good and all, if you are setting off fireworks. I don't think Shakespeare ever put visuals ahead of storytelling. He was about words, the romance and plight of others. Lets examine the other end of the spectrum, the extremes of George Lucas. Even in his younger days, George Lucas had a dream of film maker that would revolutionize film forever. He chose to implement this his galactic fairy tale Star Wars. It became a steppingstone onto greater thing revealing to the world that the impossible was possible. However this is when things got out of hand. Calling himself a pioneer of cinema, either self proclaimed or not, George Lucas made plans for a new trilogy of his fairy tale in space. But rather than focusing on the story, Lucas wrote an inferior script and pushed CGI to new bounds. What he failed to realize was that how the Original Star Wars impacted the generation of its day and beyond. Although the special effects were ingenious, today it is the story that endures, the characters, the plight of a dwindling rebellion against a fierce widespread evil Empire. The mythos screams of originality while literally based on both ancient and modern mythology. The prequels in fairness could not and did not live up, not just to expectation but to the series as a whole. This is probably why I hardly enjoy film anymore, because of the Phantom Menace to the point that I couldn't bring myself to acknowledge the next two films in the trilogy. But like most fans I was hopeful and had my expectations smashed and the Star Wars I used to watched ruined before me. Even now I'm reluctant to go see Episode 7 based on the travesty of the prequels. No bit of news from uber-nerds can convince me otherwise. But still there is a part of me that is hopeful that one day movies can returned to greatness that was lost. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted January 2, 2014 Author Share Posted January 2, 2014 Europa Report: Review Spoilers Ahead. NSFW WARNING This is one of those films that right off from the beginning you know how its gonna turn out. I mean hell, they get shot off into space for a few years going toward Jupiter's moon Europa. What can happen? And since they're there to look for extra-terrestrial life to begin with, you already know they are going to find it. And the astronauts? They might as well wear red shirts, I mean ALL OF THEM cos they pretty much all die, I think. But here is where I have a HUGE problem with this movie. When they land on Europa, they find this weird blue light coming from beneath the ice which you find out later its the alien squid about to attack them. As far as I know these aliens don't eat the astronauts, they just drag them under the ice to die in the sub-ice ocean. First of all, lets establish that there is absolutely no atmosphere of any kind on Europa. Its like over moon Luna, just vacuum. So why would the alien squid breach the ice to begin with? Is it a hunting strategy, what is it? It just doesn't make any sense at all. Therefore I give it 1/2 star, because I'm generous. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted February 10, 2014 Author Share Posted February 10, 2014 I don't if anyone was following my latest fanfic, but I made this announcement just in case. I just wanted to point out the reason I haven't posted any new additions to FOL-II: Before the Dawn. Since I've been caught up in my re-imagining of the SF series, I felt it necessary to build on character development before going over to and finishing the Fall of Lylat series. Its pretty much part of what I'm trying to portray at the moment and once I get it out of the way I'll finish Before the Dawn. Thank you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted February 14, 2014 Author Share Posted February 14, 2014 Lately my pit bull Bevis and I have been having way too much fun at the park. He has assumed the role of security guard, checking the sh*t out of everything for what he could think is a treat or his favorite cookies. I have come to expect that hes not doing it for my benefit and for his own (damn greedy-ass bastard). When he randomly goes up to people in the park, I jokingly say, "Hes just checking for drugs, guns and stabbing weapons" and they would just laugh it off. That is until they realize I'm not laughing with them; staring at them with this serious face as they walk away, nervously replying 'nice to meet you'. Our day consisted of just walking, drinking, eating and then getting some water (see what I did there) which ended with us both sleeping on the couch at home. We would then wake up and eat supper as we watch a movie on Netflix. Yeah, Bevis watches with me too. Some of the night is spent with Bevis trying to force the cat to run so he has something to chase. Banshee however, well she doesn't give a damn and goes to sleep on the recliner much to Bevis' dismay. Bevis may look mean but hes a softy. His favorite thing besides walks, eating and playing fetch with his rubber bone is cuddling. It was cute when he was puppy, but murder for my left arm which goes to sleep before I do when he lays on it. If don't allow it I get his face in mine and all the butt breath I could ever need, forever. A monster to some, but dear to me: My dog. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted February 22, 2014 Author Share Posted February 22, 2014 Today I dove head first into writing, off the deep end if you will. As I plunged into the notes and concepts I came up with I became aware of a rather unsettling predicament. I have been neglecting sleep and prefer sleeping when I do on chairs and couches in an upright position while writing. I then found myself having vivid dreams. Not dreaming anything in particular, but in one dream in particular I came face to face with an old foe. During my childhood I had nightmares almost every night, of either I was running through an ever changing maze or some undecipherable horror was giving chase. Though in the nightmares I encounters a variety of tormentors, none of them resurfaced in my later adult life. All except one. I call it The Voice, since it has no discernible form in any of its re-occurrences and has assumed the shape of anything and anyone but still retaining that voice. To best describe it, it sounds a lot like the background vocalizing in the Shadow Temple in LoZ:Ocarina of Time. The Voice's voice continuously overlaps itself while still retaining elements like the Shadow Temple choire. I don't know what this thing is, but I do know its coming from my own psyche. I'm gonna attempt a Lucid Dream state with hopes of finding and confronting this thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted February 25, 2014 Author Share Posted February 25, 2014 When writing SF fanfics, I thought that the universe to me should be more tactile, scuffed and used. Then it hit me that in many ways SF was similar to BSG (Battlestar Galactica), particularly the reimagined series. It really opened my eyes that the Lylat system shouldn't be cutesy with sunshine and rainbow as we are led to believe with Miyomoto's version. No, to me when I think of mass extinction by tyrannical mass murders, mercerizing, war and misery, I don't think the cartoon look is the best approach to deliver that kind of storytelling. With that being said, I have a posted video of the BSG: Blood and Chrome trailer to better get across what I'm trying to convey. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted February 27, 2014 Author Share Posted February 27, 2014 Ladies and gents, a new exciting trailer! I wanted to see this movie before when I saw the teaser, but I really really want to see it, its a good trailer! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted March 1, 2014 Author Share Posted March 1, 2014 I haven't had a Lucid Dream State in a while. If you don't know what it is or even done it, you are missing out. I've been trying to activate one since my first nightmare in 10 years and awakened a desire to begin a dream state and face my fears. I'll try tonight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted March 2, 2014 Author Share Posted March 2, 2014 Fail. What am I doing wrong? I might have to put it off for a while, recovering my steps. Anyway, I'm almost ready to submit my Ch. 2 of FoL BtD but not until I've atleast finished my reimagining. I don't know if I'll do anymore on that for now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snys93 Posted March 3, 2014 Author Share Posted March 3, 2014 Found some more gifs today, now more than ever I'm convinced that this is the best way for me to reimagine SF. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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